Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

-Sophie's POV

After Demi's interview we got changed and went to the lobby to find everyone and then go take our breakfast. We're sat at a big roundtable, Demi was by my side, followed by Eiddie, Max, Davi and Marissa, who's by my other side. We're chatting and eating
"Demi. You are having an interview at a local tv show and then you can go to Amber's." Eddie said and I got confuse
"Who's Amber?" I asked Marissa whispering
"Demi's other sister." Marissa answered and I nodded thankfully
"Sophie, grandma called me asking if what the media was saying about you was true." Davi said to me taking his class of juice to his mouth
"Who told her? She sucks on Internet and I'm sure she's not stalking Demi." I said annoyed
"Sorry baby, Bianca showed the photo to grandma." Davi said, Bianca is Davi's younger sister and my cousin, I love her, but we always get into silly fights since we're kids, family things
"That bitch!" I said more to myself than to them
"Who's Bianca?" Marissa asked
"Your sister-in-law. Good luck with her." I said and Davi laughed
"Girl, how old are you? Thirteen?" Davi said giggling
"Shut up! You know she hates me because I was grandpa's favorite." I said
"Was? Since when did he die?" He asked playfully
"He didn't die, but I probably died for he." I said a bit sad and Demi squeezed my thigh kindly
"Not really. Grandma got furious of grandma's reaction and he stayed by your side. Mom said he told grandma to shut up because it's your life not hers and that you can do whatever you want if it makes you happy." Davi said and I smiled
"Wow. I'd like to see him telling grandma to shut up." I said giggling and Davi giggled, "Did anyone else call?" I asked and he nodded
"Carol called and she said you better come back because Lucas is pissing her off to see you." Davi said and we giggled
"Not my bad he loves me." I said throwing my hair to the side
"Who's Lucas?" Demi asked me jealous and Davi and I burst into laughs
"Carol's son. She's our oldest cousin. Lucas is only ten, no worry." I said still laughing and after I explained Marissa, Eddie and Max burst into laugh
"Why's he pissing her to see you?" Demi asked curious
"Because that little twat by your side is the kids' favorite person." Davi said joyfully and I gave him a silly smile
"Not my bad I'm awesome." I said playfully and we giggled
"So do you really like kids huh?" Demi asked and I nodded
"I love them." I said smiling
"She was wanting to adopt a kid. This girl is crazy, she doesn't even finished college yet." Davi said and I blushed
"Did you want to adopt?" Demi asked
"Yes, but it can wait." I said shyly I didn't want her to feel pressured or something
"Okay." She let the subject die, but I saw something weird on her face, looked like she's sad. We went back to our room so Demi could get prepared to her interview. After she had finished her makeup we still had half an hour till she have to go. We laid on bed starring each other
"What're u thinking Dems?" I asked stroking her hair
"About the adoption thing." She said with sadness in her voice
"Demi look, I am sorry if you got mad, I understand you don't want to adopt and I think Davi's right, I'm still too young." I said and she looked at me confuse
"Is not that. Is just.. I thought you didn't want to adopt anymore, because you didn't want to adopt with me." Demi said and I made her get closer
"I'd be the happiest person ever if you and I adopted a kid together." I said and she smiled kissing my cheek, "But we're both young and we just started this relationship. I want to spend at least one more year having you only for me before I have to share you with someone else. And only our families and friends know about us, it'd be plenty weird if the media discovered you adopted a child with another girl." I said and she nodded
"I got your point." Demi said. After a bit Max came to knock our door and says Demi had to go. Since I didn't want to go because of everything the media was saying about us Marissa and I went to go shopping in a mall close to our hotel and Davi went with us as well to do his "bodyguard" thing. We're walking around the mall looking the vitrines and I turned to look at Davi who's behind Marissa and I walking just like Max does
"Davi, I need you to make me a favor." I said walking to one of the restaurants that were in the mall
"What do you need?" He asked sitting by a table
"I want you to find me a bodyguard." I said and he looked curious
"You hate me doing it for you and now you want a professional to do it?" He asked and I nodded, "Why?"
"I don't know. I think now that I am with Demi, there're the paps and I still got a bit uncomfortable around them and I'm gonna be by my own in Cali since you're gonna be in Dallas it'd be better if I had someone to do it." I said and he nodded
"But about the paps, you're being cautious, why are you worried?" Marissa asked confuse
"Yes we're being heap cautious, but still look what happened. We're in a private area of our hotel we're being cautious, but they caught us. I think it would be good to have someone, I mean Demi has Max, but the guy can't do my security too, he has to do Demi's and I'll not gonna be 24/7 with her, I'll be going to college and she'll be working and doing her things." I said and they nodded
"Yes, you're right. I got your point and it is dangerous for you to go around by your own. I'm gonna talk with Max and see if he has someone for you." Davi said. We ordered our food, during we're waiting for our food we got to chat a bit
"So Mar, where're you living now?" I asked curious since I didn't know if she's in Cali or Dallas
"I kinda have been flying a lot between Dallas and Cali, but most of the time in Cali with Madison or Demi. I'm doing the charity thing with Kerissa to Demi, so I kind of have to be there a lot, especially now because it's for the Free The Children and we're going to Africa after Demi's concert in Brazil." Marissa said and I nodded, "So, you're really moving to Cali huh?" She asked in a funny voice
"Yes. I think it's gonna be good be closer to Angie and the kids, I miss be with them and especially I miss Brad's advices, he really makes me remember my dad, their moods were really alike, I think because of this they're so close." I said remembering how they're together, they acted like they're brothers
"It's cool how you've your real family, but it's even cooler how you created your own with the time. Sometimes sounds like you can go anywhere and you're have a person to receive you and have you. It's really cool, I feel this way with Demi's family, they're like my own, I think it's not only Demi and Dallas who choose Eddie as a father, but also me, I've my own father, but Eddie is like my second one." Marissa said
"And he acts like a father for you. When he discovered about us he made me promised I'd never brake your heart and he said that if you get pregnant before marriage he could take my balls away." Davi said looking protectively to his pants and Marissa and I burst into laugh
"So you better get codons dude." I said and Mar blushed, "OMG, you're virgin!" I said too loud pointing to Marissa and everyone in the restaurant looked to our table
"Shut up!" Marissa whispered
"Sorry, but are you really virgin?" I whispered disbelief
"Yes, why are you so surprise?" She asked raising an eyebrow
"I don't know. I think I just didn't expected you to be. Tell me at least Dallas isn't virgin anymore, because if she's I'm gonna start to think there's something wrong with this family." I said joyfully and Marissa punched my arm playfully
"Nah, she's dating Rob for too long, they're already living together." Marissa said and Davi looked at us raising an eyebrow with that big brother look on his face
"Can you too be a little more respectful with your friends' life?" He asked and Marissa and I looked at each other and then at him
"No, sorry!" We said together and then we burst into laugh
"Hi five me sis." Marissa said and I hi fived her
"You are crazy." Davi said and I did a silly face. Our food came and we ate and then payed for it
"Can we go? I'm tired, we shop all day and Demi is gonna kill us be caused she didn't come with." Marissa said and I nodded
"Yeah, we can go. I'm tired too, but it's not all the day, it's only 3 hours. I think Demi's probably getting back to the hotel right now." I said and we walked to the front door to take a cab. Marissa and I went to my room, I mean Demi's and mines, and Demi wasn't there yet, so we walked toward the bed and we laid with the bags of things we had bought facing the celling
"Please tell me you bought her something." Marissa said out of nowhere
"Actually I bought a lot of things. Every place we went in I could see something that made me remember her." I said and she turned to look at me
"You do love her, don't you?" She asked and I turned to face her while nodded
"Yes. And it scares me." I said truthfully
"Scares?" She asked confuse
"I'm afraid to lose her, I can't imagine myself without her in my life. It's scary, we're together for just a bit more than a week and I'm already freaking out. I remember when I was in TK once and she went to talk with us, not the one time she went to the Stay Strong documentary, she's so flawless there talking with us, was like we could see her flaws but the way she let us in just made her flawless in my eyes." I said
"I didn't know she had gone there when you're there." Marissa said, "How's it to see your idol there? I mean, for so long Demi's being my friend that sometimes I just forget she's other people's idol, for me she's just the Demi, my crazy and funny friend." Marissa said
"It's pretty weird, but in a good way. I think was that day I fell in love for her. She's so nice with everyone, she talked with a lot of girls there, I didn't have the courage to face her at that time though, she looked so close from me there, but yet so far." I said and just after I finished the door opened
"What're you too doing?" Demi said looking for the amount of bags on the floor and on the bed
"Talking about you." Marissa said with a smirk knowing Demi would get curious
"What're you talking?" Demi said with a curious look while walking to lay by me, or better saying ON me
"Demetria I love you, but you're suffocating me." I said joyfully and she went by my side with her head on my chest to face Marissa
"So what're talking about?" She asked again still curious I gave Marissa a look saying I didn't want Demi to know those things
"Ya know, how much of a bad kisser you are and stuffs." Marissa said joyfully and Demi looked at me with an eyebrow raised
"Oh really?" She said still looking at me
"She's joking Demetria." I said, "We're talking about when you went to TK while I was there." I said and she looked confuse
"I didn't knew it." She said
"I know. You went to do a kind of an assembly and then you talked with some of the girls. I didn't go to talk with you though." I said and she just looked even more confuser
"Why not?" She asked, crap I didn't want her to know it
"Okay, I'm gonna let you girls alone." Marissa said standing up and taking her bags with her. I gave her a "don't leave me" look, but she just walked to the door and let me alone with Demi Freaking Curious
"So why not?" She asked sitting on bad and I sat facing her
"Because at that time I was ashamed for what I had become, I mean, you looked flawless, I think that day I fell in love for you and I just didn't want you to see me that way, I was ashamed of what you'd think about me." I said looking down
"You'd never had gotten ashamed." She said lifting my head to face her
"I know, I think I just wasn't confident enough by that time." I said, Demi nodded understandable and then leaned closer to kiss me, when our lips met was like fireworks were all over our room, she made me lay on bed again getting on top of me, one of her hands on the back of my head and the other on my back making me get closer, she started to unbutton my blouse and thanks God I had choose a sexy white lingerie for today, Demi took my blouse off without brake our kiss. I took her jacket off and then I lifted her shirt to her head braking the kiss to took it off and baking to kiss her right after, she's wearing a sexy black bra, it fit perfect on her. I got on top of her and took her arms to the top of her head with her legs around my waist
"What are you gonna do with me missy?" Demi asked with a grin on her face
"Lets see." I said kissing her lips, then her neck, chest and belly, I looked up to find her eyes and they're shining. I unbutton her pants and get then off of her legs to see sexy black undies fitting with her bra, "For who you dressed that sexy today?" I asked raising an eyebrow to her
"I don't know, maybe to that fucking sexy chick I met in a concert." She said joyfully
"This girl might be really lucky, because you're fucking sexy. I wish I was her." I said playing her game
"Well, you can get all of it for yourself if you want." She said. Demi took my shorts away and stop to stare me only in my white bra and undies, "And for who YOU dressed this sexy?" She asked devilish
"I don't know, for a damn sexy girl with a beautiful voice and really kissable lips." I said getting closer to her lips, I kissed it and her tongue asked for entrance, I let her in and the kiss got more intense, Demi's body was warm against mine and its felt on mines was amazingly perfect just then we listened our door being open and I got the blankets fast to cover us
"OMG, I'm sorry. I'll back latter." Marissa said super embarrassed closing the door behind her
"Argh! What's it that people always have to interrupt us." Demi said sexually frustrate
"Hey baby, chill okay?" I said and she looked at me with an "are you serious?" Look and I nodded
"Common, you can't be serious! why are you that calm?" She said and I giggled
"I already have you by my side and I know you're mine. How couldn't I be calm when I know the girl I love more than anything else is here by my side?" I said and Demi smiled leaning to kiss me. We spend a couple more minutes making out and then Demi went to take a shower. While she's talking the shower I get the things I had bought her from the floor letting them on the bed. She walked in with a towel wrapped on her body
"What's all of this?" She asked referring to the bags on our bed while getting a messy sexy bum with her hair
"I just thought I could brought you some things since you're not shopping with us." I said pecking her lips and walking to the bathroom to take a shower, "Feel free to see what's on the bed, those ones are yours." I said with a smirk seeing how surprised she was
"Are you serious you bought me all of this?" She asked amazed
"Yep. I want to spoil my girlfriend." I said closing the bathroom's door. When I went back in the room Demi was already dressed with the things I had bought her, "I think you liked what I bought you." I said smiling seeing how sexy she got with the things I gave her, not in a vulgar way though
"Yes I loved them, thank you Soph." Demi said kissing me soft, "Can you please get change it's to hard for me to see you only in a towel." Demi said with her arms around my neck and I nodded walking away to get changed. I got my glasses on and Demi got hers, she didn't wear makeup making her freckles visible, it just made her look even sexier
"God Demetria, I love your freckles." I said walking to her to kiss them and she blushed slight
"And I love when you call me Demetria, it's sounds sexy when it comes to you." Demi said kissing my lips with her arms around my waist and mines around her neck
"Do you want me to go with you to see Amber?" I asked
"Of course, she's my sister, I want you to meet her." Demi said enthusiastic
"I don't know Demi, are you sure? I mean. With Dallas and Madison was different because I knew a lot about them, but Amber, I just discovered who she's because I asked Marissa. I knew you had other sister, but I didn't even know her name, I know nothing about her, I'm scared she doesn't like me." I said and Demi pecked my lips
"She's gonna love you. Listen, I just discovered about her a while ago too and we're not as close as I am with Madison or Dallas, but she's really nice and I already told her I'm bi, so she's not gonna be get by surprise. I know she's gonna love you, because I love you, but most important she's a daughter, so you just have to do your thing and if she loves you then Amber is gonna loves you too." Demi said and I nodded calmer now. We went to the lobby of our hotel to find Max waiting for us.

Heart by heart - Demi Lovato fan fictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang