Chapter 10

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Chapter 10
(I advise you guys to read at least until the part where Marissa appears listening to Kiss me by Ed Sheeran because I wrote this part listening to this song, maybe it helps you to getting in the mood.)

- Demi's POV

I woke up and saw that Maddie was not on bed anymore, which is not a surprise, the girl loves to wake up early so she can practice without people interrupting her. I looked to Sophie who's still sleeping, she looked so peaceful, like an angel, my angel. I was almost getting up when she came closer to me and hugged me really tight making me fall back to bed.
"Where're you going Dems?" She asked with a sleepy and worried voice, I think she might be afraid that I'm going to leave her as she thought I'd do if she told me about her feelings
"Nowhere baby, I'm not leaving you." I told her and she gave me a confuse look
"How do you know I'm talking about it?" She asked
"I may only know you for 3 days, but I know you better than anyone. We're soul mate." I said smiling and kissing her cheek
"Oh, really Demetria?" She asked sarcastically and I nodded "So since you know me so well, do you mind if I ask you when my birthday is?" Crap, she's right, I might know how she feels only by look in her eyes, but I don't know much about her life, which makes me remember we didn't finished that hi-five game
"Yeah, you're right I don't know much about your life, only about your feelings.. So, it makes me remember that we've an unfinished hi-five game to finish." I said and adjusted myself in a sit position, she got closer to me and laid her head on my lap
"I'd totally forgot about this game. Where did we stop?"
She asked while I was playing with her hand
"I had one more question to do and then were yours and you promised me that after your 5 questions you'd answer how many questions I wanted to." I said and she nodded "Let me think about a question" I said with a thinking face
"You're so cute when you're doing this face." Sophie said covering her face with her hands to cover her blushing
"Aww, I saw you. You're blushing!" I said and this time she turned her face hiding it on my lap "Don't be ashamed baby, you get even more beautiful when you're blushing." I said making she turns so she could face me and I started to stroke her forehead "My question is.. May I kiss you baby?" She looked into my eyes
"No." Was all she said, WTF, we're almost kissing yesterday and now she says I can't kiss her?! "Demi, breath. Is not that I don't want to, I do want, you don't know how much. Is just that I wanna us to know each other better before we start something serious, okay?" She asked and I let go of a sigh that I didn't even notice I was holding
"Okay." I said looking away, she sat in front of me and took my head in her hands
"Look at me Dems." I couldn't look, "Baby, please. Look at me." She said again and this time I looked at her "Better. I love you Demi. Not only as a friend, but as a woman. I love you and because I love you I can't simple kiss you. Because I wanna us to be something, but most important, I wanna us to be something based in a firmly friendship and right know we've a fresh and young friendship. Demi you don't know me, you don't even know my birthday. It's not your fault, we just met. But I know your favorites food, artists, famous crush, music, color, football team... Don't you think it's a little unequal?" She asked and I saw her point, but it's so difficult for me don't have her lips against mines especially now that she told me she loves me
"I can see your point. I'm sorry Sophie. Do you really loves me this much?" I asked Incredulous
"First, you've nothing to be sorry about. Second yes, I love you in a way that just being around you isn't enough. It may sounds weird but is how I feel, when I was 5, 6 years old my mom could tell me that she loved me so much that sometimes she wants to eat me, because then she could have me only for her and protected in her, this is how I fell about you. I got jealous when you hugged Marissa yesterday and I know she's your best friend, my rational side was saying that you two hugging was a normal thing, but my in love side was saying that you're mine and that no one but me could touch you." She said and the biggest smile appeared on my face
"I'd never listened something weirder and more romantically beautiful as this Sophie. I'd love to have something as gorgeous as it to tell you, because it's how I feel for you as well, but unfortunately I haven't, but I wanna you to know that since we first met my love for you is growing stronger and more intensely. I love you to the infinite and back baby." I said and I saw tears running down her cheek. I just noticed I was crying when she leaned to wipe my tears away and I did the same with hers. I took her hands closer to my lips and kissed her Stay Strong tattoo "I love every and any bit of you." I said after kiss her wrists, I was referring about her past and her problems. She did the same with my tattoos
"Me too" she said and kissed my cheek.
"Okay, now it's my turn to do the questions." She said smiling, "But I really don't know what to ask because, well, I'm that kind of a fan, you know." She said with a silly smile. "Okay, I think I've one. When did you first kiss a girl?" Crap, she's not gonna like the answer, how can I tell her? She's gonna be really pissed.
"Well, first you've to promise me you're not gonna be mad and that you're not gonna kill her." I said and she looked confuse
"Okay, I promise." She said nodding
"I was 14 and I was curious about how it was to kiss a girl and I didn't know many girls my age because of the homeschooler thing, so I asked Marissa if she had already thought about it and she said she had never thought about a girl in this way, but if I wanted we could kiss, so I could know how it was to kiss a girl and well we kissed and I didn't feel any difference between a girl and a boy and when Marissa said she felt it gross I noticed that I might should be bisexual." I had never told this story to anyone. When I said it was with Marissa I could feel only by look to Soph that she was really uncomfortable, but when I told Marissa felt it was gross Sophie relaxed a little, so I got closer and kissed her forehead and she abruptly hugged me, as if she's afraid of something, I hugged her back. We stayed there just hugging for 2 minutes and then she released from the hug
"Sorry, I was trying to control myself not to walk from this door and go directly to Dallas's room to kill your best friend" she said joyfully and I laugh
"It's okay baby, first and most important, I love you and I only have eyes for you. Second Marissa is straight. And third I think she's kinda into your cousin. See? You've no reason to kill her." I said and we laugh
"Okay, second question. Did you already date a girl? Like having a solid relationship with her?"
"Yes. Selena and I, we dated for 4 months, no one knew, I mean, mine and hers family and friends knew about us, but the rest of the world didn't know, but then she met Justin and fell in love for him. At first I got really mad with her, not because she broke up with me to be with him, but because we're friends before we date and we're really close from each other and then our friendship felt apart and bla bla bla. But we're okay now, is not the same thing, but I know if one day I need someone to call she can be this person." I think she's a little shocked, fans always gossiped about Selena and I, but they never had sure. Sophie is with a "I cannot believe!" face
"Wow. Shut up! Are you kidding?!" She said laughing
"Yeah, I know!"
"Ok, give me a second to process things." She said blinking fast as if she's trying to clean her vision "Wow. I don't know what to ask anymore. Why don't we do this way, when I think of something I ask? Is it okay for you?" She asked
"Deal, but only if I can start to ask whatever I want to know now. I've 20 years of things to learn." She nodded and right when I was gonna start Marissa got in the room
"Good morning girls, do you mind if I join you two. Rob went to wake Dallas and I think they are now having a make out session before Eddie wakes up to kill the two of them to broke the rules." She said and we laugh, but I felt Sophie was getting a little uncomfortable and before I answer Marissa I got close to the wall so my back were on it and toke Soph closer to me laying her agains my chest and letting my arms adjust around her
"Sure Mar, come her." I said patting a spot on my huge bed for her to lay
"It's funny." Sophie said
"What's funny baby?" I asked her
"Marissa's nickname, Mar. It means sea in Portuguese. My cousin loves the sea. I think Marissa and Davi were made to each other." She said we both giggled and Marissa blushed
"I agree with you baby." I said and Marissa blushed even more. I decided to tell Mar that I'd told Soph about our kiss
"Mar, I hope you don't mind, but I told Soph about when we kissed." I said and Marissa shook her had as trying to brush the memory away
"Wow, is Demi that much of a bad kisser that you're trying to brush the memory away?" Sophie asked joyfully and I hit her arm playfully, she pretended it had hurt and I kissed the spot that I'd hit
"First, no, is just that I'm the most straight person in the world. Second, I thought you guys had already kissed!" Se said surprised, "Third, I don't mind Demi, I'm just curious to know, how am I still alive after she knew the girl you first kissed was just a few steps away from you?" Marissa asked
"First, answering your second point, we didn't kiss. We're waiting. And second, answering your third point, Demi made me promise I wouldn't try to kill you before she tells me." Marissa looked for us with an stupid face, like in disbelief
"Thank you Demetria, I think." I nodded giggling, "Mind if I ask what you guys are waiting for?" Marissa asked confused
"Sophie thinks if we're gonna start a relationship it has to have it's basement on a solid friendship and right now our is fresh and young. She wanna us to know each other better, which I agree, because it's kinda weird when your girl knows everything about you and you know absolutely nothing about her life. I think it's the price to date a fan." I said
"First, am I your girl Demetria?" She asked joyfully looking up to find my eyes since her head was against my chest, I nodded blushing, "Second, can you stop call me a fan, it's kinda an insult when you call me a fan! Fans are those girls who buy your albums but don't even know your story. I don't like to be called a fan. Do you imagine how many times I spent in front of my iPad's and computer's screens to learn every and anything able to be find on Internet about you? I follow only 130 people on twitter and I'm sure 100 of them are linked to you and 80% of the others 30 are fan-pages' accounts about you. I literally follow the boyfriend of the sister of your best friend! I follow your former bodyguard on Instagram! I made a keek account only because you've one!" She said out of air
"Wow baby! I think not even I follow Bailey's boyfriend, I mean, I just met Jake once! You're such a stalker aren't you?" I said joyfully and we all laughed
"Do you follow me?" Marissa asked her
"You're kidding right? You're like a follow obligation for Lovatics!" She said as if what Marissa asked was something crazy to be asked
"There's like an order of who to follow?" I asked, because I was kinda curious to know more about my Lovatics
"Yep. First, you of course, then there're Maddie, Dallas, Dianna, Eddie, Marissa, Chelle and Matthew in the same level, then Aris, Brandon, Rob, Lorna, Jenna, well the list is uncountable." She said and I was shocked, Lovatics are really dedicated
"Wow!" Marissa and I said together
"I know, we're crazy." She said giggling and we giggled as well.

*Author note*
I think you noticed my short message for you in the beginning of the chapter, I'm gonna do this sometimes, but the next time I'm just gonna be like this (Example: Song of the chapter: Kiss me - Ed Sheeran).
I hope you're liking my fan-fiction and just for remember all the people I'm citing which are linked to Demi really exist and I'm using their real names, like Bailey's boyfriend, his name is Jake Zedik.
I don't know if I'm gonna post another chapter tonight, but I'm already writing it.

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