Good Morning Japan

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Raiden's POV

"Home sweet home." Jace says, getting out of the car.

We are standing in front of the big mansion, Dylan gawking at it all.

"Close your mouth before you catch flies." I tell him.

He smiles, and takes my hand in his. I try not to show my annoyance or discomfort. Just him holding my hand creeps me out. I definitely cannot kiss him if I have to. We get inside and memories flood my brain. I missed this place.

I head to my room and pull out my phone to discover a text message from an unknown number.

From Unknown Number:

I lied. I couldn't sleep. If he even touches you, I will kill him. -Ash

I laugh at the message. Wait how did he get my number?

To Sebastian:

Calm down. There's nothing you can do anyway. You're in another country.

From Sebastian:

Yeah, but not in America. I'm in Japan.

To Sebastian:

Why the hell are you in Japan?

From Sebastian:

There's a lot you don't know about me yet Raiden.

To Sebastian:

As well as me, Sebastian.

From Sebastian:

Alright, now hurry up and break up with him. I need my sleep back.

To Sebastian:

Glad to see your concerned.

From Sebastian:

Glad to see your sarcasm still compels me even through text.

To Sebastian:

Have to go. Family things.

From Sebastian:

Okay, bye love.

Damn him. I smile like an idiot to myself and Jace walks in the room.

"Everyone has crashed. While you're in a good mood lets head out. We have to discuss plan Jack." he tells me.

I nod, and grab my coat. We sneak out and head for a walk down to the cliff.

"Plan Jack?" I question.

"Stands for jack ass." he replies.

I laugh and ruffle his hair.

"Love you Jace." I tell him.

"Love you too, which is why we have to do this right. The situation is delicate. He hurt you. You got in a wreck. It made him feel guilty. Now he is hooking up wit ha bitch instead of confronting his problems like a man." he explains.

"I feel like it wasn't a one time thing either. I don't have proof that he is cheating on me though." I reply.

"That's something we need. You will be here for three days. Not a whole lot of time. Last day is the ball. I would say that is game day." he says.

I agree, stuffing my hands into my pockets to keep warm. I love the cold.

I can't stop thinking about Ash though. He is just naturally comforting and it's not stressed or anything. I pull out my phone to look back at our messages.

"You little cheeky ass." Jace says, looking over my shoulder.

"It's not my fault! I just fell for the wrong guy." I reply.

"No kidding. This is adorable as shit." he says, taking my phone.

"Bye love? I already ship it." he says, giving it back.

I roll my eyes, but can't help but blush a little. It is adorable. Something that Dylan and I don't have. We might have at one point, but it's long gone now.

"Lets head back before any of them wake up." I say, feeling exhausted myself.

Jet lag. One other thing that I hate, besides my boyfriend.

My tired and worn body hits the soft cloud like bed in a second after changing into some sweats and a big shirt.

Then, I fall into a beautiful sleep.

I wake up the next day feeling still droopy and tired. It's been a while since we traveled. I'm not used to it anymore. My arms stretch out, and the door opens up.

Dylan walks in with a smile on his face. It's completely fake though. I feel my heart sink a little, despite how much I hate him now.

"Good morning." he says, kissing my cheek.

"Good morning." I reply, getting out of bed to get away from him.

"So today your mother wants to take the girls, I guess us guys are going with the fathers." he tells me.

"Sounds like fun. We will most likely go shopping." I reply.

"It should be fun. I just won't get to see you." he says, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Dylan. I know we are trying, but not right now." I tell him.

He looks hurt, but wipes it away quickly.

"It's fine." he replies.

"I will go. See what's going on downstairs." he adds, leaving.

My phone buzzes over on the bedside table. I walk over and pick it up.

From Manly Man Sebastian:

Ohayō. That's good morning in Japanese.

I smile at his message and send back.

To Manly Man Sebastian:

Ohayō. Anata no ryokō wa dōdesu ka? (Good morning. How is your trip?)

From Manly Man Sebastian:

Anata wa nihongo o hanashimasu ka? (You know Japanese?)

To Manly Man Sebastian:

Hai. Hai,-sōdesu. (Yes. Yes I do.)

From Manly Man Sebastian:

Alright then. Have a good day.

To Manly Man Sebastian:

You too.

I put my phone down with a small smile. It's just enough to get me through this day. The good news is I won't be seeing Dylan much. The bad news is I won't see Jace that much either. I hope he has something to help us today.


Two updates in one night. Victory. So I figured out I made Winter Guard at our school, this means a full year of color guard! You guys don't know how excited I am. Seriously writing and color guard are my life. Anyway hoped you guys liked it.

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Song Recommendation: New York City by The Chainsmokers

(That was my tryout song, so I thought that it would be cool to show you guys it. It is also at the top.)


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