Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

- Demi's POV

I hope Sophie got that Wilmer and I are only friends now. She's quiet, but I hope it's not because of Wilmer being here. Why does she have to pretend she doesn't like me? During we're kikking I practically told her I liked her and she acted as if we meant just friends to each other. I was taken of by my thought by Wilmer talking to me
"Hi Demi, how are you shorty?" He asked hugging me what made me release from Sophie's hand
"I'm fine." I said hugging him back, but backing to Soph's side right after "let me introduce you my friend. Wilmer, this is Sophie Vettra, my friend. Sophie, this is Wilmer Valderrama, an old friend." I told and Wilmer stand his hand to Sophie who shook it firmly
"Nice to meet you Wilmer." she said
"Nice to meet you too. Let me guess, you're Brazilian aren't you?" He said smiling
"How do you know it?" She asked curious
"Wilmer is good to know people's nationality, kind of a gift." I said. I always got mesmerize by this thing
"Demi, I hope you don't mind, but I brought someone with me. You know we're friends, so I'm kinda needing your approval." He said shyly and after he said this a brunet girl come toward us and stopped by his side "So, Demi, Sophie, this is my girlfriend Victoria. Vic this is Demi, and old friend of mine and this is Sophie, Demi's friend and I hope my future friend as well. He said and we shook each other hands. After Wilmer introduce his new girlfriend I saw a small but really happy smile emerge from Soph's lips. The four of us kept talking till mom tell everyone that was time for dinner. Everyone went to sit around the table, It's a really large roundtable. Sophie sits by one of my sides and Wilmer sit at the other side with Victoria, Davi was at Sophie's side followed by Marissa, Maddie, Dallas, Robert, mom, dad and Max. During dinner everyone could have small talks while Sophie and I could play with each other's hands that were under the table and flirt with each other blushing right after. After dinner everyone decided to went to the living room to watch a movie and while we're walking to the living room Mad came toward me and Sophie and joined our little walk between us
"Hey guys, did you notice how Marissa and Davi can't stop talk to each other? Like dad said they're this way since he introduced the two of them to each other. What do you think?" She said half whispering and looking at us. Mad always love gossips, especially when it means Marissa plus a guy and I can't deny I love it as well
"To be truth guys, I don't even remember the last time Davi had a date that was not linked with business' things. He's always so overwhelmed with work that see him with Marissa this way might means something." Soph said and I'm sure Madison and I were making silly faces of happiness.
We watched the movie and after it ended Wilmer and Victoria went to their houses. Everyone else were still in the living room when Sophie asked me quietly
"Demi where am I gonna sleep?" She asked me and I didn't know what to answer so I asked my mother
"Mom how are we dividing the rooms?" I asked and she said
"Madison is staying by herself in her room, Sophie and you are staying in your room and since boys and girls can't stay in the same room, Dallas and Marissa are staying at Dallas's and I hope you don't mind guys but there's only 2 guest rooms which one of them is Max's and them you'll have to share the other room." Mom said and right after she finished the guys nodded and Dallas said
"But MOM, why Sophie and Demi can share the room and Rob and I can't?!" She asked with a childish voice
"First, because Sophie and Demi are not together. Second because whatever they do in there it will not finish with one of them getting pregnant!" Mom said annoyed and when I looked at Soph she's blushing bright and looking to the floor
"But it's not fair, everyone in this house can tell they're as into each other as Robert and I!" Dallas said and this time was my turn to get a blushing cheek, I couldn't stand there anymore listening to Dallas acting like a spoiled kid, so I took Sophie's hand in mine and went imperceptible to my room.
"Sophie sorry for what dallas said, she's just acting like a spoiled kid. I'm going to take a shower, you can take one after me if you want to." She just nodded still looking to the ground. I went to take a shower and she stayed sting on the side of my bad.

- Sophie's POV

I'm wondering if Dallas is right, I mean if everyone can tell only by look for me that I'm into Demi, but she said each other, which means that she's referring that Demi is into me as well, if it's true then I've to have a serious talk with Demi. I'm starting to think about our kik conversation today earlier, I've to make things clear between us, but I'm afraid about it. I never had problems about express my feelings to someone I liked, but at the same time I never liked someone as much as I like Demi, I was interrupted by my thoughts for Demi walking in the room only wrapped in a tower. Really, Demi has to stop tease me this way. After she get changed she turned to look at me
"Are you gonna take a shower baby?" She asked and lord, every time she calls me baby I think I might gonna faint
"Sure, can you give me a towel?" I asked her and she handed me one. After I got shower I went back to the room and did just what demi had made to me, I changed myself in front of her and I listened she sight and then I felt her staring at me. I got changed and walk to sit by her side
"You know we need to talk don't you? About everything, about that dream, about it's meaning for you AND for me and about that kik convo of today earlier." I said and she nodded with a mixture of shyly and worry.

*Author's note*
Guys it's a short chapter, I just wrote this one and I hope you'd like it. Don't worry I've everything to the next chapter, I just have to write it, but the ideas are already in mind. It's the last one for tonight. I'll probably post the next chapter tomorrow, but not sure because I've to study to college.
Please comment what you think are gonna happen, because I think it's not what you're really expecting. And vote guys, please VOTE on my story if you like it, I know some of you might get to read it when you're offline, but please don't forget to vote when you get Internet.

Good night/ morning/ afternoon...

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