Hey Ray

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Raiden's POV

It's been a whole two weeks, but here I am. Standing in front of my locker. This sucks. I asked the doctor if I could stay a few more days. I even tried to act in pain, but they saw through it. Plus my parents wanted me out considering the big ball is coming up.

Our family is a huge one. We range from either very well off, to complete billionaires. I will let you guess where we fall. Either way, once a year we all gather for our family ball. It's a huge party held somewhere in the world. It just depends on who is hosting. This year it turns out we are going to Ireland.

I shut my locker, and Dylan walks up to me.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" he asks.

"Well I'm back, so that's a start." I reply.

Things are still a little weird between us. Really stiff like.

"I have to get to class early to go over my makeup work. See you at lunch." I tell him.

"Raiden wait." he says, grabbing my arm lightly.

"Yeah?" I ask.

He pulls me to him, and kisses my head.

"Have a good day." he tells me.

I smile at him, thankful that he is trying. It makes me happy that he isn't just going to give up on us. I don't know how I would have handled it if he did.

By the time lunch rolls around, I have a huge stack of makeup work to do. That's what I get for taking A.P. English. I plop down at the table, groaning out of tiredness.

"Rough day?" Ash asks me.

"You have no idea. I didn't think that they would give me all my homework today! I hate them!" I practically yell.

"Calm down tiger." Ash says, laughing at me.

I glare up at him. He never speaks like that to me. What is different?

"Where's Dylan?" I ask, noticing he isn't here.

"Probably getting in a fight with someone. People have been spreading rumors around." Link replies.

Jake elbows him, but it's too late. The words already left his mouth.

"What rumors?" I ask.

"He told Alexis off before he left the party. She got angry and started to spread around that he is the one who wrecked your car." Jake tells me, giving up before I made him tell me.

"Fucking great." I mutter.

They all raise their eyebrows at me cursing.

"What?" I snap.

"Nothing." they all reply at the same time.

I roll my eyes and stand up. I make my way out of the lunch room until I find the bathroom. Cold water hits my face, waking me up. I am so tired.

Some stalls open up and some girls walk out.

"Oh Raiden, we weren't expecting you to be in here." one says.

"This is the girls bathroom last time I checked." I reply, still aggravated.

"We know. It's just weird. You were a guy a month ago." she says.

"Yeah I guess I was." I say, turning back to the mirror.

"You know it's a shame that Dylan betrayed you like that. We can get together and go shopping or just hang out at a cafe to talk." the redhead says with a huge smile on her face.

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