Fear of High Places

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Raiden's POV

Yesterday was nice to hang out with Mels and Dylan. Of course Luke had to somehow break into my house. Now I am sitting here with our security company, which is my father's by the way, trying to get it to work.

"You know someone hacked into this right?" the woman asks.

"I know." I reply.

"We have to tell your father."

"I know."

"You're not going to debate against this?"

"Your funeral."

I watch as she gulps and continues working on the system. At times, I act a lot like my father. He is an intimidating businessman who owns a million making company. I am his one and only daughter. Get how his company and employees are scared to death of me. Not that I would actually do anything about it, but it's fun to see their reaction.

The only one of dad's employees that I don't scare is Justin. Justin is his intern who is learning how to run a huge company like dad's. He is really smart too. He can see past the facade I put up. Sometimes it annoys me, but most of the time I don't really care.

"I'm leaving. Make sure you lock up once you get done." I tell her, grabbing my jacket.

"I think your father wants you to stay home right now. He is worried about what happened." she replies.

I look at her with a blank face, then walk past her out the door. I may have too much fun messing with them, but it's worth it.

I get inside of my baby and listen to her start up. I am too obsessed with Supernatural. Seriously I even got the impala. Then again old cars is one of my aesthetics.

I leave past the gate and head down into town. There is an old playground that I go to a lot to think. I just hang on the giant jungle gym and process my life.

I wonder what it would be like if I had never met Dylan. If I never took my hoodie off in front of him. If I never even attended this school at all. What would have happened to me? Who would I be now?

Probably still under the black hood. Hiding away from the rest of the world. If it wasn't for the whole revenge thing, I wouldn't have came out. Now that I think of it, there is no real reason why I care about revenge. It's just time consuming.

I wonder if Dylan feels the same way. If he can let go of whatever she did to him, other than hurting his massive ego.

"Raiden." a familiar voice says.

I open my eyes to see Luke standing in front of me.

"What do you want?" I ask, adding a little sass to my voice.

"3256." he replies.

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"It's the code to disable the hacking mechanisms on your alarm. It also works for the one at our house, so feel free to use it."

"Uh, thanks I guess."

"You're welcome."

"Is that all?"

"I think so."

"Okay, bye."



"I see why Dylan likes you. You are not ordinary."

"Luke. You're as much as an ass as Dylan is."

He smiles a little, and stuffs his hands in his pockets.

"If only you were older and single, I would definitely marry you." he tells me.

"If only." I reply, laughing at him.

"See you later Raiden."

"See you Luke."

Not going to lie. I like him. Wouldn't even mind being related to him.

Okay guys. I haven't published in a LONG time, which I am VERY SORRY for. This week has been hectic, and there is a huge band competition this Saturday. Again this is just a filler, more chapters are to come. I really like this story, and am not giving it up any time soon. Or at all, because again I really like it. Please comment, vote, and follow me.

Song Recommendations: Addict With A Pen, Twenty One Pilots and Don't You Worry Child, Swedish House Mafia


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