Chapter 17: A Big Mouth

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Chapter 17: A Big Mouth



 When I wake up, Chresanto is knocked out next to me. I put my hand on his head and run my fingers through his hair. Lord knows he deserves that rest after *ahem* last night’s events. I mean, god, he deserves it.

I turn over in the bed, making sure I stay covered up and check the time. Holy shit it’s 8 o clock. Why the hell am I up at 8? Ugh. I sigh and relax again, watching him as he sleeps. He’s just so goddamn cute and sexy at the same fucking time. Like, what am I even supposed to do with this guy? Every time I look at him I feel inadequate.

He shifts and faces the other way and I study his bare back.

I know all you fast lil readers want an instant replay of what happened last night. Since I’m laying here bored and have nothing better to do at the moment I’ll give you a little taste.

After stripping me out of my clothes, he picked me up and carried me over to his bed, not skipping a single beat. He attacks me with his mouth, licking, sucking, even biting me everywhere. I remember thinking “wow, if this is what holding back does to him we should do it all the time.”

He assured me he was about to “tear it up” and he spread my legs open. I tried backing up a little, cause I mean, I wasn’t ready.

“Nah don’t try to run now. You asked for this.” He says and pulls me back towards him, locking my legs into place by wrapping his arms around them. He kisses inside my thighs, teasing me to no end. Like, he teased me for a long time. When I couldn’t take it anymore I practically pushed his head down there.

He shifts again in the bed, facing me again. This time, his eyes are slightly open. “Hey.” He says sleepily. I smile at him a little and he smiles back. “I’m exhausted.”

“Go back to sleep. No one’s trying to wake you up.” I say and he looks like he’s about to object, but he ends up drifting off again.

Now where was I?

He crawled on top of me, grinding on me at the same time. His boxers were still on and I was having a hard time figuring out why. I couldn’t focus on anything, seeing how I was just coming out of the intense orgasm he just gave me. He slid his boxers off and studied my body. Squeezing my thighs and reaching under and squeezing my ass. “Reach into the bottom drawer on your left.” He says quickly.

Still panting, I do so and find a box of condoms. I reach into it and hand one to him. He quickly slides it on himself and starts pounding the hell out of me without another word, his intense stare heightening my arousal. My mouth quickly opens and a long moan flows out. I yell out for him to let me go, but he just growls at me to “take it”. Good God.

When he notices how hard I’m grabbing the sheets he tells me to use his back. Then he gets rougher.

My phone beeps and I check it. It’s a message from Mariah saying that she misses me already. I smile and reply back, then get back to replaying.

“Say my name.” He growls in my ear through clenched teeth, going harder. I swear I can feel him in my stomach. I try to, but I can’t really talk right now considering-

“What’s my fucking name!?” He demands. Holy shit.

“Chris- Chresanto!” I cry out. “P-Please… AH!” I try to plead for him to slow down or something because I literally cannot take it right now. I wasn’t ready. I see now why that apology was necessary. He’s getting rough. And I mean R O U G H.

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