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I sat down at the table, crossing my legs over each other.

"You know you have to be careful with your fire bending, Mei," Gran told me as she set the food on the table. We were eating some fish, as usual. Mei was my nickname, but my actual name was Ayame.

"I know, I know," I nodded as my stomach rumbled. "It's risky. The Fire Nation and Water Tribe are enemies." The Fire Nation was enemies with everyone, but their rivalry with the Water Tribe seemed to be greater than the rest.

"Right." She sat down in front of me and nodded. "Dig in."

I grinned and gobbled everything down as Gran joined in.

"Pass me the water, Gran. Please," I added.

"Nah, I want to see you bend."

I rolled my eyes and raised my hand, knowing I couldn't argue with her. The water rose out of the pitcher and formed a water bubble in the air, and then slowly descended into my cup, traveling across the table. Gran clapped as the bubble popped and water splashed into my cup.

"Thank you, thank you," I bowed.

We continued to eat in silence when I looked up at my old grandmother and asked her a question—it was one I always asked, but wirh my birthday nearby, I thought maybe, just maybe her answer would be different this time.

"Gran, how can I bend two elements? I mean, how does it come to me so easily?" I set my wooden spoon down on the table. "How do I do it when I'm not the Avatar, or even close to being one? We all know the Avatar is a young boy. So how can I do this?"

"I don't know." Gran set her spoon down too. "I think about it too. Maybe it's because no one ever knew since no nation has ever inter-married before, and this was the first time. Both of your parents were benders, but of different nations; different elements."

"But how will I ever know why? I mean, I can't just . . . I don't know," I sighed. "I don't want to hide my fire bending my whole life."

"What are you suggesting?" Gran said calmly, trying to understand.

"Nothing, really. Just trying to make a point." I shrugged casually, shifting my eyes to my plate, not making eye contact.

"You know, Ayame, I know what you're saying. And I also have a suggestion."

I braced myself for a scolding as usual, but this time was different.

"You're old enough to understand now, and I can't hold you back and keep you locked up in here forever, trying to keep you safe from the outside world. You understand yourself now. I know you want to leave, and I'm not holding you back." She sighed, but she wasn't upset. "And I might know the person who could know the answer to your question."

"Really?" I stood up so fast my chair fell back and all the plates rattled. "Sorry," I smiled apologetically.

"Yes, and I think it's not going to be that hard to find him."

"Who are you suggesting?" I narrowed my eyes, confused.

"Oh, the one and only. You know very well," she winked. "The Avatar himself."

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