Chapter 26: The Final Chapter

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I occupy the chair beside her bed, while everyone talks to her and jokes around. After a good thirty minutes, the room clears out and it’s just us. There’s a moment of silence, then she breaks it. “You know, you haven’t said one word to me since you got in here.” She looks at me expectantly.

“I was just waiting til everyone left.”

She gives me a soft nod and stares down at her feet. “You don’t seem too happy about me being alive.” She laughs a little and then looks at me, probably expecting me to laugh too. I face her and look her right in the eye. “I am extremely happy that you’re alive.” I say.

She rolls her eyes. “Then what’s wrong? Why aren’t you smiling? What are you so quiet for?” She reaches for my hand and squeezes it.

“Nothing’s wrong, baby girl.” I try to grin but I’m not sure it comes out that way. “How do you feel?”

“I feel fine. A little headache and I’m a little sore, but nothing else hurts. And I’m happy.” She beams.


“Yea. They fixed it. I’m healed, you’re healed, and we can still get our happy ending. What’s not to be happy about, silly?”

“Oh. Yea, true.” I say quietly.



“What’s the matter?” Her smile begins to fade.

“Stop asking me how I am when you’re the one in the hospital.” I kiss her forehead. “Nothing’s wrong. I’m glad you’re okay.”

“Whatever. You’re such a party pooper.” She frowns playfully. I don’t react. “Chris, give me something! A smile, a laugh, a snicker, something. You’re killing me.” She squeezes my hand again.

I wince at the phrase you’re killing me. “I’m sorry, baby. I don’t think I have it in me right now.” I say and rub my eyes. I can’t do anything after that dream I just had. Her smile completely disappears because she seems to understand what I mean.

“Do me a favor.” She says.


“Go home and get some rest.”

“Anything but that.” I shake my head.

“You look exhausted. You need to go home and get in that bed and-“

“Nope. Not leaving you.”

She gives me The Look.

“I slept all day today. That is plenty of sleep.”

“Only, I didn’t say you needed sleep. I said you needed rest. You’re not gonna get that here.”

“Well, I’m sure as hell not gonna get it sleeping in that bed knowing you’re in here.” I say. I’m not leaving this hospital til she does. Who else is gonna take care of her?

Rolls her eyes again. “You’re impossible. I’m fine now. I only need to be in here to recover from surgery. Aside from that, I’m okay. Please go home and get some rest. And get Rocky back from Isabella. I don’t want him to start liking her more than us.” She jokes but I don’t laugh. “Please.”


“I’m not gonna talk to you if you stay here.”

“I can live with that.”

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