Waiting Tables

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Raiden's POV

"I need a job." Kate says.

Currently Kate, Ella, and I are all sitting in the library after school waiting the verdict being passed on the guys from what happened earlier. I am just hoping they don't bring me in. It was nice that Dylan protected me.

"You can have mine." Ella says, lounging on the chair.

I am flipped upside down on the couch, staring at the patterns on the wood coffee table.

"A job would be fun." I add to the conversation, feeling the need to do so.

"I just need it for the money. I am broke. What about you Raiden? Do you get an allowance or something?" Kate asks.

"Well we are well off." I simply reply.

"Lucky." she says, swinging her legs down so she flips right side up.

True I am lucky to be so well off, but I never see my parents. My mother should be coming back in a day or so. Then again, things happen a lot that makes them late. Take my dad for instance. He should have been home a week ago, but then they scheduled the giant month long meetings and company renovations a week early.

"I applied for a store at the mall. Now I just wait until they call back." Kate says, looking depressed.

"Which store?" I ask, secretly hoping it sells converse or band tees.

Don't hate. I like my style of laid back band geek/hard core rocker. Yes I like alternative, rock, and some types of heavy rock.

"Calley's." she replies.

"What's that?" I ask.

"A dress shop. They are fairly new, but are popping up everywhere." she replies.

Calley. That sounds a little familiar. I wonder if my mother's stuff gets sold there.

"Cool." I say.

Just as I do, the door opens up and the four guys come walking in like a mafia. Especially since Dylan looks like the head of the group in his black jacket and jeans. Not to mention the nice bruise on his eye. Why did Brent have to go for the money maker?

"What is your death sentence?" I ask swinging my legs over, making me slightly dizzy.

"We are cut out of school for next week and have detention for a month. Since Dylan threw the first punch and Brent harassed you, they both have detention for a month and a half." Ash replies.

"We have to leave the campus immediately that way we don't start another fight. We are going over to Link's house. Want to come?" Dylan asks.

"I would love to, but Kate, Ella, and I are going out to find a job." I reply.

"We are?" Kate asks.

"Hell yeah. Let's get out of here. Oh, can we go to a club or something?" Ella asks, grabbing her jacket.

"Are you a teacher here?" Ash asks, raising his eyebrows.

"Yes. Well librarian, a damn good one by the way." she replies.

"Okay, well if you get done early then just text me. I will come and get you." Dylan tells me, planting a soft kiss.

"Get a room." Jake yells.

Without looking at him, I flick him off.

"That's my girl." Dylan says.

"We should get going." Ash says, with his fists clenched.

I wonder what's up with him.

"Can we ride with you? I didn't take my car this morning." I ask Ella.

"Sure thing kid." she replies.

With that we all leave the school. Dylan gets on his bike, before he lets me go he kisses me one last time. I swear he is so hormonal. I need to be kept away from him sometimes instead of the other guys. The guys all watch us as we get into Ella's awesome 1967 Chevy Impala.

I love this car so much. I have one just like it, only mine is off the set of Supernatural. That show is the best thing to have ever been created. That and Doctor Who with Sherlock. Yes I am a SuperWhoLockian as well. Chef doesn't judge.

"Bye boys." Ella says, taking off and waving at them.

"Have I ever told you I love you?" I ask.

"Nope, but you got a man." she replies.

"Yeah I had a man when I was a man." I add.

"Hey don't say that anymore. Forget about your man past. Welcome to the woman world." she says.

I guess she is right. Now I am a strong independent woman. I don't need a man. It doesn't mean I don't want one though.

"So where to?" I ask.

"There is a place I know you will love to work at. This was my first job, so I will put in a good word." she replies.

We pull up to a small cafe in the small town we live in, yet I had no idea that it existed. Then again I never really left my house except for school before now so.

Rellen's Cafe.

I like the name. It's different and unusual. We walk inside and the young woman behind the cash register smiles at Ella.

"Ella Maddie Crev. I haven't seen you in a long time." she says.

She looks about twenty-eight or so. That means four years older than Ella.

"I know Mary. This is Raiden. She is my little high school friend and is looking for a good job. Do you have any openings?" she asks.

Mary looks over at me, and taps her fingers along the counter.

"We can use a new waitress." she says.

"Does that mean I have a job?" I ask.

"Yes it does. You can start by just coming in tomorrow if that's fine. I will teach you the ropes, also we have to fit you for the uniform. We just got new ones to make this cafe really stand out compared to others." she replies.

"Okay thanks. Here's my number." I say, giving it to her.

"Alright see you tomorrow." Mary says, waving goodbye.

"You are so lucky. You just got a job like that." Kate says, snapping her fingers.

"Where are we going now?" Ella asks.

"Well, my mother is picking me up. Bye guys." Kate says, waving.

"I might as well head over to Link's that way Dylan doesn't have a panic attack." I say.

"That means club for me. Considering it is a Friday, I am allowed to get drunk." Ella replies.

Sometimes you just have to smile and nod.

-Song Recommendation: Human Race by Three Days Grace

Hey guy! So I know I haven't posted in a while, but I am just unwinding. Hopefully I can get a schedule of when I am updating that way you all know when to expect a new chapter. I hope you guys liked this one. What do you think about Raiden getting a job? Tell me in the comments.

Also I was wondering who I should cast for Raiden, Dylan, Ash, Kate, Ella, Link, Luke, and Jake. If there are any suggestions then please add them to the comments.

Remember to vote and follow me for information about this book, and upcoming ones.

Bye lovelies!


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