Everything is Calm Before a Storm

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Raiden's POV

I slam my locker door shut as Kate rambles on about the huge party tonight. It's at Alexis's house, which doesn't surprise me. When my locker slams, her small frame jumps out of fright.

"Are you even listening?" she asks.

"Every word." I reply lowly.

"Did you even sleep last night?" she asks.

"Sleep is for the weak. I learned that from Luke." I reply.

"Who is Luke?" she asks, raising an eyebrow at me.

"He is Dylan's older brother. He is really weird too, but he has his glory moments." I reply.

She gives me a skeptical look, but doesn't question. We start to make our way to class. Everyone is talking about the party. The whole school got invited, so it makes sense but still. It's annoying.

"You are going right?" Kate asks me as we walk into English.

"No. I don't care about parties." I reply.

"Why not? I understand why you never went to one before, but now you are in girl form. You can show off what you got. Trust me you got a lot too." she says.

I raise an eyebrow at her, and her cheeks turn red. I still have that ability on girls. I can't figure out if it is a good thing or not.

"What I am trying to say is you need to come. It won't be any fun without you." she says, taking her seat beside me.

"I will think about it." I reply.

"Really?!" she asks excited.

"Nope." I reply.

She sticks her tongue out at me, and I smirk. Class goes by slower than ever. Finally the lunch bell rings, and I meet up with Dylan at his table. As soon as I get there, I basically face plant the table.

"What is wrong with you?" Link asks.

"I have been listening to girls giggle all day long about this stupid party. Guys have asked me to go. I am sick of it." I reply with a hiss.

"Okay honey. Relax." Jake says, patting my shoulder.

"Wait guys have asked you? Don't they know you are my girlfriend?" Dylan asks, sitting down next to me.

"They know. It doesn't stop them though." I reply, lifting my head a little.

"Dylan don't get your panties in a wad. Your girl is tougher than you." Link jokes.

He receives a death glare from both me and Dylan, which could send a soul to hell. Link puts his hands up, then shuts his mouth with fries. I swear that's all I have ever seen him eat, yet he is so skinny.

"So are we going?" Dylan asks me, eating one of Link's fries.

"Did you just hear anything I said?" I ask in reply.

"Yeah I did, but what better way to end all this Alexis shit then show up at her party as the perfect hottest couple?" he asks.

"Good point. I don't know what to wear at a party like this though." I reply.

"Ella should right? Just ask her and if all else fails use your uniform for the diner." he replies, eating another fry.

"Okay I guess I am going though. I swear if one guy tries to touch me I am leaving." I say.

"Of course, the guy wouldn't survive anyway." Dylan says, wiggling his eyebrows.

I throw a fry at his face, and he catches it in his mouth with perfect skill.

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