First Dates

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Hey guys. I know it's been a long time, but so much has been happening lately. The good news is I am back and will soon be publishing a new book! The first chapter will be out soon hopefully, and I will post an author's note in this book when it happens. Anyway thanks for waiting, and here it is.

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The After Story of Selena and Jake


Jake's POV

Here we go. You got this Jake. You are the man. Maybe this isn't a good idea. How much do we even know about each other? That's why we are going on a date idiot. I need to quit having these internal battles with myself.

I clear my throat and take a deep breath. Everything will be fine. What is the worst that can happen? I raise my nervous shaking hand and ring the doorbell. It opens up a minute later, but it's not who I was expecting.

"Hi. Can I help you with something?" the girl asks.

The blonde in front of me is in sweats and a comfy looking t shirt. Yeah this isn't Selena.

"Uh, sorry. I am here for Selena." I tell her.

"You must be Jake. She is almost done getting ready. Here come in." she says, opening the door for me to walk inside.

"Nice place. I guess you are her roommate." I say, looking around.

"Yeah I am. Selena is nice, but she plays her music way too loudly. It's not exactly my taste either. Her friend is giving her a house though if I recall." she says.

"That would be Raiden and Ash. They are filthy rich to say the least." I say, taking a seat on the couch.

"I'm Lizzie by the way." she says, moving her half filled popcorn bowl.

"Hey." Selena says behind us.

I stand back up and take in the beautiful sight in front of me. Her dark brown hair falls to her shoulders now instead of her waist like it was a few months ago. She has eyeliner on around her brown eyes, making them pop out. She is wearing a black dress that fits perfectly around her curves.

"Damn." I say aloud, not realizing it.

She laughs and walks over to me.

"To you too, see you later Liz." she says, taking my arm in her's.

We walk out of her house, and I open the car door for her before getting in.

"So where are we going on our first date?" she asks.

"Can't tell you. That would be giving away the secret." I reply.

She pouts, which I think is adorable, and crosses her arms. Not even a minute later she asks more questions.

"Will I like it?" she asks.

"Yes, you will love it in fact." I reply, smiling over at her.

She tilts her head to the side a little to study my face, then shrugs.

"I trust you." she says, looking me in the eyes.

That means a hell of a lot. I never thought that I would actually fall for her. I mean I liked Raiden back in high school, but Dylan got there first. Now she is with Ash and they are expecting. (These chapters don't exactly follow any specific timeline).

Selena has been through so much. Getting in a wreck as a teen, then waking up at the age of eighteen. She is so strong, but I have seen the broken side of her. The side she hides from everyone but me and Raiden. The side that is weak, but beautiful at the same time.

I take her hand in mine and squeeze it.

"I trust you too." I tell her, and she smiles at me.

I pull up into the parking lot and we both get out.

"What is this place?" she asks as I grab her hand again.

"This is a professional recording studio. We will be having dinner here." I tell her.

Her jaw drops as I chuckle at her. I know how much she loves music. It's an escape for her, and she is working her way up to producer.

I guide us inside where fairy lights are strung everywhere. Raiden said she would like it, so I asked for her help with the decorations and atmosphere. We walk out to the back patio hang out area which is completely lit up with fancy lighting and a table for two.

"May I?" I ask, leading her to her chair to pull it out for her.

"This is fantastic Jake." she says, sitting down.

"I knew you would love it." I tell her, taking my own seat.

"If I may interrupt. The first dish is being served." Ash says, walking in like an actual butler.

Got to say. I love seeing my rich best friend in a waiter outfit. This is definitely a great night.

"Raiden would have been here to help as well, but she said she was too big to do anything except eat our food." I tell Selena.

She laughs and nods.

"That's my girl. We used to gorge every Friday night on sweets that Ava would make for us. The next day we would run that way we wouldn't get fat." she says, recalling her fond memories.

I smile and Ash puts down our plates.

"Enjoy." he says, winking at me.

I shoo him away and turn my attention back towards Selena.

"How long have you two known each other?" she asks, digging into her food.

"Since we were kids. Our parents grew up together, thus creating a bond that would last for generations. Dylan came in when we were about ten years old. Our group just kind of came together throughout middle school, then stuck throughout high school." I reply.

"Dylan is a jack ass for hurting Raiden like he did. If I wasn't in a coma I would have kicked him to Russia." she says, stabbing her steak with her fork.

"Believe me when I tell you Ash was pissed. Turned out he had known she was a girl for a long time before Dylan even knew she existed." I tell her.

"What about you? Did you ever like her?" she asks.

"Why would you ask?" I reply.

"Don't dodge the question. Just answer. I won't get angry." she says.

I let out a sigh of defeat and nod.

"Yeah I did. It was more of here is this really hot girl who used to be a guy, and I'm a hormonal teenage boy." I reply.

She nods and takes a drink of the wine.

We talk for the rest of the night about ourselves and memories we have. Turns out our horoscopes are compatible. She is a big believer in them too. After the dinner we hang out for a little while, touring the studio then I take her back.

"I had a great night." she says as we stand outside of her front door.

"Me too. Maybe we can do this again some time." I agree, moving a little closer.

"Bloody hell just kiss me." she says, pulling me towards her.

Our lips connect and she immediately wraps her arms around my neck as mine around her waist. We pull away, but stay close.

"Be my girlfriend." I tell her.

"Only if you will be my boyfriend." she replies with a smirk on her face.

"Agreed." I say, kissing the hell out of her.

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