Chapter 7: A Decision

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Chapter 7: A Decision


I wake up with Chresanto wrapped around me. I untangle myself from his hold and get dressed and ready to go to work. I’m so happy to finally be going back, I feel suffocated from everything that’s happened in this house in such a short time. Plus I need time alone to think. Ughhhhh I like Daniel, being with him is very exciting. But Chresanto… I don’t know he’s special to me and there’s a place in my heart for him that no one can really ever replace. Why can’t I just have them both???

I glare at sleeping Chris (even though he looks so adorable) for asking me to be his girlfriend again when he knows how we both feel about it. I throw on my jacket before walking out of his room and closing the door quietly behind me.

I walk downstairs and see Jacob in a muscle t-shirt and basketball shorts shuffling around the kitchen. “Hi.” I wonder if he’s still mad at me about not telling him about the whole baby drama.

He gives me a small smile but doesn’t say anything. “Why are you up so early?” I ask.

“I’m going to the gym.” He states. I lean my elbows on the bar of the kitchen.

“Jake… I’m really sorry I didn’t tell you about.. you know. I wasn’t even going to tell Chresanto but he figured it out when he got here.”

He raises his eyebrows at me. “Wasn’t even gonna Roc? Damn.” He smiles and shakes his head.

I blow air through my nose. “Umm, soooo you and Isabella…”

His smile quickly disappears/ “I don’t know. I already forgave her, I mean, I really had no choice. I just don’t know if she’ll forgive me.”

I give him an apologetic look.

“Her birthday’s in July. I was going to do something real special and propose.” He shrugs. “Not sure if that’s going to happen now.”

“You guys have been together a long time.. I’m sure you’ll be fine.”

He closes his eyes and starts rubbing his forehead. “Yea, maybe. Where are you going?” His opens his eyes


“Alright. See you later. Maybe we can all go out to dinner tonight.”

“Ok see ya around kid.” I run my hands through his afro and leave.


“GIRL YES.” I say to Mariah, swiveling around in my chair. She takes pictures for the website I work for- that’s how we met. She comes by occasionally. “They’re all driving me crazy!” I laugh.

“Hmmm mmm oh poor you, you have to share a house with three incredibly hot and famous men. The horror!” She says. I roll my eyes.

“You’d want to get away too if you knew half the shit I know about them.” I check the clock and it’s 12:08. Right before I get a chance to put my phone away I get a call from Chresanto. I motion for Mariah to be quiet. “Chris.”


“What is it?” I say, trying not to sound too annoyed.

“Where you at?”


“What time is your lunch break.”

“1. Why?”

“Can I pick you up?” Shit.

“Umm, actually I’m having lunch with Daniel today.” I lie. I don’t feel like talking to him :T

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