Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

- Sophie's POV

Dude is it weird that I'm a 20 year-old girl, who's a sophomore in college and still being what my family call an "adult" I'm on a meet & greet line to meet Demi Lovato?

When I told my grandmother that I'd spend my vacations in the US to practically stalk Demi, well I'm going to all her concerts, I don't think it's really a stalk thing, but well that grumpy old woman said this so. Well, back to the point, she told me that I was crazy to spend that much and be by myself in a foreign country, I didn't told her that I'm paying for my cousin Davi to go with me as well, he's in a way being my bodyguard here. I may not be famous, but my father was one of the most famous engineers when he was alive, I remember when we went to Angie's in 2005 to decide the final adjustments to her and Brad's new house, yeah right Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt were my father's customers and later on close friends. When my parents died in a car accident in 2009, I was 16 and the paps were always around asking how I was going about my parents' mourning and my uncle, who was, back there, my guardian thought it would be a good idea to let me stay away from the world, so when he asked Brad if I could stay at their place for a while he and Angie said yes without a second thought, and after that she sort of became a second mother for me, well we still make fun saying that she's the world's mother.

Oh god I got lost in my thought and didn't notice I was the next person in line to meet Demi, my cousin had brought me back from my thoughts, he might have tried a lot before screaming my name, which by the way took me and Demi by surprise.

- Demi's POV

I was waiting for the next girl to come up to me, but she looked lost in her thoughts and then the guy with her screamed her name for the fifth time and she looked at him and then to me with a surprise look, I got a little surprised as well, I didn't expect him to scream that loud. The girl blushed a little, or maybe a lot, I don't know, she has a somewhat tanned skin, but it doesn't look like she had spent hours under the sun to get that color, it looked natural. She started to walk closer to me looking to the ground and the guy who was with her followed suit.

- Sophie's POV

I can't believe Davi screamed at me in front of Demi, now she probably thinks I am a stupid or something like that. Thank you cousin, for making me look even more pathetic.

- Davi's POV

Crap, I shouldn't have screamed at my baby girl, but I had to get her out of her thoughts so she could meet her idol.

"Soph?" I called her

"What?" she asked almost in a whisper

"I just want to tell you I'm sorry for screaming at you, I was really just trying to get you out of your daydream, you were lost in your thoughts."

"I know, I was thinking about 2009 and how Angie and Brad were good for me."

"Are you okay? I mean it's been a while since you last mentioned 2009." I was interrupted by Demi talking to us

"Hi guys, how are you?", but before I answered Sophie looked at me and mouthed to me "I'm fine".

- Demi's POV

I just asked how they were and the girl looked at the guy and mouthed she was fine, what was she talking about? Well I'll find out later.

"Hi, we're good." said the guy after nodding at the girl

"What are your names?" I asked

"Hi, I'm Sophie, but you can call me Soph."

"And I'm Davi, Sophie's bodyguard." wow, okay. The girl has a bodyguard? She doesn't seem too happy about his statement though

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