Guess What? You Are Coming Over Tomorrow Night.

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Both's POV in text

To: Mr. Asshole

Hey I am not going to school today. My parents are both home, which is a rare occasion.

To: Adoring Girlfriend

It's fine I guess. At least I don't have to worry about guys checking you out, that is one thing off my to do list.

To: Mr. Asshole

Hey so my parents want you to come over tomorrow night for diner. I understand if you can't make it.

To: Adoring Girlfriend

I can't wait for it. :) love you

To: Mr. Asshole

You too ass hat.

To: Adoring Girlfriend

Ass hat?

To: Mr. Asshole

Chef doesn't judge. Gotta go, my parents want to go out to eat breakfast together.

To: Adoring Girlfriend

Bye sweet heart.

Dylan's POV

"Adoring girlfriend?" Link asks, looking over at my phone.

"Shut the hell up." I reply.

"Is she really adoring?" Jake asks.

"Dude he said shut up. Do you want to get kicked?" Ash asks him.

"No thank you." Jake replies, hiding behind Link.

Jake is like the baby of the group. He can throw a mean punch though. We all know that Ash is the powerhouse, while Link is the biggest player. I used to be number one, but now I have Raiden. I don't need anyone else.

"You thinking about your adoring girlfriend?" Link asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I will shove your foot up your mouth." I threat.

"The king is still here." he says, eating one of my fries.

"Do you ever get your own?" I ask him.

"Nope." he replies.

"Hey isn't that Luke?" Ash asks, pointing outside of the window.

Sure enough there is my older brother leaning against the window looking up into the sky. I hope he isn't high again. Not that it is my concern, but he is on school property. Then again he looks like me from behind.

"Give me a minute." I say, getting up.

I head outside and lean against the window with him.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Trying to think. I find the learning ground the best to do so." he replies.

"Anything good?" I ask.

"Not today. Maybe I should do what Raiden does." he replies.

"What does she do?" I ask.

Why does he know something about her that I don't? He is my older brother.

"She goes to the playground and hangs upside down on the jungle gym. I walked past there one night and found her there. I will go try that." he says, walking away with his hands in his pockets.

I sigh. Nothing will ever get through to him. That is the defect though. He has a photogenic memory. A lot of people go insane if they have one, but he copes with it. He just needs to either medicate or do his thinking. He said he prefers thinking because the effects of being high freak him out.

I know he is lying, but it's nice that he wants to stop getting high with me around. I am quitting drinking, smoking, and all that crap. It wasn't hard to quit smoking since I actually hated it anyway, but drinking was a little harder.

I still can't believe that Raiden said she had gotten drunk before. Then again her past isn't the cleanest either, I don't blame her for it. If I ever come across that Cole jerk he is going to be dead.

The bell rings, signaling I am late for third period. It's going to be lonely without Raiden. As I walk inside, Ella the librarian stops me before I go to class.

"I have to talk to you. Your teacher already knows, come with me." she says, walking into the library.

I follow her, and she shuts the door.

"Okay Raiden is like my little sister. Screw that, she is. I want to make sure you are not going to hurt her. Plus give some advice on dealing with her parents." she says.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt her. How do you know about her parents?" I ask.

"I know everything. Her mother likes to ask me when big things happen in her life. Call me the secret agent." she replies, jumping over the desk.

"Okay, what advice can you give me?" I ask.

"Her mother will be completely excited that you are dating her. She has always wanted Raiden to act like a girl and get a boyfriend since Cole. I am sure you have heard something about that. Well her father will think otherwise. He needs to know he can trust you. That bastard Cole sent his one and only child down into a dark hole that she has finally climbed out of due to you. Show him that." she tells me.

"Oh and makes sure you use manors. They are a rich family and live in wealth. Believe me even Raiden can switch like that when it comes to business behavior. Of course she hates it, that is why she wants to be a director." she adds.

"Anything else?" I ask.

"No. I think that's it." she replies.

"Okay thanks Ella." I say, leaving.

Nice to know I at least have her on my side. Lets just hope I can get Raiden's father to accept me.

So I wanted to post two updates tonight, since I felt kind of writing like. Well more so than usual. I write constantly, but that is besides the point. We are on break so expect more updates. I hope you guys liked this one, and the next one is going to be really good.

Vote, comment, and follow me!

Song Recommendations: Fight for All the Wrong Reasons by Nickleback (this one is rock by the way) and Seven Nation Army, Melanie Martinez version


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