Build A Bridge

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Raiden's POV

My usual black skinny jeans with a black tight fitting Fall Out Boy shirt. I reach for my black hoodie, but stop. I no longer have to wear this.

I set it back down on my dresser and walk into the bathroom. My usual makeup for weekends goes on, and I am ready. I run down stairs and out the door to be greeted with a motorcycle.

"What the hell is this?" I ask.

Dylan gets off the bike and walks over to me, handing me a helmet.

"This is our ride to school. Since you have now shown the world who you are, I have to make sure that everyone knows you are mine." he replies, slipping a hand around my waist.

He pulls me in close to him and kisses me softly on the lips. I pout as he hands me the helmet laughing.

"Quit being a tease." I tell him.

He wiggles his eyebrows, and gets on the death bike.

"Are you getting on, or are you just going to stand there looking pretty?" he asks.

"Which one do you prefer?" I reply, getting on behind him.

He laughs a little, making his shoulders bounce. I wrap my arms around his waist as he takes off at full speed. By the time we reach the school, I feel like I have died. Came back, lived a full life, then died once more.

"That was way over the speed limit." I tell him, getting off.

"It's fun that way." he replies, shrugging his shoulders.

We walk into the school together like he wanted. Everyone is talking about me. The thing that surprises me is that some girls are jealous over me dating Dylan, and some are jealous that Dylan is dating me. I didn't think that girls would still care to date me after I came out. I find it weird, yet flattering.

Dylan's arm wraps around my shoulders, bringing me to his side. I look up to see him eyeing the guys who are checking me out.

"Are you jealous?" I ask him.

"Why did you have to wear a shirt that showed off so much?" he asks in reply.

"Yeah because showing arm skin is so scandalous." I joke, unlocking my locker.

"It is when you have all these hormonal teenage boys figure out that you have curves." he growls.

I look down at myself. I guess I do. Never really cared to realize it before. Funny how just coming out that you're not a guy makes you think completely different.

The bell rings and he is still looking around paranoid.

"Dylan I will be fine. Go to class." I tell him, kissing him on the cheek.

"Okay. See you at lunch." he tells me, giving me a tight hug.

I know he just told the guy who was staring at my butt to fuck off while hugging me. I love him.

I make my way to English, and take my seat. My teacher looks at me with a smile. She is happy I came out and told everyone. It feels like a relief, but there is also a worried feeling. It's probably just the unknown possibilities. Yeah. The unknown is always going to work out. Get my sarcasm?

Next comes science.

"Hey Raiden." a small voice says behind me.

I turn around to see the dark blonde haired girl who cried a few weeks ago when I rejected her. Those were the days. I only had to worry about crying teenage girls. Sarcasm again.

"Hey." I reply.

"I am sorry. I didn't know you were a girl. I overreacted. I just wanted to apologize." she says very quickly.

"It's fine. No one knew I was a girl except for Dylan." I reply.

"Oh, he knew?" she asks.

"Well at first no, but then I showed him."

"Showed him?!"

"No! Not like that."

"Don't scare me like that." she says.

I laugh at her, and she starts to laugh as well.

"I'm Kate." she says.

"Alright class, let's begin." our teacher says.

Classes were pretty much normal. Not many people tried to say anything. This is just going to take some time. It was nice to know Kate though. She is really cool. Maybe we could become friends. Never thought I would say that.

I walk into lunch and wait in line to get my tray. Once my food is paid for, I make my way to Dylan and his friends.

"So the famous Raiden, how was your day?" Jake asks.

"Pretty good I guess. I'm not famous though." I reply.

"Yeah you are. First you are a dude. All the girls like you. Then you date Dylan, now you're a girl." Link states, eating a french fry.

"I'm jealous." he adds with a wink.

"Keep to yourself." Dylan warns.

"Whipped." Ash says.

Then they all start to holler it. I laugh as Dylan tells them to shut up.

"I'm going to go get some food." I say, getting up.

As soon as I do, peaches and fries fall down on me like rain. I look at the oh so amazing Brent in front of me. He is Alexis's new boyfriend.

"Oops." he says.

Dylan stands up and a punch flies at Brent's face. Next thing Dylan gets punched in the gut, then in the shoulder.

Link, Jake, and Ash all start to help Dylan. Ash picks Brent up by the collar of his shirt, and throws him to the other side. Damn.

A teacher runs up and starts screaming at the guys to get to the principal's office immediately. She looks at me, then her expression softens.

"Let's go get you cleaned up." Ella says.

I smile at her, as the guys all complain on how I get off easy. Ella shoots them her classic death glare, and they all shut up.

"I'm proud of you." she tells me, handing me some paper towels.

"Are you really?" I ask.

"Of course. You showed off that bit... student Alexis, and came out to the whole school. I wouldn't have been able to if I was in your shoes." she replies.

I sigh, and take a seat on the library couch.

"Yeah I guess you're right." I say.

"Just make sure you tell him if he hurts you, then hell will pay." she says.

I laugh and nod my head.

"Okay. I will."

Sorry it's been awhile. Good news. Our band did a great job at the competition last week. It was really fun too. I hope you guys liked this chapter, even though not much happened. I thought that I should bring Kate and Ella back into the story that way we don't forget them. Not going to lie, I almost did. Anyway please vote, comment, and follow me.

Song Recommendation: Car Radio and Tear In My Heart by Twenty One Pilots


They Say I'm a Bad Boy, but I'm a GirlWhere stories live. Discover now