Awaken My Dear

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Raiden's POV

Hell. The only way to describe this. I no longer feel the same. My entire existence feels numb. I have been through so many doses of drugs that I am surprised my brain can even function. Soon it might as well turn to mush. I don't know how long I have been in here, or how much longer I can last.

The door knob turns, and light shines in the dark room. It allows me to see the big king size bed that I am lying on and the furniture around. His figure stands in the doorway, and he beckons me over. I slide off the bed, letting the pale yellow sun dress fall to my knees.

"Come on dear. We have to visit our dear friend." he says, taking his arms in mine.

"I love you so much." he adds, kissing the top of my head.

I no longer cringe. It doesn't effect me at all. We head down the stairs and into the dark damp room that I woke up in when I was first brought here.

He opens the door, and we step in through.

"You know it's just a matter of days. I took all her papers and they figured that she would be waking up within the days." he tells me, wrapping an arm around my waist.

"Get your fucking arm off of me." I hiss, staring at my friend.

"Dear, you are mine. My property. I own you. Shut the fuck up, and love me." he hisses back.

I don't take my eyes off of her. I can't tell if he is lying or not. If she does wake up though, then I don't want her to be here.

I have tried over and over again to get out, but there is nothing. I haven't been able to find any doors, and he doesn't let me out that much.

"Look at that." he says, walking towards her.

"I think she is waking." he says.

I rush up to her side, and grab her hand. Please just wait a little while longer Selena.

"Please!" I plead.

Her brown eyes flit open, and she adjusts to the light. A tear falls down my face, and I can actually feel again.

Her face turns towards me, and she tries to say something. Coda takes the mask off her face, and gives her water.

"Raiden." she mutters.

"Selena, you're awake." I say, still crying.

"Glad you waited bitch." she mutters.

I laugh, but I can't help but cry out of pain.

"Let's go and leave her. It's time." he says, pulling me away from her.

"Selena!" I scream.

"Raiden! What is going on?! Why is he here?! Where are we?!" she asks as the door slams shut.

I thrash around, trying to break free from his grip. It's pointless though. He is much stronger than I am. We enter the room I have spent the last however many days in, and he throws me to the ground.

"Fantastic. Now I have two pets." he hisses, grabbing my face in his hands.

I spit at him, and his eyes flash with cold anger. His hands slaps across my face, and he starts to kick my ribs over and over again.

The pain is unbearable. Not too much longer, and I black out with tears drowning my sorrows.

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