Chapter 9: A Question

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Chapter 9: A Question


“Get out.” I say sternly. “Get out of my office right now.”

“Mel-“ She says.

“DON’T call me Mel. Don’t call me anything- GET. OUT.” I stand up and yell at her.

“Um, Melanie what-“ Mariah says confusingly.

“GET HER OUT OF HERE.” I scream at her. Subconsciously I pick up the stapler on my desk, ready to throw it. Leilani runs out with a humiliated look on her face and Chresanto runs after her. Normally I’d be angry that he would do that, but I’m so pissed off at Daniel right now I can’t think of anything else.

“What the hell!?!?” Mariah says, walking over to the front of my desk. I slow my breathing and sit down. How could Dan do this to me??? I feel betrayed.

“That’s the girl Dan set you up with?”

“Yes!!! Now please explain to me what the fuck just happened??”

I take a deep breath and start fidgeting with the things on my desk. I still can’t believe Daniel did this. Why would he? Was what I did to him that bad that he felt the need to get back at me this way??  I’m having a hard time understanding why on earth he would go and dig up my awful past and throw it in my face like this. I know he is better than this.

“Melanie, answer my question.” Mariah says sternly in front of me, snapping me out of my disbelief.

“Leilani and I have… history.” Ha.

“History like what? What happened?”

“History like… ex bestfriends. Emphasis on the ex.”

She sighs frustratingly. “You aren’t giving me anything.”

“Basically we were as thick as thieves and she fucked me over and did something completely unforgivable.”

She looks at me for a long time, probably trying to figure out what happened.

“I’ll give you the full story later. That’s the girl Dan set you up with? Are you sure?”

“Yea I’m sure… Do you want me to… let her go?” She hesitates. UGHHJIAH.

“No, no, you don’t have to do that. I know you’re excited about her. Just please don’t bring her here. Ever. I don’t want to see her face.” I put my hand on my forehead. I still can’t wrap my head around this shit.  Chresanto bursts through the door and I catch a glimpse of Leilani looking this way with that kicked-puppy look on her face which she does so well.

“Mariah, I need to talk to Melanie alone please.” He says looking at me. I always love it when he’s talking to someone else but looks at me. It makes me feel special. I’m grateful for the distraction. Mariah complies and leaves.

He comes next to me and puts his hand on my forearm. “Do you want to know what she told me?”

“She tell you why she’s here?” I ask, looking him in his eyes.

“Yes.” He says quietly. The soft touching, the eye contact, the quiet voice. He’s calming me down and he doesn’t even realize it. I take a deep breath and brace myself for whatever craziness is about come out of his mouth.

“She’s here for Rayan.” He says cautiously.

Oh. This just gets better and better. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”

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