Thank you.

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Guys I want to thank you for reading this fan fiction. It was an awesome experience for me to feel like I finally had a voice that was being heard even if what I was saying wasn't the most important thing to be heard; It still felt good to know I could write what was in my head and you would read it. Thank you for your time and I'm glad I got to met and became friends with some of you and for the ones I didn't get the opportunity to meet I am thankful for your votes and support.
The reason I'm not continuing this story is because I am not the same person I was when I started it. In 2013 when I wrote the first chapter I was in school, I was also in a bad path and it didn't help that I was in love (or thought I was in love) with my best friend. Those feeling got me confused because of my sexuality since my best friend is in dead a girl. This was written so I could lay my feelings on the "paper" and not feel so bad about it since she didn't like me back. That was a hard year, I had to watch the person I liked with someone else and later on when they broke up I suffered because of the bullying her ex put me through, but I made it to the next year when I got in law school and decided I would get over her and because of that I started dating a guy and I have a lot to thank him because if it wasn't for him I would have never accepted how gay I really am. I still feel bad for using him in order to forget my feelings for my best friend. Especially since he didn't succeed in making those feelings go away; but while still dating that guy I met someone through this very fiction and that person turned my life upside down. That person made me noticed I really am gay and I'm thankful for that. The same person made me completely forget my feelings over my best friend which was awesome cause our friendship went back to that perfect movie kind of friendship it was before, but most important that person took my heart out of my chest and made sure it remained hers for as long as she wants it to be. That person is now my girlfriend for almost 8 months. She was the best thing that could have ever showed up in my life. I love her and I was never this happy in my life before. Her family welcomed me as their own and for that I'm thankful.
So after this little throw back on my life I hope you guys can understand why I don't feel connected with this story anymore. I started it impulsed by a school love that doesn't exist anymore but it also gave me the opportunity to meet the one I'd like to love for as long as she allows me.
Thank you for your time.
- A.

Heart by heart - Demi Lovato fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now