Capítulo 9

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When they reached the apartment, Natasha felt sick and was in the bathroom throwing up. Steve waited for her, then he put her on the bed. He kissed her forehead and said he would be in the living room if she needed anything. Natasha consented to the head and fell asleep.

Steve was drawing when Bucky arrived.

The two chat about the registry, drawings, avengers and then Bucky retreated to the bedroom.

Steve went back to his bedroom and noticed that Natasha was still sleeping. He went to the bathroom and Natasha started to scream.

Steve ran to her.

Natasha was sweaty, she sat on the bed and she was breathing hard.

S: Natasha? What happened?

Natasha didn't move.

S: Did you have a nightmare again?

Steve walked over and sat on her side. He put his hand on her back.

S: Are you okay?

A tear ran down on Natasha's face.

Steve was now more concerned than ever.

Bucky appeared at the door, wondering if it was ok. Natasha looked at him and something in Bucky caused her to have bad sensations.

S: It's okay, Bucky. Thanks.

Bucky looked at her and closed the door.

Steve lay on Natasha's side and pulled her lay down with him, but Natasha resisted.

S: What's wrong?

Natasha shook her head slowly.

S: Sometimes I wish you to be more open with me. I feel so incapable when you have these dreams and I can't help you.

Natasha sighed.

N: When I was little, I was on the streets, starving. I don't remember my parents.

Steve sat back to hear her story.

N: One day I was hungry and tried to steal bread from a table in a restaurant. The waiter saw me and took me by the wrist and said he would call the police. I was scared, I cried and...

Natasha paused and Steve looked at her.

N: The client that was on the table from which I stole the bread, defended me. He asked what was my name. He served me his food. He asked if I was alone and if I wanted to go to his house.

S: And did you went?

N: No one had ever been so nice to me, I accepted. He treated me well, he said I was special, he bought me clothes and asked if he could adopt me and I couldn't be happier.

Steve smiled when he noticed a small smile on her lips.

S: What happened next?

N: He adopted me and treated me very well, he didn't want me to attend school, he said I was too smart for that, he taught me to read and write, himself. He didn't let me have friends.

S: How old were you?

N: I think eight years... When I turned 10, he told me he'd put me in a special school for special girls like me, that I would learn ballet and various other things. I loved to dance.

Natasha gave a small smile again.

N: He left me at school and he left. I ran after him through the garden and hugged him, begged him to not leave me and he told me "Natalia you are here to grow and learn not to cry anymore. We've talked about it" He pushed me, turned his back and walked away. He never looked back. I remember crying all night.

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