Capítulo 45

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Two months went by and Steve had no more news of Sharon, he asked Maria to look for her, but Hill said that neither her has information on Sharon, but she would keeping look for her, and Hill suggested that Steve should give her a time for her to calm down and rethink her attitudes.

Natasha and Matt weren't dating officially but they were always together, she slept at his house, he slept on hers and they even went on missions together.

It was early in the morning, Natasha was sleeping naked on Matt's body in bed. Natasha woke up when the sun began to rise, she felt a strong seasickness and ran to the bathroom and vomited.

Matt came closer to the door, he was very worried about her.

M: Again??

N: Yes...

M: Natasha... You may be pregnant.

N: Impossible, I did the test.

M: So you suspected about that and didn't told me?

Natasha was silent.

M: Wouldn't be mine the baby?

Matt waited Natasha say something. It took a while, but she spoke.

N: I wasn't with you yet.

M: I'm not accusing you of anything, but your sickness started when we started to be together.

N: I just got sick 3 times, 4 with this, and the 1st time, we haven't even kissed yet.

M: I see and we use protection every time.

N: I'm not pregnant.

Matt sat on the couch and reached for Natasha. Natasha walked towards Matt, and she stopped in front of him.

N: Matt, I...

M: Hush...

Matt wanted to isolate each of the sounds he was hearing. He isolated the sound of traffic outside the apartment, he isolated the sound of people walking in the building, he isolated the sound of his breathing and Natasha's, then his heart beats and Natasha's. He heard a 3rd beat.

M: He's here.

N: Who?

M: The baby. You're pregnant.

N: Matt, you may not have heard it.

Natasha even laughed, but Matt was serious.

N: I did the test! I did! It's not possible!

Natasha pulled away from Matt, she put on her clothes and went to the pharmacy and bought 5 pregnancy tests and returned to his apartment.

M: Natasha, calm down. It's not the end of the world.

N: I can't be calm and I can't and I don't want to be pregnant.

Natasha ran into the bathroom and made the first test, it was positive, Natasha threw the test away, she made another and another, both positive. The fourth was negative and the fifth positive.

Natasha sat on the toilet lid.

N: I can't, I can't, I can't.

Natasha began to tremble, remembering James's troubled pregnancy and especially the pain she felt when she gave birth.

N: I can't!

Matt knocked on the bathroom's door.

M: You have to tell him if you're sure it's him.

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