The Little Monsters

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Here's another. Hope you like it!



Raiden and Ash got married. They are living in a mansion in London. Luke and Ella are married. Selena and Jake fancy each other. Ash and Raiden are now billionaires.

This is the After Story of Raiden and Ash continued.

"Caiden! Do you have everything ready?" I ask, yelling through the huge house.

"Yes mum." my little boy replies, poking his head from around the corner.

I ruffle his dark hair and he shines his bright green blue eyes up at me. I love how he has both of our hair colors, since they are the same, and a combination of our eyes. It makes me happy that this is the human being Ash and I have made together.

"How about you go get Avaline out of her crib for me?" I suggest to my little five year old.

He jumps to the chance to take care of his little sister. She is a newborn. We actually adopted her. Jake came to us and explained the situation she was in. We wanted to help, plus we wanted another one anyway. I had Caiden at the age of twenty-five. Now I am thirty and Ash is thirty-one. I feel old.

"Come on love. It's time to show our kids our new home." Ash says, walking up behind me.

He kisses me on the lips and smiles. We are moving back to America for our kids to go to school. We are downgrading a little bit, but our new home is still a mansion. Not as big as this one though. We are also keeping this house in case we ever need it. That's what you get when running multiple million dollar companies.

Caiden comes down the stairs gently with the little bundle in his arms. He looks lovingly at his little sister who just woke up. She never cries in his arms. It's amazing. She is already a daddy's girl too. Caiden in more of a mum's boy.

"Ready to go kid?" Ash asks, ruffling Caiden hair.

"Of course father." he replies with his accent.

Ash got his accent back from being here in the United Kingdom for nine years. He grew up here after all. Caiden develop an accent as well, and even I slip with one every once in awhile. We all get in the car and drive off to the airport. Another new beginning to another new life.

Time Jump Two Years Forward

"Caiden William Trace you will stop throwing flour at your sister right now!" I yell, walking into the kitchen.

As soon as I stepped foot into this house, I knew what was up. I've been gone for two hours and this has happened. Caiden and Ava had gotten into the cooking flour and spilled it all over themselves and the kitchen. Little white footsteps are all over the hallways as well.

I pick Ava up into my arms and wipe some flour off her adorable little face.

"Go clean up." I order Caiden.

"I better not catch you doing this again young man." I add as he trudges upstairs.

I walk into the living room to find Ash asleep on the couch. Of course, I leave him with the kids, he falls asleep. I really need to just call my mother here whenever I leave. She loves them to death.

I smack him across the back of the head, which wakes him up immediately.

"What happened?! Where are the kids?! Where's the milk?!" he yells.

"The kids got in the flour again. Caiden is upstairs taking a shower. The milk is in the fridge." I reply.

He groans and stands up, taking Ava in his arms.

"This is the third time you little monsters have gotten into the flour. I need to put a lock on that cupboard." he tells her.

"No kidding. Come on, let's go and wash her up." I say.

We walk upstairs and turn on the bath. After a quick clean up, we dress her in her pajamas and tuck her in for the night.

"Want me to handle Caiden?" Ash asks.

"No, I've got it." I reply.

He kisses me and I walk into our little boy's room. It has everything he could ever want. He is really into soccer. There are already trophies everywhere on shelves and he is only seven. I walk over to him laying in bed and kiss him on the forehead.

"Goodnight son." I say.

"Goodnight mum." he replies.

I tuck him in, then leave turning the light off. I walk back downstairs and into the kitchen which is a mess.

"Our maid will be here tomorrow." Ash says, stepping over to the bag of flour.

"Thank goodness. I don't know if I could get all of this flour out of the..." I start to say, but am cut off when a puff of white hits my face.

"You did not just throw flour at me." I state, licking my lips.

"I did." he replies smugly.

"Game on you ass hole."

I grab a fist full of flour and chunk it at him. It hits him square in the back, and I throw my hands in the air in victory. We continue to throw white puffs at each other until we are covered head to toe.

"You need to take a bath." I tell him.

"So do you." he says, kissing me.

He slips his hands on my waist and picks me up. He sets me down on the counter, just like we used to when we first met. He licks the flour off my ear, and I laugh at the touch.

"Come on." he says, picking me back up.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"To take a bath." he replies, wiggling his eyebrows.

Thank goodness for the soundproof walls.

They Say I'm a Bad Boy, but I'm a GirlDär berättelser lever. Upptäck nu