Broken Bodies

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Different images flow through my mind of what happened after I left the fight in the hallway. I can't help but think Dylan is hurt. It weighs heavy on my mind, which leaves no room to do the math homework laying in front of me.

Oh well, I can do it later.

I get into my car and drive over to his house. Luke answers the door before I even knock or ring.

"He is upstairs. I'll be out for a while. Don't do anything that someone of my age would." he tells me.

"What age are you?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"Guess, it makes things interesting." he replies, getting into his car.

He has more of a mysterious vibe than Dylan does. I can pretty much read Dylan, but Luke. He is a little harder.

I head up to the familiar bedroom, and knock on the door. It would be awkward to interrupt something, but from what I can tell the television is on.

The door opens up and he is presented in front of me.

His face looks fine but what catches me is the lack of a shirt. More so, the huge bruise on his shoulder.

"What the hell happened?" I ask, barging in.

"They throw mean punches. I do too. You should see Mason." he replies, sitting down on the couch.

I take the seat next to him and take my jacket off. The entire house is still really hot. I don't see how he can stand this.

"Did you go get this checked?" I ask, leaning in to look at the damage.

"No, it's fine."

"Does this hurt?" I ask, shoving his arm with some power behind it.

The look on his face says it all.

I get up and walk into his bathroom.

"What are you doing?" he asks, standing in the doorway.

"Looking for bandages or wrap. Something to put around that." I reply, finding what I am looking for.

"Go sit." I order, pointing to the couch.

He sighs, but sits. I ignore his reaction as I sit down on his lap and wrap up his left shoulder.

"I shouldn't have left you." I say softly.

"It's fine. I told you to run. You couldn't handle them anyway." he replies.

Well he is right about that. I know from experience.

"You owe me by the way." he adds.

I laugh a little, and finish wrapping.

"This should work for a while. You need to change it every day." I tell him, putting the roll aside.

"How do you know how to do this so well?" he asks.

"Lot's of practice." I reply, keeping it vague.

I back off of him, but his hands wrap around my waist.

"You said we have to get used to touching and being around each other. Let's just stay like this for a little longer." he says, pulling me closer to him.

"Did they hurt you?" he asks softly.

My chest grows a little heavy as I lean into him. He wraps his arms around my small body, enclosing me with them.

"I don't want to drag you into this." I reply, on the verge of tears.

This has been one of those days.

"If one of them lays another finger on you I will fucking kill them." he growls, trying to keep his cool, but failing miserably.

"When did they last hurt you?" he asks.

"A few weeks ago. I am almost healed." I reply hesitantly.

"Show me." he says.

"Show you?"

"Yes. I need to know how bad this is."

I sit back from him, and roll my tank top up just below my chest to reveal my own bandages. His hands wrap softly around my sides as his dark grey orbs look into mine.

"This whole revenge thing is now personal." he says, glancing back down at my bandages.

"Dylan." I say.

"Yeah?" he asks, looking up.

Our faces are inches apart, and everything feels so tempting.

"Kiss me."

His eyes fall to my lips, and without any hesitation his are on mine. We move in sync as his hands find my lower waist and back.

He releases for a quick breath, then kisses me again with more passion. I part my mouth a little, and he takes the opportunity to slide his tongue in.

It meets mine with a warm touch as I run a hand through his dark hair. He wraps his hands around my bottom, then stands up. My legs automatically wrap around his waist, as he takes us to his bed.

I feel myself get a little nervous, as he releases our lips and lays me down with him beside of me.

"You are not leaving tonight. I won't let you." he says, pulling me to him.

He kisses behind my ear, as I turn around to face him.

"Tomorrow my little cousin is coming over. I have to watch her. You will repay me by watching her with me." he says, brushing hair out of my face.

"Okay." I say, snuggling into his bare chest.

There we lay. Two broken bodies that when together, make a whole.

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