7. "You Really Are a Winchester."

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7. "You Really Are a Winchester."

It turned out that we weren't free to go that night, the doctor insisted that Castiel and I stay overnight to make sure we recovered. Grudgingly, we had no choice. I wasn't about to refuse doctor's orders, and I really wasn't feeling up to escaping a hospital with no change of clothes.

The hospital setting didn't help me sleep that night. Instead of dreaming of my attempt at being a hero, my mind decided to frighten me with nightmares, with Emily dead when I got to her. With me succumbing to the smoke. Me dying just as Castiel reaches me. Then the dream would shift, and then I'd really wish I'd have someone wake me. My dream would morph back into a piece of childhood I know I was way too young to remember.

It was back at my house in Lawrence, Kansas, back when I was two years old. Truthfully, I don't remember a lot about what happened. I just remember Dad shouting, hearing a loud noise, and rushing out with Dean with baby Sam (at the time) in his arms. I remember the house going up in smoke and fire, the firetruck lights, the firemen dowsing our house. Just the four of us out on that cold November night. The night that changed things. The night that changed the Winchester family dynamic forever.

It's no surprise that I wake up feeling more exhausted than how I felt going into sleep last night. That's definitely a bad sign. Maybe I'll be better once we're out of here. I look to see Castiel fast asleep. He twitches every now and again, nose wrinkles in concentration. It's almost cute—not that I'm trying to be a creep.

I slowly get out of the bed, searching for my phone. Wait, how are Sam and Dean supposed to know where we are if I don't have their numbers? I smack my forehead. I didn't think that far ahead, it seemed. Maybe Castiel knows.

I'm tempted to wake him with a loud noise or something, but I don't. He looks like he needs the sleep. So, like a Good Samaritan, I let him. I even find myself dozing back off again from the silence in our room. The silence is only possible with our room door being shut. The hospital noises are muffled enough to be considered almost silence.

Any shift I hear beside me has me awake at a second's notice. I need Dean's number to call so he and Sam can deliver my truck. Now I'm wondering if Castiel has to be at work today. Well, he'll have a reasonable excuse to miss one day.

With no shot of dozing off again, I sit up in the hospital bed, missing my own back at my place. Well, I'll be back today. I'll be back to babysitting a former angel again. My eyes shift to movement to my left.

"Morning, sunshine," I say. "You got Dean's number so I can call him?"

"I can't relieve myself first?"

I roll my eyes. "Fine, do what you have to. Or just tell me the number now so I can call him."

By the time I find my phone (I had initially overlooked it), Castiel has disappeared into the bathroom. I huff impatiently, trying not to focus on hearing him pee in the bathroom. I wrinkle my nose, glad to hear the flush of the toilet. I hound him the second his body leaves the bathroom for Dean's number. He has to repeat it twice after so I have the number right.

"And here I thought you called it quits," is my greeting.

"How could you possibly know it was me?" I retort.

"Cas told me the number so I put it in."

I glare at Castiel, who looks at me innocently. "I did call it quits. I need a favor."

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