Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

- Demi's POV

We had taken Aris, Braeden and uncle David, well, he's not my uncle, he's Eddie's brother, but since Eddie and mom are together all his family treat Dallas and I as family and we really consider them family as well. I was quite during all the ride back to our home, till Maddie start to talk
"Demi, did I really interrupted you more then one time?" She asked shyly and guilty, now I'm felling guilt she's feeling this way
"Yes baby girl, but don't worry, I was being an idiot, it's not really your fault, it only wasn't to be." I told her calmly
"Okay. When was the other time I interrupted you?" She asked shyly
"When you broke the mirror. But don't worry okay? It's not your fault." I said looking on the rearview mirror to find her eyes, I gave her a smile, she just nodded and turn her had to look to the window
"Girls, what's happening?" David asked confused
"Maddie interrupted Demi twice while she's trying to kiss her new girlfriend and Demi was being a jerk lately." Marissa said
"New girlfriend Demetria? I didn't know it." David said joyfully
"It's something recent." I said serious looking to the road
"Yeah, really recent, like some hours ago." Marissa said and everyone looked surprised since normally I introduced my boyfriends only after at least a month or so of relationship, except by Selena. But everyone already knew her
"I'm gonna introduce her when we arrive. Guys since you're staying in your house, do you wanna me to park there and then we can go to my house after take the luggage to your house?" I asked since their house in Dallas is in front of ours. After I went to LA some of the family went to there too, which was something really cool, because when I was alone I felt depressed and lonely. I was living by my own now, but it's nice to know I've a place to go if I needed someone to talk to
"It would be perfect Demi." David said
"So, Aris and Braeden what do you two think about forget your iPhones for a bit and pretend you missed me and wanna talk to me." I said joyfully looking to them by the rearview, just then I noticed Maddie was still looking to the window blankly, I'll have to talk with her when we arrive home
"Sorry Demi, it's kinda that your fans can't stop ask things about you since we tweeted we're coming to Dallas to your concert." Aris said still looking to her phone
"Sorry guys, I didn't want them to bother you. Do you wanna me to tweet asking them to stop?" I asked, after what's happened with Maddie I noticed that when you're famous is not only you who have to handle the light spot, but your family and friends
"No, it's kinda fun see them fangirling and tweeting funny and crazy things." Braeden said giggling
"Yeah, they're crazy, some of them tweet really crazy things, like that they wanna fuck you and stuffs." Aris said laughing
"Aris, watch your language!" David said serious
"Oh c'mon daddy, you receive this tweets as well, you know I'm right." Aris said. I didn't know about this tweets and now I'm sure I'm blushing, it's kinda embracing know that my fans tweet things like this to my uncle
"I'm sorry guys. I truly am." I said embraced
"Don't be Demi, I know it's not really your fault and that they're only joking." David said in a fatherly tone
"Not, sure if it's just a joke. Demi's girlfriend is a Lovatic. She's doing what the others millions of them are wishing by their tweets." Marissa said joyfully
"Shut up Marissa, you know nothing about Sophie!" Madison said furious
"Sorry, Madison. But since when do you know her?" Marissa said annoyed. Maddie never had talked this way with her
"Since she helped me. She told me her story and how Demi helped her. She's not one of that perverts. You know nothing about her, did you listen me? You know NOTHING about her, so make me a favor and shut up!" Madison said pissed. I didn't know she knew Sophie's story and it's nice to know this was what Sophie had told her, for that Maddie opened up with her
"What is your problem Madison? Only because she helped you you're acting like if she's your best friend?" Marissa said in a questioning tone
"I'm not acting like if she's my best friend, but you should since you're judging her, who is a person who had exactly the same problems as Demi. Really nice to know if you wasn't Demi's friend you would judge her and call her a pervert and crazy person." Madison said so angry that was sure she's going to kill Marissa. Marissa looked blankly to me by the rearview, she knew Sophie had had problems, but she didn't know they're exactly the same.
"I.. I.. I didn't know." Marissa said ashamed
"Yeah, you didn't know, you didn't know her story. You know her name, not her story." Madison said quoting one of my quotes
"Girls, can you two stop argue? We're here and I don't wanna Sophie to know you two were arguing because of her." I said calmly
"Whatever." Madison said leaving the car, crossing the street and walking to our house
"What happened here?" David asked worried
"Madison was receiving tweets from haters and Sophie discovered and helped her." I said concerned and David nodded
"I'm sorry Demi. I didn't know." Marissa said still ashamed
"It's okay, Mar. I know it was intentional, that you're only joking." I said looking to the back sit where she was and squeezing her hand, " Now lets go, I've to talk to Sophie about my jerk mood of today earlier." I said and she nodded.

- Sophie's POV

I was talking and laughing with Dallas and Dianna in the kitchen when we listened the front door being opened and closed abruptly, the three of us went to the living room to see who was it and we saw Madison walking to the stairs pissed
"Maddie sweetie what happened?" Dianna asked worried
"Nothing, just Marissa being the biggest idiot of this fucked world!" She said really pissed still walking up the stairs
"Girls, I never listened Maddie talking this way about Marissa, to be truth I never listened Madison talking this way about anyone or anything." Dianna said sadly, " Sophie, can you please go try to talk to her? Apparently she listen to you more then anyone here." Dianna said looking in my eyes and I could see the fear in her eyes, I think she might be afraid Maddie is turning to something like Demi when she's broken. I nodded and went upstairs. Her door was closed, so I knocked on it
"Go away! I don't wanna talk to anyone!" She said without open the door
"Mad, it's me, Sophie. Please open the door." I said calmly but with worry in my voice. I listened her walking to the door and unlocking it. She opened for me to come in and then closed it again. Her room was cleaned, Dianna must had cleaned it.
"What happened baby girl?" I asked waking to her bed with her
"Marissa was making fun of you, saying you're like one of that perverts Lovatics and I got really mad and I told her she couldn't and shouldn't judge you, first be she didn't know you and second, sorry Sophie I told them what you'd told me about your issues, I told her she shouldn't judge you because you'd the same issues as Demi and that was nice to know how she could judge Demi if they're not friend." She said pissed
"It's okay, I didn't have the intention to cover my past. And Marissa was probably joking, she's a nice person and she's not judging me either Demi, it's only a joke. Marissa and I are becoming friends and I don't wanna you to be mad with her because of me. I don't want to be the reason for you to discuss with her, I know how you're close and I want it to be this way ok? I don't want you to be mad with her." I said hugging her and kissing her cheek, she nodded and I said "Now lets go downstairs and have some fun with the family okay? Dianna and Dallas got really worried about you we don't wanna them worry, do we?" I asked
"Okay, lets go. And you're right we don't want it." She said getting up of the bed and walking out of the room holding my hand.
We went downstairs and Demi and Marissa were in the kitchen talking with Dallas and Dianna, Marissa got really ashamed when she saw me and Maddie walking in the kitchen holding hands, everyone stop talk when they saw the both of us walk in
"Don't worry Marissa, I know you're only joking. I'm sorry Maddie got irritated with you because of me. She shouldn't of have argued with you. I think she might of be a little stressed with everything that's happening." I said giving her a smile, but a weak one, I can't deny I got a little sad because of what she said about me, I didn't expect this, I really thought she had accept me as Demi's girlfriend, but I didn't wanna Demi to got mad with her either. As I said it I felt Madison squeezing my hand. I hugged Mad and whispered in her ear to go talk with Dianna and Dallas because they're worried and to go apologize herself to Marissa and Demi. She looked at me like saying she wasn't going to apologize and I gave her a look assuring she was. She went to hug Dianna and Dallas and after she talk with Demi Demi looked at me
"May we talk?" Demi asked a little afraid, probably thinking I was still mad because of her behavior
"Of course baby." I said smiling and I felt her relaxing, we went to one of the rooms, I think it might of be a game room because there's a lot of games and a pool table on it
"What do you wanna talk Dems?" I asked calmly while she locked the door
"I just want to say I'm sorry for my behavior and I'd like to know if we're okay, if we're still together?" She asked worried. Does she really think I could break up with the girl I love only because of that? God, Demi does have some self stream issues. I walked closer to her and let my arm adjusted themselves around her waist
"Demi we're fine okay. I talked to Dallas and Dianna and they made me saw things clearer. I love you, I'd never break up with the girl I love." I said and she hugged me really tight, she was shaking and I could feel some tears soaking my shirt. I brake the hug and looked in her eyes "You did think when I got mad with you and told you that, you thought I was braking up, didn't you?" I asked her and she nodded with tears in her eyes "Aww baby. I'm sorry I made you think this way. I love you and I'll never break up with you okay?" I said and she nodded. I kissed her forehead and hell why did I came up with that idea of not kiss. No, I've to be stronger enough not to, we just met, I don't wanna people saying I'm only dating her because she's Demi Lovato, she's not only a singer for me, she's an incredible, beautiful, attractive, sexy, smart and funny girl, she's my Dems, I just have to wait a little more.
"Are you okay about what Marissa said?" She asked after a while of us just cuddling in the sofa of the game room
"I'm fine baby." I said not really convincing
"I know you're lying. You're not wanting to tell the truth because you're afraid I get mad with Marissa just like Madison got, aren't you?" She asked, she's incredible reading me. I just nodded and let my head rest on her chest
"I got a little upset that Marissa said I was like one of that perverts, I don't really like when Lovatics say that things about you, I got you're sexy and all, but I think I already got jealous even before know you, I mean, even before we get to be together." I said and I didn't even noticed I had called her sexy
"Do you think I'm sexy baby?" Demi asked joyfully with a smirk playing on her lips, I'm sure I was blushing when she said this
"Yes, you know you're. The world know you're. You got to be in the hottest women on the Hot 100 magazine." I said and she giggled
"I don't care if the world think I'm sexy, I care YOU think I'm sexy." She said and I kissed her cheek
"Okay Demetria." I said joyfully, "Now lets go, you have to introduce me to your cousins and uncle, by the way where're them?" I asked
"Oh, their house in Dallas is the one in front of ours, they stopped there to let their luggage, they're probably getting change and will be here soon. We walked to the kitchen again just in time to see David, Aris and Braeden walking in the house.

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