23. Addict Anonymous

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23. Addict Anonymous

"Come on, Crowley," Dean says. "Pick up! Where the hell is he? It's not like he's got a social life."

"Are you actually worried?" I ask, leaning over Sam's shoulder. We're in the library of the bunker, and Sam and I have been researching Cain and Abel. We haven't forgotten the lovely mark that Cain decided to hand over to our big brother. "I mean, I barely know the guy, and you don't see me stalking him with voicemails."

"Guy's got one job—find the First Blade, bring it back. How hard is that?" Dean continues to pace with his phone.

"It's Crowley," Sam reminds our brother. "He's not exactly a team player."

"Yeah, but his ass is on the line, too. He goes missing for weeks on end without a peep? Well, not one that makes sense, anyway. Listen to this." Dean puts his phone on the table and puts the volume on speaker.

"Dean," says the British tone. "Um..." The rest none of us can really comprehend. It's...I don't know what it is. Gibberish, maybe.

"Wait a second," says Sam. "Did he...drunk-dial you?"

Dean picks up his phone again and tries Crowley's number. "Son of a bitch."

"Oh, you poor unfortunate soul," I tell Dean dramatically. "Do you really think you're a priority to him? He doesn't seem like the buddy type."

"Not to mention he's the King of Hell," Sam emphasizes.

"Wait. You mean to tell me that I met the King of Hell?"

Sam looks at me. "I thought you knew that?"

"Nobody told me! But he doesn't seem like a king to me." I scoff. "Guess human blood has something to do with that?" I look at Dean, annoyed. "Are you gonna give up on the phone or not? It's obvious he doesn't want to talk. Whatever he's doing must be of higher importance."

"Then what do you suggest, sis?" Dean snaps. "You want us to just road trip and hope we find him?"

"I'm suggesting we don't call him anymore, because that's clearly not working. I'm open to other ideas."

"We trap a demon and hope it sings?"

"There's the chance they wouldn't know where Crowley's been or what he's been up to."

"Dean's idea might not be so bad," Sam voices. "I mean, we don't have to physically run to catch one. We summon it to us."

I swallow, eyeing my little brother. "Summon a demon?"

"It wouldn't be our first time doing it, Jo."

* * *

"You guys have done this often?" I ask my brothers.

We're out in the night, at a crossroads. Dean is spray-painting a Devil's trap while Sam is burying a container of the ritual items necessary. I begin to imagine why my brothers have needed to summon a demon. That can range from anything to anything, with their lives.

"More than we'd like to admit," Sam says. I step into the trap, avoiding the fresh, red paint. "Let's hope you never have to do one, Jo."

"Let's hope," I murmur, crossing my arms.

As Dean finishes the trap, Sam finishes burying the items. We're all side by side, with me in the middle.

"All right, do it," says Dean.

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