Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

- Sophie's POV

I woke up before Demi and by these couple of days we'd spend together I can already tell it's gonna ever be me the one to wake up first, she's such a sleepyhead, oh Demetria. She's so cute though, I love to stare her sleeping, which may sound creepy, but whatever, she's mine anyway, I can stare as much as I want, I was take by my thoughts by surprise
"Are you staring me sleeping again?" Demi said with her eyes still closed
"What the fuck Demetria! You scared me, I thought you're sleeping! And how do you know I am staring?" I said surprised
"You do it since the first time we sleep together, I mean, not that way... Argh, you got it." She said getting all red
"Yep I got your thoughts your perv. And I always thought you're sleeping." I said
"Baby, I can feel you staring me, soul mates remember?" She said opening her eyes and pecking my lips
"I love you, but I still think brush teeth after wake up and before kiss is an amazing idea." I said joyfully and she punched my arm playfully
"Okay then miss white teeth. What time is it?" Demi asked and I looked to my phone's screen
"Five o'clock, which means that if you get up fast and do whatever you have to do before it's time for us to go we can have a make out session." I said with a devilish grin
"Awesome way to make me wake up." Demi said getting out from the bed to run to the bathroom, ten minutes later she came out with a tower wrapped around her body, "Sophie! Why're you still on bed? I wanna that make out session and I'm almost finished." Demi said throwing the tower to the floor
"Okay, I'm going. Totally needing a cold shower now." I said this, and she smirked knowing the why, before I went to the bathroom I went to my phone and tweeted "OMG! I cannot believe the view I just admired.. Dallas you've the best view ever, don't you agree @ddlovato? 😏😂" just after this Demi's phone vibrated, "Are your notifications on twitter on for my tweets?" I asked surprised
"Of course baby. What did you tweet?" She asked getting closer with her sexy lingerie to get her phone from the bed
"I don't know. Have to go." I said with a childish innocent voice kissing her cheek an running to the bathroom, just after I went to the bathroom Demi screamed from the other side of the bathroom's door
"Sophie Vettra are you crazy?" She said pretending be mad, I opened the door and popped my head out the door
"Yep, I'm crazy of love for you." I said with a fake romantic voice, but I did mean that. I went back to the bathroom and got a quickly shower and when I went back to the room Demi was already on the bed with a lightly makeup, dressed in a white shirt, jeans and her famous military jacket. Her hair was in a total mess, but it still manage to fits perfect on her
"You took so long baby." She said taking her eyes out of her phone to look at me biting her bottom lip
"You look sexy." I said winking while taking my things to get changed in the bathroom
"Glad you think this way. And why are you going to get changed in there?" She said confuse
"Because, I'm not getting changed in front of you, you're a pervert. And I'm a teaser."
"Teaser!" She said letting her tongue out of her mouth
"I thought it's what I had said." I said smirking walking to the bathroom. Some minutes later I went back to the room and Demi was in front of the bathroom with her arms crossed and wearing an impatient face
"Are you finished yet?" She asked annoyed
"Yep." I said and she dragged me to her bed
"Good." She said crashing with me on her bed. She adjusted us to a comfortable position while kissing me, OMG, her kisses are gonna make me melt. She stopped kiss my lips and started to go down my neck till my collarbone, sucking it lightly
"Don't you dare letting a hickey there." I said with a trembling voice of pleasure
"Why not? You did it on my neck, or did you forget?" She said between bits and sucks
"Demi!" I said trying to make her stop
"Too late. I already did it." She said smirking
"Whatta fuck Demi?!" I said and she looked at me worried. Oops I think she thought I got really mad, I was just joking though
"Sorry, I, I, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get you mad." She said with a trembling voice, I kissed her lips soft
"I was joking Dems. Baby, I'd never get mad only because of a hickey. It's, at least for me, a way to show others that the person with it has someone who loves them and that they're meant to be with." I said kissing her harder
"Oh.. Got it. I love you." She said braking the kiss to look at my eyes
"I love you too weirdo." I said joyfully
"Weirdo 1 and Weirdo 2?"
"Perfect nickname, huh?" I said joyfully and we started to make out again. After sometime we listened a nock on the door
"Demi we've to go." Max said from the other side
"We're going." Demi said and we fixed each other.

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