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"Hey." a husky voice says against my ear.

It makes me jump a little, since I am facing my locker and pretty much vulnerable. Hands slide slightly around my waist, which makes me feel confused about myself.

Dammit Raiden, do you want him to kiss you or not?

"Sorry about that interruption last night. It won't happen again." he whispers.

I am about to say something, when a loud and angry voice booms from the other end of the hall. Worst part is I know exactly who it is, and they want me.

"What's going on?" Dylan asks, moving in front of me.

"You need to stay out of this. It is my battle." I tell him, pushing him softly out of the way.

He looks at me as the huge football players come into full view.

"What did I tell you Fain? Next time you mess with my girl you are going to get it." Mason Carn says.

"I didn't do anything. I told you I hate Alexis." I reply.

It's the same old thing. Alexis tells her huge jock of a boyfriend that I hit on her. He gets angry, then comes after me. Let's just hope this doesn't end like last time.

"The thing is, we don't believe you." he says.

A crowd is now gathering around us. This could get bad.

"What are you going to do?" I ask, looking up at him through my hood.

An evil smirk appears on his face as he grabs my hoodie and pulls me to his face.

"You are dead." he growls.

I close my eyes, getting ready for what is coming.

Instead of a hard blow to my ribs or face, I am dropped to the floor as a thud smashes against Mason. I look up to see Dylan and his fists clenched.

He looks so much different. His jaw is tight and his whole body is tense. If I didn't know any better, I would say he looked like a solider who was about to go into war head on.

"Go." he says, his grey eyes flashing a cold look my way.

Those eyes would make a statue freeze from fright, but they oddly make me feel warm.

I get up off the floor, and take off running through the crowd. I run through the girl's bathroom, and out the window with some help from the trash can. Once I get out of the building, I find a bench and lay down on it.

What have I gotten myself into? I already had enough shit to deal with from Alexis because of me rejecting her, now thanks to the fake dating thing I have going on, it's ten times worse now.

Still this little charade has it's moments. I just have no idea what moments those are. Most of the time I am half confused, the other half well... Let's just say it's really confusing.

"Uh Raiden." a small voice says.

I turn my head to see a girl standing a few feet from me looking down at her shoes. Her hair is a light brown color and falls to her shoulders in curls. She looks up for a second to flash warm yet fearful brown eyes.

She reminds me of a little sister asking for forgiveness from feeding a kitten.

"What can I do for you?" I ask, sitting up.

I rest my hand on my knees, not really recognizing how much this makes me look more like a guy. Oh well, who cares at this point.

"I, well I just need to know something. Are... are you and Dylan. Are you two together?!" she asks, rushing the last part.

"Together?" I ask.

"I have liked you for a long time now, and I just want the truth. I want to know if I even have a chance of dating you, or if you like guys instead." she explains.

"Dylan and I..." I start, but she cuts me off.

"I knew it! You are in love with him! I blame it on that bitch Alexis. She scared you from girls. I hate her!" she screams.

"What is your name?" I ask.

She pauses for a minute then replies, "Ruby." she replies.

"Ruby I am going to tell you something really important. This is going to change everything you have ever thought of me. Are you ready?" I ask.

She nods, now taking a step forward.

"I'm a girl." I say slowly, but confidently.

"A what?" she asks.

"I'm a girl. I just wear this hood because I like it. Alexis is the one who thought I was a guy. Since she is the queen of the school, it became law. Doesn't really bother me." I reply.

"You're a girl." she says to herself.

"Do you still like me?" I ask, adding Dylan's smirk to it.

She blushes, which makes me hold back a laugh.

"No. I mean, if you were a guy then you would be a cute one. You know what this is weird. Give me a little while to think." she says, walking away.

I sigh, and walk out to the parking lot. There is only about two hours left of school. Leaving won't be that much of a problem. Especially since my parents basically fund this school.

I just hope Dylan's okay.

Tell me what you guys think. Don't forget to vote and comment. Hope all of you liked this chapter. Follow me for update information. See you guys next chapter. Love ya.


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