Chapter 6: A Complicated Question

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Chapter 6: A Complicated Question


Shit shit shit shit shit shit fuck damn shit dammit fuck fuck fuck. I nearly throw Isabella off of me and run after Melanie, who is casually walking towards her room like she didn’t see nothin’.

I grab her and pull her in the bedroom and close the door behind me. She yanks away from my grip. “Don’t put your hands on me like that!” She gives me a nasty look.

“Sorry. But it’s not what you think..”

“I don’t care what it is, and you don’t have to explain it to me… I’m not your girlfriend.” She says. I can tell she’s trying to be nonchalant, but her tone tells all. She’s extremely annoyed, or pissed, or both.

“Ok, first of all stop saying you don’t care, because I can tell that you do.”

She rolls her eyes and turns around and walks to her bed.

“Melanie, I’m trying to talk to you stop walking away.” I grab her arm again.

“Chris, stop it!” She yanks away again. “Look, I don’t give a shit what you do!”

I grab both of her arms and pull her close to me. She pays more attention when we’re only centimeters apart. “Isabella came in my room and asked me about Jacob. I told her to get even, and next thing I know she’s all over me. I was so shocked I didn’t know what to do so I just kind of choked and let her kiss me, alright? I swear there’s nothing more to it.”

She looks me in the eye with this sad and confused look on her face. I can’t tell what she’s about to say. “You swear?”

“I swear.”

She looks at me for a long time, thinking about it. She wiggles out of my grasp and sits on the bed. “Ok. I believe you. But like I said, I don’t care anyway.”

“You don’t?” I come over there to her and lean forward, holding the side of her face with one of my hands. “You don’t care if I make out with other girls?” I say quietly. I know it drives her crazy when I talk quietly.

She slaps my hand down and rolls her eyes. What’s her deal?? She’s been dissin’ me ever since Miami. She can’t still possibly be mad that I accidentally told Christina about the baby… “What the hell is wrong with you huh?”

She looks at me with that nasty look. “Just get out Chris.”

“What did I do? I’m sorry about Bella but it wasn’t me! And I’ve already apologized a million times about Christina what more do you want from me hm?” I lean forward and lick from her neck all the way to her cheek. She slaps me. “STOP IT.” She yells.

“I just don’t want you to be mad at me anymore, Mel. I don’t know what you want me to do.”


“Chill out! Why the hell are you yelling at me??”

“Because! I can’t believe we’re still doing the same shit we used to! I thought you were different but obviously I was wrong!”

“I’m sick of you yelling at me and slapping me!!! You need to cut that shit out right now!”

She scoffs at me. “Our relationship wasn’t real, Chresanto. I think that’s obvious now.”

“What are you talking about?”

“We’re still fighting! We don’t get along unless you’re shoving your tongue down my throat. It was like that then and it’s starting to get like that now. Did you notice that??? I’m starting to think the only reason I felt like I loved you was because I was so attracted to you sexually.”

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