Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

-Demi's POV

I was woken up by Sophie's kisses on my face, I smiled before open my eyes
"Good morning Angel." I said smiling while wrapping my arms around her neck
"Good morning Dems. I liked my new nickname by the way." Soph said hugging me by the waist and rolling use making me go on top of her with my whole body laying on hers, "Max called and said we have to leave the hotel at ten to take our flight." Soph said with her arms still wrapped on my waist
"What time is it?" I asked with my head on her chest listening to her heart beating
"Eight thirty, so why don't you go take a shower while I order our food? I'm already showered because I didn't want to wake my beautiful sleepyhead girlfriend so early in the morning." Sophie said kissing my cheek and I nodded going to the bathroom. I got showered, brush my teeth and got my hair in a messy bum. When I went back to our room guess who's in there? Exactly the same creepy guy, but he's signing some papers and I got confuse
"What's it?" I asked walking to Sophie, he didn't looked up at me, he just continued with his head down looking at the paper
"Confidentially contract. It's to make sure he'll be quiet about us." Sophie said and I nodded
"May I go now ma'am?" He said handing the papers to Soph
"Yes. Thank you... Joshua." Soph said reading his name on the papers
"Excuse me." He said walking to the door and closing it after leave the room
"How did you get this contact?" I asked her
"Oh, it's really easy actually. I already had a model of it, I just had to change some details. You wouldn't believe how many of the contracts the lawyers say cost little fortunes because are difficult to prepare are actually really easy to be done." She said and I nodded
"Kay. Let's eat, I'm staving." I said taking her hand and walking to the table where our food was. She stopped me, making me turn to look at her, then she wrapped her arms around my waist and kissed me soft on the lips
"You know I'll never let something bad happen to you or your family don't you?" Soph asked after we kiss
"Yes, but why're saying it?" I asked with my arms around her neck
"Just to make sure you know I'm able to protect you." She said looking directly in my eyes
"Oh my God, I have such an overprotective girlfriend!" I said playfully throwing my arms up
"Of course! I've to be overprotective, especially when my girl's second name is Problem." She said kissing my nose joyfully
"I'm not a problem!" I said mocking a offended voice
"Nope. But you're always looking for it." Soph said kissing my cheek before sit by my side, we giggled of her comment and then we started to eat. After we ate we got our things prepared to leave and then we headed to the lobby. Soph went to say goodbye to Roger and then went back to the lobby to find everyone waiting for her.

- Sophie's POV

We got in the airport and I had to try my best not to stare or check Demi out. She's so sexy and cute on her outfit, a black top, her famous green jacket, black pants and a pair of black sneakers. Oh and we can't forget, she's holding the pillow she "borrow" from the hotel, well actually I asked Roger if she could take one of the pillows and he said it was okay, but I'm letting Demi being happy thinking she's being a badass, such a kiddo, a really gorgeous one by the way
"Sophie!" Demi said shaking my shoulder making me look at her, "What're you thinking? I called your name five times." Demi said
"Sorry." I said and then approach to her ear, "I was lost in my thoughts while staring my sexy girlfriend." I said and I could see her blushing while giggling,
"Okay baby. We've to go in the plane now, they're calling our flight." Demi said and I nodded following her to the departure gate. We were waiting on our sits to the plane to take off. Demi was with her head on the pillow, it's resting on my shoulder. We had asked for a blanket and it's covering our bodies so Demi was holding my hand and playing with my fingers
"Are going to sleep?" I asked seeing how sleepy she was
"I think so. Why? Do you want me to stay awake?" She asked with her sleepy voice
"Nah, it's okay. Go sleep Vida." I said to her and she looked at me confuse
"What does it mean?" She asked me curious
"Oh, it means life in Portuguese and since you're mine I thought I should call you like this." I said and a big smile appeared on her face
"I liked it." Demi said in a childish voice squeezing my hand. I kissed the top of her head
"Go sleep, I don't want this big baby to be sulky later." I said joyfully and we giggled. After a while Demi was sleeping and I decided I could do the same.

- Demi's POV

I was sleeping when I felt someone poking my arm nonstop. I opened my eyes irritated, but right after I saw who's doing it a changed my expression
"Hi baby boy, can I help you?" I asked to the sex-year-old boy who's poking my arm
"Can you help me find my daddy?" He asked in a cute but scared voice
"Sure, let me just tell my friend where I'm going, okay?" I said and he nodded
"Soph, wake up." I said shaking her arm
"What Demetria?" She asked annoyed
"Wake up!" I said a little more emphatically
"Okay! What happened?" She asked me and then she looked to my side noticing the little boy
"He's lost. He woke me up to ask me for help him find his father. I'm going to help him, do you wanna come?" I asked and she nodded
"What's you name buddy?" She asked him
"Christopher, but daddy call my Chris." He said
"I'm Sophie an this is Demi." Soph said and he nodded. We stranded up and I took his hand before we start our "hunt"
"How's your dad's name Chris?" I asked and he looked up at me
"Christopher, we've the same name, but he's big one and I'm little one. At least it was how mommy called us." He said
"Was?" I asked him
"Dad said God took her from us because he was needing an angel and she was the best for the job." He said innocently and I nodded trying hard not to tear up, Soph noticed and changed the subject
"Chris, how does your dad look like?" She asked him
"He's like me, but big. He's white, has blue eyes, blond hair, and he looks like a giant." Chris said in a cute voice
"Okay, let's find your daddy." Demi said taking him in her arms. After 10 minutes we found a man that really looked like Chris, he's sleeping. Soph shook his arm to wake him up and he open his eyes abruptly
"May I help you?" He said looking at her
"I think you lost your son." Sophie said and the man looked to the chair by his side
"Oh shit!" He said more to himself than for her
"Daddy! Don't say this word, mom didn't like when you said it." Chris said and his dad look at me, I was holding Chris in my arms
"Sorry son. Thank you, for find him." Christofer said looking to Sophie and I
"Not a problem. You've an amazing son." I said smiling and he smiled proudly, but I could swear he winked at me, crap! I think he thought I was flirting with him
"Thank you. Son come here." Christopher said standing his arms in my direction
"I wanna stay with Demi!" Chris said with puppy eyes
"But buddy, she need to go. You can't continue disturbing her." Christopher said in a concerned voice
"You're going to Phoenix, right?" Soph asked and Christopher nodded
"We live there." He said
"So why don't you do this way? You go to your daddy now, but in two days you and your daddy can go to Demi's concert to hang out with us. What do you think buddy?" Soph asked Chris and he nodded with sleepy eyes and his thumb in his mouth
"I didn't get it." Christopher said confused
"Oh, she's Demi, like the Demi Lovato, former Disney, famous singer, The X Factor judge?" Sophie said trying to make him remember me
"Oh! Like the x factor, THE X FACTOR? Like the girl who's always making fun of Simon Cowell?" He said a bit shocked and I nodded giggling
"Yes. Here take mines I don't need them anymore." Soph said handing him Davi's and hers tickets
"Oh, thanks, but won't you need them to go?" He asked taking the tickets
"She won't. She's my friend, she's going with me, I don't think they're going to stop her to go in." I said and we giggled
"Okay then. See you in two days girls. Thank you. C'mon son." He said standing his arms again and this time Chris didn't protest. We kissed Chris's cheek and shook Christopher hand. We walked back to our sits
"You loved that little boy, didn't you?" Soph asked, it's awesome how she can reads me
"Yes, he's so cute. I want one like him." I said and regretted right after, "I mean, not now. I know you don't want one right now." I said trying to explain myself
"Chill Demi, I got it." Soph said kissing my cheek and them we had the pilot saying we we're about to land.

*Author's note *
I know it's short, but I've to study for my tests on college. I wasn't even going to upload, but I noticed none of the 68 fan-fiction (yes I know I'm addicted) that I'm reading were being updated, so I thought you should of be wanting anything to read.

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