Chapter 23: The Accident

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Chapter 23: The Accident

I gasp lightly into the phone and glance back at Chresanto. That fucking liar. Does he know about the kid? Why would he lie to me about it?? Did she actually not abort it and he knew about it all along? How can I even know what’s real? “Is this Desiree?”

“This is she.”

I hold the phone to my chest and close my eyes. What do I do what do I do what do I do what do I do what do I do I whisper to myself over and over again. “Okay. I’ll be sure he gets the message.”  I say and hang up. I go back into the bedroom and toss the phone carelessly back at his dresser. The loud crashing noise makes him wake up. “What…what was that?”

“It was nothing. Go back to sleep.” I say flatly.

He rubs his eyes. “What’s going on?”

“I don’t know Chresanto you tell me.”

“What are you talking about?”

I blink at him. I grab a blanket from the closet and get my pillow from the bed.

“Where are you going?” He climbs out of bed.

I roll my eyes. “I’m just going downstairs to watch t.v”

“You can watch t.v in here.”

“Leave me alone will you? I don’t want to watch t.v in here. I’m going downstairs.”

“Mel what’s wrong??” He follows me out of the room and to the stairs.

“Nothing! I said leave me alone!” I sort of yell.

Good thing he’s still avoiding arguments because he drops it and watches me walk down the stairs. I grab the flat screen remote and turn the channel on Bravo to watch a reality show. I quickly run into the kitchen to fix myself a bowl of ice cream with hot fudge and wip cream, and pour myself a glass of wine. I check the time on the stove- it’s 2:00 A.M and I shouldn’t be eating junk food this late. Oh well. I’ll hit the gym tomorrow.

I hear footsteps coming and I sigh. “Please go away.” I say to him as he rounds the corner and sits on the love seat adjacent to the main couch.

“Not until you tell me why you’re throwing things at me and getting so angry at 2 o clock in the morning.” He says from the couch. “I don’t want to get into an argument. I’m done arguing with you, that’s something we aren’t doing anymore. Just talk. Tell me what’s the problem and we can fix it.”

“Oh, shutup.”

He looks stunned. “What?”

“Shut up! You always say shit like that and yet… You know, you tell me I’m selfish and I try hard to handle it. You always complain about my commitment issues, so I take some time to myself to try to figure those out. Notice a pattern? Every time you point out an issue, I go out of my way to fix it for you. But you?? I tell you something and you say that you’re sorry and that you’re trying and all these other sweet words but you turn around and go do the same shit every time.”

“What exactly are you talking about??”

“I’m talking about you! Are you not listening???”

“Mel, calm down. I’m listening but you’re not making any sense.”

“Just a random person with the wrong phone number, right?” I say. He stares at me, a sign he’s been caught. Then he sighs. “Melanie, I-“

“Right. Let me guess. You’re sorry? You thought that it would just be best if I just didn’t know because you were taking care of the problem? You didn’t want to hurt me?”

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