True Colors

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Raiden's POV

It's funny. He thinks he is going to get away with cheating on me. That is the furthest from the truth. See I have been hurt before. Many times by people I thought were my friends. I have learned how to forgive, and also how to hold a grudge. What Coda did to me changed me. He stole my heart, and ripped it to pieces.

I had thought Dylan would be a new start. That he could find the pieces and put them back together. He did find my heart, but he decided to burn it instead. Welcome to the other side of me my friend. The sweet little Raiden you knew is gone. This is me. Let my true colors show.

I am not small. I am not weak. I will no longer play the game that you find so entertaining. I can see it in your eyes. This is just a way to pass time. You will forever be the same. A player. A drinker. Nothing changes.

I will give him credit. He tried to make himself a better person for me. It didn't last long though. The sad part is I actually fell for him. While I was lying there in that heap of metal it hit me. Why am I even caring about this? No one will ever love me again. I am broken. That's what I see in Luke's eyes too.

His mind controls him, and it makes him feel emotionless. We both got here in different ways, but we are the same. That's why I thought he was okay. That I could trust him. That's why I trusted Dylan. I thought he might be the same somehow. I guess I was wrong.

How wrong was I? To think that he could change, this isn't some type of lovey dovey story about the bad boy falling for the one girl who could change him. No. No one can change him. At least I can't, that is what hurts the most.

I thought I could, but no.

This is a story about how the girl finally gets back. No more forgiveness. No more. This is my story now. I control what happens.

Welcome Dylan.

This is hell.

*evilly laughs in the corner*

I can't help it. A twist in the story is how I write. I have never been so blunt with it, but I like it. Tell me what you guys think of the true Raiden Callen.

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Song Recommendation: All This Could Be Yours by Cold War Kids


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