Chapter 52

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Chapter 52

- Alexia's POV

Right after Demi finished rehearsal we went back to her dressing-room so she could get change to M&G. Olivia and Maddie were talking about some famous crush, they're kind of best friends now, it's actually funny if you think about the age difference between them, Olivia is six years older than Madison even though Maddie seams to be the maturity one, Sophie said that Olivia was always the daddy's girl which make her act really childish sometimes, but I think it's cool, she's like a younger version of Dallas. Max and TJ were talking about some football players; TJ is not the gay guy who tries to act like he's a girl, he's just a guy who likes other guys, but who's proud to have his balls if you get me. Max is not so scary as people think, while Demi was rehearsing skyscraper I saw Max crying quietly, but when he saw me looking he turned to the other side and pretend to have something in his eyes, it was funny. Sophie was sitting on the couch with her arms around my waist and my back against her chest, it felt perfect and it made me remember my biological mother, we'd stay like this all the time when she's alive. Sophie is really cool, she remember me a lot of my mother, I think it's one of the reasons I feel so connected, I wish I could speak Portuguese like her, sometimes I feel she's just tired to speak in English all the time, I don't even understand how she can stand it. Every time someone from Brazil call her she gets a really grateful smile on her face, I think it is to finally be able to talk on her language. I told her I want to learn Portuguese so I can talk to her using it, it'd be cool, it'd be like our secret language so we could talk without people getting their noses into it. Demi was having her hair and makeup done, she looked exhausted, but happy. At first I was a bit uncomfortable around her, she's still the singer mother fucker Demi Lovato, it was just freaking insane that my adopter was Demi Freaking Sexy Lovato, not that I'm a lesbian for her, it'd be heaps weird considering she's my mother now, I just really admire her beauty and how confident she's about herself now, she does is a warrior. I didn't know exactly how to feel about her and how to treat her till two days ago when we're talking about it and she was really cool saying I didn't have to feel pressure to like her as a mother, but that I do have to like her as a person, I almost laugh on her face, sometimes I think she forgets I'm still a lovatic and that it's how we met, like hellooo, I don't like you, I freaking love and admire you! As Sophie says, she's such a blondie. It's funny how they act like best friends and if someone who don't know them walked by they would totally believe they're just best friends
"Alexia!" I listened someone almost screaming my name and when I looked to the person to see who it was I saw Demi slapping her fingers trying to take me out of my thought
"Sorry I was thinking." I said with a silly smile on my face making Demi giggle. Wow, wait! Did she just call me Alexia?! When I noticed it I changed my smile into a frown, "You didn't just call me Alexia, did you Demetria?" I asked with a smirk which made her frown, I hate when she calls me Alexia and she knows it
"See? She's being just like you!" She said pointing to Sophie making everyone laugh
"What can I say? She's my daughter." Sophie said emphasizing the word my with a devilish grin on her face
"Soph Vettra!" Demi said like in a warning tone
"Demi Lovato!" Sophie mocked Demi's tone and everyone laughed, even the girls doing Demi's hair and makeup, even they don't knowing that inside Demi and Sophie were kinda arguing because Sophie was referring about me as her daughter not theirs. It's so silly the way they get about it, such kids
"She's mi-" Demi started but Max interrupted her before she could say something in front of the girls who we're working on Demi
"Demi you can finish this after M&G." Max said referring to her hair, it had just been straighten and the girl was about to start to curl it
"Okay." Demi said with a thankful look in her eyes, I think she noticed she's about to say something she shouldn't in front of strangers. We walked out to her dressing-room and Demi push me away from Sophie and closer to her in a childish way making Sophie chuckle
"Go ahead Demetria, she still loves me more." Sophie said making Demi frown
"Nope I love you two the same way." I said kissing Demi's cheek making her give Sophie a childish smile,"And I'm still a lovatic." I said whispering on Demi's ear
"So does that mean you love me more?" Demi asked with a funny cute hopeful voice
"Nope. It means I love you different if it makes any sense." I said and she nodded kissing my cheek, when she did it we listened a lot of screams coming from the fans on the line for M&G, I could literally feel the envy radiating from them, I don't blame them, I could feel kind of jealous every time I could see a picture of Demi kissing some fan's cheek, "Mom I don't want to die today, so if you don't mind can you please take your arm off of my waist?" I whispered to Demi covering my mouth so no one could read my lips, Demi giggled before release her grip and giving me other kiss on the cheek, this time I could see some fans taking pictures of us, I didn't mind at all. I saw one of the fans waving at me asking me to go over her, she's kinda cute, I went to her
"Hey." She said shyly blushing lightly
"Alex!" Sophie shouted my name making me look at her and she raised a eyebrow, I knew it meant for me to take care, fans can be really crazy sometimes
"Chill, I'm fine." I said and she nodded, "Sorry. Hi, I'm Alex." I said and the girl gave me a smile
"Hi, I'm Summer." She said blushing, what the hell got on this girl? She is blushing nonstop! Cute!
"My favorite season." I said playfully making her blush even more
"Sooo, do you mind if I post the picture of you and Demi?" She asked kind of unsure
"Not a problem for me." I said giving her a warm smile
"Alexia!" Sophie said this time with wide eyes
"What? If she doesn't one of the others will!" I said and Soph sighed
"Fine." She said giving in
"Is she your sister?" Summer asked curious
"No. My mother." I said in not a big deal tone
"What?!" Summer said surprised, "I thought she was Demi's age! How old are you?!" She asked confused
"She's younger than Demi actually, a couple months younger and I'm thirteen turning fourteen in a couple months." I said and I could see a really confused expression in Summer's face making me laugh, "Chill girl, I'm adopted." I said and she got an embarrassed look on her face
"Oh, right." Summer said stroking the back of her neck nervously
"It's fine." I said with my hand on her shoulder making her shiver so I took it off right away, "I'm sorry." I said with my hands now in my pockets
"No, it's fine. I don't know what got over me." She said blushing. You might not know, but I sure know baby. Wait what?!
"Soooo, what's your twitter?" She asked nervous
"It's Lex_Vettra." I said and she nodded looking for it on twitter with her phone
"Got ya!" She said in a cute accent
"Where're you from?" I asked taking my phone, the one Sophie bought me a week ago, off of my pocket, and seeing Summer had just followed me
"I'm from Texas. And you?" She asked me looking at my phone watching me cautiously while I followed her back
"LA, born and raised." I said and when I looked up I saw her with a huge smile on her face, "What?" I asked giggling
"You followed me." She said in a funny tone and I chucked, "Its the closest from Demi that I had already been, I mean, you're close to her." She said making me giggle
"I know the feeling, trust me." I remembered when Madison followed me, even after had already met Demi and be living with her, it's still pretty amazing, "I felt the same way when Maddie followed me." I said
"I listened my name!" Madison shouted trough the room and everyone looked at her giggling because she talked to loud
"And everyone listened you." I said making everyone laugh including Demi who's talking with a fan
"You two better not start again." Demi shouted while signing someone's album of DEMI. She's referring about yesterday when Madison and I started to "fight" it's more like a funny discussion, we're just trying to get Demi worried about us fighting, not a real fight though
"No worry. I'll look after those brats." Olivia told Demi who nodded and then Livvy walked with Madison toward us
"Who's the chick?" Madison asked resting her arm around my waist
"Summer this is Madison, I'm sure you know her and this other one is Olivia. Mad and Livvy, this is Summer, she's from Texas too." I said and Madison nodded shaking Summer's hand
"Nice to meet you." They three of them said together making me giggle
"Is this your new crush little niece?" Mad whispered to me making me blush
"Shut up Madison!" I said making her giggle
"Is it the girl you just followed?" Olivia asked me
"Are you stalking me?" I asked playfully
"God! Don't be like your mother!" She said playfully, "And no. Her last twitter is already one of the most retweeted for Lovatics, I saw she followed you and then I saw you followed her, just this." She answered
"Wow, I didn't even noticed the notifications hopping out." Summer said
"Of course you didn't. My niece's beauty is too hypnotizing." Olivia said making Summer blush
"Next!" Someone of the crew shouted and it was Summer's turn
"I think it's my turn." She said still blushing, "See ya." She said waving toward us
"See ya." I said back and then turned to Madison and Olivia, "You two suck." I said pissed and walked off back to Sophie who wrapped her arms around me. We stayed in silent watching Demi and Summer talking and taking pictures. It's a small M&G, like only fifteen people so Demi had time to actually talk with them
"I didn't know." Sophie said braking the comfy silence
"You didn't know what?" I asked confused
"That you're into girls as well." She said making me blush
"It's because I'm not." I said, but not so sure about it
"Really?" She asked confused leaning her head to the side to look at me with a concerned face
"At least I don't think I am." I said and she nodded
"No matter what, I'm here for you." She said and I nodded and then turned back to watch Demi and Summer giggling about something and then looking at me making me a bit uncomfortable because they caused everyone else to look at me so I did what I do best, I became invisible. I turned and hided my face on the crock of Sophie's neck while she hugged me and I could feel her glaring at Demi for had made me uncomfortable
"It's fine. They're not looking anymore." She said making me look up to see her concerned eyes looking at me, "She's cute." She said changing subject and making me confuse
"Who?" I asked her confused
"The girl with Demi. The one you were talking with." She said making me blush and I don't even know why I blushed
"She's fine... I think." I said trying not to sound nervous
"I'm just saying she's cute. She looks like Taylor Swift, too Barbie for my like though." She said, oh my God, this talk is so weird, not because we're talking about a girl, but because I'm talking about a girl with my mother, like #WEIRD!
"Okay this is weird!" I said making Sophie chuckle
"Sorry. I'll give you more privacy." She said apologetic while giggling
"No, it's fine. It's just, it's like talk about a crush with your mother, not that Summer is my crush, or that you're not my mother, or-" Sophie interrupted my shuttered talk putting her hand over my mouth
"Chill babe." She said and I nodded while taking a deep breath. We stopped talking and I turned back to Demi who's now with other girl which made me look around for Summer till I turned to the right side to face her right by my side making me jump in surprise
"Chill Lex. You look like you just saw a ghost." Sophie said not noticing Summer right by our side
"Sorry if I scared you, Demi said I could come over." Summer said and this time was Sophie's turn to jump in surprise making me giggle
"Chill mom. You look like you just saw a ghost." I said mocking her tone making Summer giggle
"Hi, nice to meet you, I'm So-" Sophie said standing her hand to Summer who interrupted her while shaking her hand
"Sophie Vettra, yeah I know." Summer said chucking, "I'm Summer Austin." Sumer said with a smile
"How old are you Summer. Just to make sure." Sophie said making me blush, is she for real?!
"Fourteen." Summer said blushing as well
"Good." Sophie said in a serious tone
"Gosh Soph! You're sounding like Davi!" Olivia said, God I love my aunty!
"Totally agree." Madison said
"You two don't start. When you get to have kids you can come talk with me about this." Sophie said in a serious, but funny tone
"Sophie Castelliano Vettra stop now. They're just friends." Demi said looking at Sophie while another fan was walking toward her
"Demetria Devonne Lovato. I'm just looking after my daughter." Sophie said making everyone's surprised looks land on them, it's not everyday that a Lovatic get to see someone calling Demi by her full name, at least not in front of her and even less in front of a bunch of Lovatics
"You two better stop now." Max said after a while of Demi and Sophie just staring at each other; for the ones who don't know them, they were just in a staring battle, but I knew they're talking trough their eyes, they're really good at doing this, they actually do it all the time
"Sophie stop." TJ said resting his arm around Sophie's shoulder, they're like brothers now, but Sophie kind of asked him to acts like her boyfriend in front of people, just like Demi did with Wilmer, at least it was what they told me
"Fine." She said braking the gaze with Demi
"Is he your father?" Summer asked whispering to me, but TJ listened and interrupted before I could answer, thank you TJ, I didn't want to lie to her
"Hi, I'm Trevor, but you can call me TJ." He said standing his free hand for Summer to take
"Hi, I'm Summer." She answered taking his hand to shake it
"Do you live here Summer?" TJ asked and she shook her head
"No, I'm from Texas, but I live in LA." She said, but then why is she in a concert in San Francisco if there was one in LA? I think she noticed my confusion because she answered my question, "I knew I was going to be spending the summer at my boyfriend's who lives her so I decided to come to San Francisco's concert instead of LA's." She said and I don't know why, but when she said boyfriend it kind of stabbed me
"Oh. Why isn't he with you then?" TJ asked, thank you TJ for this because I couldn't open my mouth right there
"Oh." She said nervousness stroking her neck with her hand, "we kind of broke up a month ago, but I had already bought the ticket and Demi is not exactly his favorite singer, he prefers Heavy Metal artists." She said and TJ nodded
"But then you're here in the city alone?" He said in a questioning tone
"No. I'm at his house." She said in not a big deal tone, "He is driving me around, he doesn't want me to get hurt." She said with a smile making me kind of jealous, what the fuck is happening to me?!
"Oh so you're sorting things out?" This time was Soph turn to ask
"What?! Hahahahahah, no way! We're just friends now." She said which make me kind of... Happy?!
"Oh... Sorry, but it's kind of weird." TJ said making her laugh
"One day we were talking trough the phone and then we said at the same "I need to tell you something", and then he said we would say at the same time and he said he's gay while I said I was lesbian, so yeah, we as a couple is just not happening." She said making we giggle and once more I'm confuse, not because of what she said, but because the effect of what she said on me, WHY IN THE FREAKING WORLD AM I HAPPY?!
"See? I told you the world was turning into gay!" Olivia said, she's obliviously over listening our conversation
"Stop put your nose into things that don't disrespect you Olivia!" Sophie said in an authority tone, sometimes was like power would radiate trough her body language and voice, I think it's because she had to deal with businessmen since such an young age which made her learned how to be tough when she needs to. Olivia turned back to talk with Madison while we continued chitchatting till it's time for Summer to go to her spot in front of the stage and us to ours on the side of it, but before she left we exchanged numbers and she gave me a quickly hug which incredibly I didn't feel uncomfortable with.

- Demi's POV

During the M&G I noticed how Alex could talk with Summer and how comfortable and happy she's around Summer, not that she wasn't happy around us, but around Summer it's a different kind of happiness, the kind that I feel when I'm around Soph. When the M&G was over I saw Summer hugging Alex and at first I thought Alex was going to tense because of it, but instead she hugged back with a goofy smile on her face. I walked back to my dressing-room followed by Alex, Sophie and TJ making me noticed three bodies where missed around me
"Where're Madison, Olivia and Max?" I asked kind of pissed that Madison walked away without my permission it wasn't our agreement
"Chill baby. They went to the restroom and I asked Max to keep an eye on them." Sophie said with her arm around my waist pushing my body against hers while we were walking and giving me a quickly peck making me smily goofily
"You're such a dork." TJ said making we giggle
"But you love us." Sophie and I said together causing TJ and Alex to laugh
"Two weirdos! But I love you two." Alex said putting herself between Sophie and I and we hugged her kissing her cheek each side, "Erw, it's gross!" She said pretending to be disgusted while whipping her cheeks. We walked to my dressing-room and I finished getting change meanwhile that the girls walked in with Max. I went to my spot under the stage while they went to the side of the stage to watch me performing.

- Sophie's POV

After the concert we went to our hotel, the girls were sharing the room, we offered them a room to each one, but they refused, I'm sure they won't sleep, but they're on brakes so we let them have some girls time. I asked Max and TJ to get the rooms by the side of the girls just in case they got in trouble. Demi and I were sharing a room obliviously, but we did get one on her name and other on mines, just in case the paps get to be around they'd thought we had a room each, so TJ was in my room while I was in Demi's
"Hey baby guess what!" Demi said taking me out of my thought while hugging me from behind and resting her head on my shoulder
"What?" I asked turning to look at her and resting my arms around her neck
"We have the room only for us tonight!" She said with a lustful smirk and I leaned in to kiss her lips, it's a soft kiss that oblivious Demi got to deepen as fast as she could while pushing the both of us on the king-size bed without brake the kiss. She unbuttoned my white silk blouse while I took off her black t-shirt. Her lips left mines and she started to make their way down my neck sucking and biting on it
"Demi no hickeys." I said between moans
"Too late." She said in a innocent tone making me laugh
"You're getting one too then." I said getting on the top and kissing her jaw and then her sweet spot on her neck and leaving a little hickey there making her moan my name loud enough for the whole floor to hear, then I went back to her lips and kissed them passionately which she gladly corresponded with just as much passion. She took off my jeans shorts and I took off her tight jeans
"God Demetria! No more tight jeans, okay?" I said making her laugh while nodding
"Everything for you." She said with a seductive voice
"You mean everything to get my sexy body all for you huh your little perve?!" I said smirking making the both of us laugh
"Sure, your body has a huge influence on me." She said flipping us to get on top.

- Olivia's POV

We just listened someone *cough* Demi *cough* screaming Sophie's name kind of in a loud moan. Oh gosh, they're so getting some
"Do you think it was Demi?" Madison asked with a grin on her face making Alex and I laugh
"I'm so sure they're getting some." I said and we laughed
"You two do realize you're talking about your sisters and my mothers, don't you?" Alex said and Mad and I nodded with devilish smiles on our faces
"If you want we can change the subject to that Summer girl." I said knowing she could get embarrassed
"No, no, I don't mind talking about Demi and mom at all." She said blushing making Madison and I laugh
"Why do you call Sophie as mom, but not Demi?" Madison asked
"I don't know, I do call Demi mom, just not as much as Sophie. I think I still see Demi as my idol, it is kinda weird if we think that one month ago I'd totally fangirl if she noticed me and now I am her daughter." She said and we nodded
"I get it. When I first saw Demi and Madison it was trough Skype and I pretty much had a fangirl attack." I said and they laugh
"Yeah, I remember be on the backyard and listen a scream on Demi's room and when I went there I saw Livvy on a computer screen totally fangirling." Madison said making me blush of embarrassment. We spend the rest of the night playing and chatting.

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