Capítulo 12

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Hill was driving Natasha's home. When she get there, she realized that she wasn't there, so Hill deduced that she could be only in Steve's home. She tried Nat, but no one answered.

While driving to the apartment Rogers, Hill thought of Fury strategies to manipulate Captain America, she found Fury brilliant. Fury was really a master in the art of strategy, he has no qualms. Hill wonders if there is anyone in this world who he really cares about.

When Hill was climbing to Steve apartment stairs, on the floor below his, a lady stopped her to talk.

- Oh are you friend of Mr. Rogers?

H: Yes.

- He is not there. He left a 20 minutes ago.

H: Oh yeah, but I'm looking for his girlfriend, the redhead... Did she went out with him?

- Oh... Let me remember. Oh yeah, sorry, darling, my memory is not that good, you know...

Hill tried to smile and show patience.

- First a black man and a metal man arrived. Yeah, that's right. After Mr. Rogers and his beautiful girlfriend. She's so beautiful, isn't she? I think she is pregnant, her belly... Imagine what a wonderful baby will be.

Hill deduced that it was Sam and the metal man, Bucky...

H: So, they all are there?

- What? Oh pardon, no, no. The black man came out, then he came back with a giant bear. Definitely the girlfriend of Mr. Rogers is pregnant! How wonderful! Babies are great, don't you think?

Hill rolled her eyes.

H: He left and came back, so they are all there.

- No, no, no. My head make such a mess! Before long, the metal man came out, he was upset and then the black man followed him.

H: Natasha and Rogers are there, then?

- Ah! Now I remembered, Mr. Rogers also came out, he was pretty nervous. Always greets me, but this time didn't look in my face. I heard discussions...

H: Discussion? But Natasha is here?

- Oh yes. I remembered that I went up 3 times to check her, but once I arrived at the door, I forgot. This head of old lady...

H: Did you go check her? For what reason?

- Yes, because I heard noise of something heavy falling. And she is pregnant, I was worried. If Mr. Rogers was there, I would think they were doing work again.

H: Work?

The lady got a little flushed.

- Yeah, they do a lot of work up there.

Hill understood what she meant.

- But go, my darling. Go check her, I am very worried with the baby.

H: I'm sure she's okay. Thanks.

Hill ran up the stairs, rang the bell and knocked hard several times. The room lights were on, she could see under the door.

Hill tried to call on Natasha's cell again, and she could hear the ringing of the phone.

- What then? Should I call the police?

Hill took a fright with the lady who went upstairs without her realizing it.

H: No, I'll handle it.

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