Some Believe in Training Wheels

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Raiden's POV

It never gets old. Waking up next to Dylan. A smile creeps onto my face as he sleeps. A peaceful morning.

"What the hell?" someone says in the doorway.

Dylan opens his eyes sleepily, which would be adorable if I wasn't focused on the intruder.

"Luke?" I ask.

"Why did you guys come over here? I was worried sick all night trying to find you." he says, walking over to us.

"Wait how did you get in my house?" I ask.

"Wake up little beast." he says, ignoring me.

Dylan groans, but opens his eyes again.

"This is your fault isn't it? You tricked her into letting you stay here by using Mels. Dude that is low." Luke tells him, shaking his head.

"Quit jumping to conclusions. Raiden offered for us to stay here. Plus our house is hot as hell." he replies.

"How did you get inside?" I ask again in a more demanding voice.

"I walked through the front door." he replies.

"The front door was locked as well as all the rest, and the alarms were also on." I say.

"Welcome to one of my many talents. Breaking into high tech security systems. Yours was fun by the way. I love a good challenge." he replies.

"How long were you out there?" I ask.

"Maybe three hours." he replies.

"Three hours sitting outside my house trying to disable my alarm system and security." I state.

"There are cameras all over the place. Do you know how long it takes to disable each of them when you have them hooked up to individual systems?" he asks.

"My father is going to kill me." I say, sitting up.

"Yeah about that, your phone keeps going off. It's downstairs." he says.

Fucking hell, I mutter under my breath.

"Here." he adds, throwing it to me.


"Are you dead?" Dylan asks, now sitting up as well.

"Hey dad." I say, picking up the call.

"Thank goodness you are still alive. You have no idea how much I was worried about you. The entire system shut down." he explains.

"Yeah I know. Don't worry about that. I'm fine. You will be back tomorrow and I will explain. See you then bye." I say without taking a breath.

"You owe me dumb ass." I tell Luke.

He smirks, which aggravates me.

I get up out of the bed, heading to the bathroom.

"Take that cold shower." Luke calls.

"Ass hole." I call back, slamming the door.

Dylan's POV

"Was that necessary?" I ask.

"Absolutely." he replies.

"This is a waste of your talent."

"You mean being a born genius?"

"No, being a born idiot."

"My brain would beg to differ."

"You're high half the time."

"Says mister sober from meeting a girl. You are whipped."

"Good. Raiden doesn't deserve or need an addict."

"Guess I'm out of the run then."

"You were never in the race to begin with."

"Tonight is a school night. Be home at ten."


"Ten." he says, opening a window then jumping out of it.

He is going to kill himself one of these days.

Hey guys. This was a short chapter. Very short, but it gave more on Luke. He is kind of that weird character that everyone just loves to love. Then hates him at times as well. Sorry about not updating in awhile too. I've had marching band stuff to do. Many competitions coming up. Wish me luck.Hope you liked it. Don't forget to vote and comment what you thought. See you next chapter.

(P.S. Emperor's New Clothes is out from Panic! Literally the best thing I have heard in such a long time. The video is awesome as well. Check it out along with Gasoline by Halsey. Love that too. Thanks.)


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