Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

- Demi's POV

I woke up at 3am by Sophie's shaking body by my side, I took my hand to her forehead and then to her neck and she's burning like hell. I didn't really know what to do so I called dad and Davi. Some seconds later Davi and Marissa wore knocking on my door. I opened the door and Davi ran to Soph, she's still sleeping though
"Demi can you take some wet towels? Marissa call the reception and ask them for a doctor." Davi said and we did as he said. I gave him the towels and he rested one of them on the top of her head, then he took the others and rested them on her belly, legs, arms and he stayed with one running it on her neck and chest, a few minutes latter someone else knocked on the door, it's dad and a man dressed in white that I assumed was the doctor
"How's she?" Dad asked
"She's shacking and she's not waking up." I said and my voice cracked on the end
"No worry sweetie, she'll be fine." Dad said while the doctor walked toward her. Marissa came by my side and hugged me
"No worry Dems, she'll be okay." Marissa said, but I could feel worry in her voice. I nodded in response and walked to Sophie's side
"Okay, she's feverish, what you did with the towels was good. I'm gonna give her something to make her fever go away, but we've to get her awake first." The doctor said and Davi softly shook Sophie's shoulder, she opened her eyes and looked at me confuse,
"You're shaking and wasn't waking up, so I called them." I said and she nodded
"Sophie, I'm doctor Jones, you're feverish and we have to make it at least go down a little, I'm gonna give you some pills, they're gonna help, but you're debilitate so you're gonna have to rest for at least two or there days." He said and Soph nodded weekly. He gave her to pills and Davi handed her a glass of water, she trowed the pills in her mouth and drank the water, "Okay, your cousin had made your fever go down with the wet towels, but it got you all wetted, it'd be better if you dry yourself and change your clothes." The doctor said and she nodded, "Okay, I'm going now, call me if it's needed." He said handing Davi a card with his number and then leaved the room
"Okay guys I can take care of her by now. You can go, because she needs to get changed and well, it's better to do it without an audience." I said and Davi and Eddie nodded walking out the door
"They're going, but I'm staying with you girls. Just in case you need any help." Marissa said
"Good, because we need someone to look after Demi." Soph said joyfully, the pills were already working, but she still looked a mess. Marissa got Soph new clothes and I got her a dry towel. She changed her clothes and climbed back on the bed, I laid by Soph and Marissa walked to the couch, "Hey Mar, don't be silly, you can stay with us on the bed, it's big enough for the three of us." Soph said patting a spot by her side and Marissa walked over there. Soph was between Marissa and I, she's facing Marissa and I was hugging her protectively from behind, not because of Marissa, but because she's sick, Marissa was facing us still worried, "Damn by the way you're looking at me, I'm probably looking a mess." Soph said joyfully looking at Mar and we giggled
"Pretty much yes." Marissa said giggling while checking Soph's temperature with her hand, "You're not hot anymore." Marissa said taking her hand back
"Well, it's a shame, I know how much Demi likes when I'm hot." Sophie said and I burst into laugh
"You might not be hot anymore, but you're for sure still sick. You never act this way." I said giggling
"I'm still sick, I can feel it, I'm having difficult to organize the words in English in my head, so if I start to talk things that you can't understand no worry, it's probably my head messing with me making me use the Portuguese." Soph said and we nodded
"You have to rest now, so go sleep and the both of you don't worry to wake up early Eddie is gonna change our flight, he and the crew are going to Phoenix tomorrow, but he's booking us a new flight to Saturday, so we've one more day here for you to rest." Marissa said and we nodded
"When you said us, who're you talking about?" I asked
"You, Soph, Davi, Max and I." She said and I nodded
"Let's sleep, I'm tired." I said squeezing Soph and we fell asleep.

- Sophie's POV

I woke up with Demi and Marissa all over my body, it's crazy how they're like sister even in their sleep, they're in the same position, it's weird too. I rolled Marissa first making her wake up and then I rolled Demi, but she continued sleeping
"Are you better?" Marissa asked rubbing her eyes
"Yes, but my throat hurts." I said and she gave me a glass of water that was by her side, "Thank you." I said drinking it. I looked to my phone to see the time and it's 1pm, since we're not leaving today anymore I didn't bother to woke Demi. Marissa rolled to her side where the phone was and ordered us some food while I went to the bathroom to take a shower, brush my teeth and stuffs. When I went back to the room Demi was still sleeping, so I walked toward her and kissed her lips soft to make her wake up. She took me by the neck and trowed me to our bed going on top of me with a smile on her face
"Oh, common you two. I don't want to see it!" Marissa said pretending be disgusted and Demi and I giggled
"I know you're loving the show." Demi said joyfully and pecked my lips before go to the bathroom
"Demi take some clothes with you, Marissa ordered us some food." I said and she walked back to take some clothes
"Oh God, here we go again. Please try not to kill him this time." Demi said and we giggled, but Marissa was flying
"I'll explain to you Mar, no worry." I said. Demi went to the bathroom and I told Marissa about the creepy employee. Just when Demi was leaving the bathroom the room service knocked on the door, "I'm going." I said walking to the door and opening it
"Good morning ma'am." The same creepy guy said
"Good morning, you can let the food at the same spot as always." I said and he walked in, when he saw Marissa he start to look at me, then Demi, then Mar, he did it three times
"Wow, this room is for sure the best one of the hotel!" He said with a creepy smirk and the three of us got disgusting faces
"Argh, you're disgusting. She's my sister." Demi said and he got a really funny red face
"Oh, I I I'm sorry, miss." He said looking at Demi
"Really dude, you're almost asking me to make you be fired." I said. Demi walked toward me and rested her arm on my waist, just then I noticed him staring her again, okay that's enough, "Marissa make me a favor, call the reception and ask for the manager of the hotel, tell them it's Sophie Vettra who's asking for it." When I said it she nodded a little confuse, but she did as I said. The guy looked at me with disbelief in his eyes, "I told you not to stare her again." Was all that I said and in less then two minutes the manager, Roger Torres, my father's friend walked in the room since the door was still open
"Sophie! I missed you kiddo, why didn't you tell me you're here?" He said with open arms and I walked to him to a hug
"I missed you too uncle Rogie." I said calling him how I used to do when I was six, "This is Demi Lovato and that one is Marissa Callahan, they're friends, Marissa is also Davi's boyfriend. Girls, this is Roger Torres, a close friend of my family." I said and he shook their hands, the creepy guy was there shocked, I think he didn't believed I actually knew someone important enough to make he lose his job, "I need to have a talk with you." I said looking to Roger and then to the greedy guy
"Everything you need, you just have to say." Roger said and we walked to the balcony closing the door behind us, "So what do you need?" He asked with his hand on my back in a fatherly way. I told him everything that was happening about the creepy guy and I even told Demi was my girlfriend, I knew I could trust him, my father always took care of who he got to be friends with. "I'm really sorry about that employee and I'll take providences about his behavior." Roger said and I could see he's ashamed of what his employee had done
"Roger, I just want him to receive an advertise, if he got fired he can open his mouth to tell the world about Demi and I and it's exactly what we're trying to avoid." I said and he nodded
"If you want you can send me a confidentiality contract and I can get him to sign it." Roger said and I nodded in agreement. We walked back to the room and Roger looked pissed to the creepy guy, "You should thanks my little girl right here." He said with a serious tone point to the employee and then to me
"Sorry, what?" The guy asked confuse
"You're not losing your job, but you're going to work in this behavior of yours and you're also signing some papers to reassure you're gonna be quiet about them." Roger said and the guy nodded
"I'm sorry ma'am and thank you for not get me fired." He said looking at me
"Whatever, just never EVER stare her again, because I swear the next time I'm gonna make you not only lose your job, but I'll make sure you don't get a new one." I said and he nodded. Roger looked at Demi, Mar and I
"I'm sorry girls, I truly am." Roger said looking at us
"It's okay, thank you for your help with this LITTLE problem." Demi said and Marissa and I had to control ourselves not to laugh with what Demi was assuming with the word "little"
"You're welcome, we're gonna let you alone now." Roger said and he left with the creepy guy by his side. When they closed the door Marissa and Demi looked at me before burst into laugh
"How the hell did you know the manager?" Marissa asked still laughing
"My parents and I usually travel quite a lot when I was younger and my dad projected this hotel, so." I said and Marissa nodded. We ate our brunch and Davi came to join us, we're all on the bed, yes it's a really huge bed, were watching a terror movie, Davi, Marissa and Demi were loving it, but I was hating, I always hated terror movies, but it's good because I was with my face on Demi's chest and she's hugging me with one of her hands inside of the back of my shirt
"You're loving this, aren't you?" I whispered in Demi's ear referring to the way we were together and she giggled nodding
"Oh I'm totally loving it baby." She whispered in my ear and then bit it playfully. I looked at Davi and Mar and they were all over each other kissing
"What do you think about we go to the balcony?" I asked and Demi nodded. We went to the balcony. Demi sat on the comfy couch with her legs on it and she made me sat on her lap with her arms wrapped around my waist, we stayed there for a bit only admiring the view. After a while Demi started to kiss my neck while her hands were rubbing my belly and "accidentally" touching my boobs once in a while, "You will make me moan." I said with my voice trembling, I felt Demi smiling while kissing me because of what I had said
"I don't care." Demi said joyfully and continued kissing me. I turned my head a bit so I could kiss her lips, we shared a perfect kiss and then I rested my head on Demi's shoulder, that moment was perfect, we stayed there till the sunset and then we got back to the room to find Marissa and Davi sleeping hugging each other. We walked to them and woke them up so we could go eat dinner, instead of order it we decided to go eat on the restaurant of the hotel. Davi and Marissa went back to their room to get changed and Demi and I got prepared too. Half and hour later we find ourselves talking and having fun on the restaurant
"I can't believe you called Roger." Davi said still laughing after we tell him the incident of this morning
"I did. You should of have seen the guy's face, he's like What the fuck?!" I said and we burst into laughs again. We talked about other things, then the food arrived. We ate and then started to talk again
"Remember that day that we're in the farm and Bianca came running toward us screaming saying the chickens were attacking her?" I asked Davi and we all giggled
"It's heap fun, then grandma made her take care of the chickens for the whole week saying she had to learn that the animals were weaker then us and not the opposite." Davi said and we laughed
"You should of have seen once when Demi, Jenna, Dal and I went to the Epcot park in Orlando. Demi thought she had saw a huge animal flying to her, but when it got closer it's just a little bird, and before she notice it she's like, ahhhhh, a raven is trying to attack me! And then a ten-year-old fan came toward us and hold the bird showing it to Demi saying, you're right Demi, it's such a huge raven. And then she got it free." Marissa said and we burst into laughs
"Hey it's not the worse one, or did you forget when you saw a poodle and you thought it's going to attack you so you started to pretend you're a big dog, grunting to it." Demi said and by that time we're laughing so loud that everyone of the other tables were staring us, but we didn't care. We continued to talk till a seven-year-old girl walk to our table shyly
"Demi sorry for interrupt you, but my mommy said I could come here and ask you for and autograph." The little girl asked shyly and Marissa and I "awwed" because of how cute the girl was
"Aww, sure sweetie." Demi said and the girl handed her a small notebook and a pink pen, "What's your name baby girl?" Demi asked
"Luísa." The girl said and Demi got a confuse look on her face
"It's a name derivate of the Latin Demi, I'll spell it for you." I said spelling the name and Demi thanked me
"Where're you from sweetie?" Demi asked curious
"Portugal, I came to your concert." She answered her English wasn't the best. But it's understandable, the girl was only seven and she came from a country where people speak other language
"But why Albuquerque instead of Los Angeles or New Your?" Demi asked and the girl got confuse with her question
"Demi estas a perguntar por que tu escolhestes Albuquerque ao invés de Los Angeles ou Nova Iorque?" I translated what Demi was asking to the girl trying to talk with the Portugal Portuguese instead of the Brazilian one
"Oh, I asked mommy if we could came to Albuquerque so I could bring flowers to your daddy." Luísa answered in an innocent voice making Demi tear up
"Aww, sweetie, thank you, thank you, thank you." Demi said crying while hugging the girl in a motherly way
"Don't cry Demi, I prefer to see you smiling." The girl said and Demi smiled with tears still coming down her cheeks, "I need to go now, mommy is calling me. Thank you Demi, I love you." She said walking away
"Luísa!" Demi called her making her turning to look at us, "I love you too sweetie." Demi said and Luísa smiled at us before leave. After she leaves Demi, Rissa, oh yeah, it's Marissa other nickname, and I decided to tweet about that girl. Demi tweeted, "Just met the sweetest seven-year-old Portuguese girl of the world, she said she asked to her mom to come to Albuquerque..." "... So she could bring flowers to my daddy's grave. Such an incredible girl :')" Demi tweeted in two tweets, then I tweeted, "OMG my kids have to be like this girl, she asked Demi not to cry bc she rather see Demi's smile, btw I'm 2nd on it! 😜" then was Marissa turn to tweet, "Can someone just give that girl to me? She's the cutest girl I've ever met. P.S.: Maddie don't be jealous, you're still my favorite one." We tweeted and with some minutes #DemiDontCryIRatherSeeYouSmile was on worldwide TTs. We retweeted some fans and then we all logged off. We talked for one more hour or so and then we head back to our rooms to sleep.

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