Lets Go To Japan

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Raiden's POV

Today's the big day. The day I get to finally leave this place. It has been a good four years, but I am ready to go. I still remember when I first came here. Black skinny jeans and that black hoodie. The hoodie that kept me protected until I was willing to give that job to someone else. I do have to thank Dylan for that, but mostly Ash. He is the one who really helped me. He is the one who really broke down my walls and showed me the light.

An arm slings around my shoulders and Kate is giggling beside me.

"Ready love?" Ash asks into my ear.

"As ready as I can be." I reply.

The rest of our group catches up with us and we all walk in together. They line us all up, and we go to take our seats in alphabetical order. I look out among all the families and friends. Mine are right on the front row. Typical. The are sitting with Ash's family too.

Our principle gives the opening speech and starts to go through the list of names. Since I'm a C, it doesn't take too long.

"Raiden Nichole Callen." he says.

I get up and walk down the steps towards the front of everyone. He hands me my diploma and shakes my hand. It's done. I'm done. Hallelujah.

I have to sit and wait for the rest of C-Z to get done though. This might be a while. By the time it is over and we have thrown our hats up into the air, Ash finds me in the parking lot with our families. I turn around, about to say something, but he beats me to the chase by kissing me.

"Ready to travel?" he asks.

I laugh and nod.

"Yeah I am." I reply.

"First you two are having a party. Come on it's at our house." his father says.

All of us head over to their house to celebrate our graduation. We have food and cake, Jake sticks his hand straight in his piece though. He is a pig.

"We have something for you." my mother says, handing me a box.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Open it." she replies.

I sigh and open up the box. A laugh escapes my mouth. I pick up the black hoodie that I know all too well.

"Did you just go into my room and wrap this up?" I ask.

"Yes. Do you love it sweetheart?" my dad asks.

"How did you know I've always wanted this?" I ask, laughing still.

I put it on and flip the hood over my head.

"You've grown up so much." my mother says, hugging me.

"Don't cry." I tell her.

My father joins in and someone coughs behind us. We break to see Ash standing there. His hands are in his pockets and he looks nervous. My bad boy is nervous, how adorable.

"Do you mind if I borrow her?" he asks.

My father stands up taller than before and clears his throat.

"Of course son." he says.

They share a weird glance and both nod. What the hell is going on here? Ash smiles at me and takes my hand in his. He guides me out to his backyard. There is a gazebo that is all lit up in fairy lights strung everywhere. There are candles on long tall stands too. It's beautiful. He takes me towards the the structure and we sit down on the bench in the middle.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"I love you. Like I really love you. I'm not just saying shit because you are rich and hot, I mean that I want to spend more time with you. That a lifetime with you wouldn't be enough. You've been hurt over and over again. You've been through hell, yet you still act like that's not the worst thing to happen in your life. You are amazing in every way, and I don't want to share that with anyone. I'm still learning all of your quirks. The things you like and dislike. I want to know more about you. I want to know all the little secrets. The things that no one cares about. I want to know what makes you pissed and what makes you happy. I really hope I'm one of the things that makes you happy as well, because that's all I want to do. Make you happy. In other words, since this became a long ass rant, will you marry me?" he asks, getting down on one knee.

My mouth literally opens in shock. The ring is absolutely beautiful. Tears slide down my face as a smile replaces my shocked expression.

"Yes!" I yell.

He smiles and kisses me. Electricity flows through me as he wraps his arms around my waist, and mine around his neck.

"I love you Sebastian." I tell him against his lips.

"I love you too Raiden." he replies, breaking the kiss.

He slides the ring on my finger and I can't help but smile at it. This is the man I love. I've only known him for a short time, and yes this is going fast, but I love him. I know I do.

We walk back into the house and Ella basically screams.

"You two are getting married?!" she yells.

"Congrats." Luke says, keeping a hand around her waist.

Ash pulls me into his side and smiles. I am his. He is mine.

"What now?" I ask.

"Let's go to Japan."

The End.


That's all folks.

Comment if you guys want me to do follow ups on each of the characters.

Towards the end of this book I honestly didn't really feel it anymore. I liked it sure, but it was a little hard to write. That is why this chapter is pretty short. That and it's the last. Either way tell me if you guys want the follow ups.

I hope you enjoy reading it. I really like your guy's comments and thanks for reading. It really means a lot to me.

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(There may be a new book coming out soon. I am working on it, and let me just say. I really love it. Follow me for updates on the new book.)

Song Recommendation: WILD by Troye Sivan



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