Chapert 19

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Chapter 19

- Davi's POV

The girls decided to take a nap during the ride to my parents', which was a good thing because I was wanting some peace to think about Marissa. When I went to the car and the girls made me wait for them I felt someone staring me from the house in front of Eddie's which I knew was David's one, the person staring me was her and I could see a sadness look on her face when she met my eyes and I gave her a disappointed look. I won't deny, I had feelings for her, I still have, even after what she said about Sophie, but I can't date someone, I can't like someone, that's so mean to my baby girl, my cousin almost died because of people saying thing about her, just like Marissa did, but at the same time Sophie told me to forgive her and now I'm really thinking about it. I'm so confuse.
I decided to wake Sophie since we're almost at our destination,
"Sophie, wake up." I said looking to the road while shaking her knee with my right hand.

- Sophie's POV

I was woken up by Davi shaking my knee, I looked to my left where a sleepy Demi was laying against me half hugging me
"I'm awake. Did we arrive?" I asked turning my head to look at Davi by the rearview
"No, but we're almost there. Can you wake the girls?" He asked me and I nodded while giggling, "Why are you giggling?" Davi asked confuse
"Because we're the only ones awake, but we are still talking in English." I said and he giggled
"Yeah. I noticed it. Had you already started to think in English too?" He asked me
"Yep. Since we arrived. Actually I prefer to talk and speak in English, because I just learned how to express myself when I went to TK where I had to talk in English with the doctors and everyone." I said and he gave me a comprehensive nod, "I'm gonna wake the girls." I said turning to look at Demi
"Love wake up." I said planting a kiss on her forehead while taking a piece of her hair from her face
"Sounds like I've a new nickname." Demi said hugging me tight as if I was a pillow
"I love you too Dem Dem, but I would love if I could breath." I said and she giggled releasing from the hug. I leaned closer to Maddie so I could wake her
"Baby girl, we're here." I said shaking her shoulder
"I'm awake." She said annoyed. Mad sounded just like Demi which made me laugh, "What?" She asked in a sleepy voice turning herself on her sit to look at me
"You sounded just like Demi." I said and we all giggled
"No way. I'm not grumpy when I wake up." Demi said and Maddie looked at Demi giving her sarcastically laugh
"Girls, we're here." Davi said parking the car in front of a gorgeous house. After he parked I opened the door for Demi and I and he opened the door for Maddie, he's treating her just like he treated me when I was her age, like a princess and by her look she's loving it. Demi almost fall when she leave the car so I take her in my arms to catch her
"I think I might gonna fall more often when I'm with you." Demi whispered in my ear with a sexy husky voice
"It sounds like a promise." I said in her ear while biting it and taking her by surprise
"Oh. I liked it." She said kissing my cheek while stayed on her feet
"Oh, come on you two. Go take a room." Davi told us walking with Maddie to the front door
"Bro, I can't believe you're here!" He's brother said opening the door and giving him a brotherly hug, "Who's the little princess with you?" He said pointing to Madison
"This is Madison, Sophie's sister-in-law, you can call her Mad or Maddie." Davi said, "Madison, this is my big brother Arthur, but you can call him Artie."
"Nice to meet you. You're tall." Maddie said shaking his hand, she's right, he's really tall, but it was expected to a former Basketball player
"Nice to meet you too. Yeah, I get it a lot." He said with that amazing smile, the one that all his family have, "Sophie Vettra, who'd say you'd turn into a really gorgeous girl, hum?" He said walking toward me and hugging me really tight, which made me release from Demi
"And who'd say you'd turn into something so handsome. I'm amassed Artie." I said, it's actually our normal inside joke, but I could see Demi getting really red of angry and jealously
"Artie this is Demi, my beautiful and jealous girlfriend." I said releasing from this hug and taking Demi's hand in mine, "Demi baby, this is Artie, Davi's brother, he's like a brother for me as well." I said and she shook his hand
"Nice to meet you." Demi said in a polite voice
"Nice to meet you too. I think Sophie forgot to say you're a really talent singer as well." I looked confuse at him, I didn't imagined that Artie a twenty-seven-year-old guy would know who Demi was, "What? I've TV and I watch The X factor, which by the way was really cool." Artie said the last part looking at Demi and smiling
"I'm glad you liked it." Demi said now more relaxed
"Lets go inside guys, before our neighbor's daughter see Demi, she's twelve and she's freaking creepy." He said and we laughed while walking in the house
"Sophie!" Vera, Artie's mother said hugging me, "Im so happy to see you so beautiful and health!" She said really happy with a huge smile on her face
"Hi Vera, I'm happy to see you too." I said smiling, she's the one who kept an eye on me when I went to TK, she moved temporally to Illinois just to be closer to me and be able to see if everything was okay, "Demi, this is Vera, Artie's mother. Vera, this is Demi, my girlfriend and that one with Davi is Madison my sister-in-law." I said and Maddie walked toward us, stoping by my side side hugging me
"Hi." Demi and Mad said together
"Hi girls." Vera said, "It's nice to see you finally find someone who deserve you Sophie. Lets just hope this time you did the right decision." Crap, she really had to say this, I didn't tell Demi about my exs, but most important I didn't tell her about Marcus. I shook my head with my eyes wide open trying to making her notice Demi didn't know, but Demi was already looking at me with a not so happy look, so I mouthed "Later." because it was all I'd say by now.
"Mom!" Davi came hugging Vera really tight and taking her off of the floor, "Where's Tay?" Davi asked referring to his younger sister who's my age
"Hi sweetie. Tay is with a friend, but she'll be here in a while." Vera said with her motherly smile, "take a sit everyone." She said gesturing for us to to take a sit. Demi sit by my side with our hands intertwined while Madison sit by Davi and Artie sit in front of us and Vera went to the kitchen
"How're you Soph?" Artie said looking at mine and Demi's hand smiling
"I'm really happy.. How're you? Still single?" I asked noticing that Davi wasn't paying attention
"Yep. Why? Do you have a friend to introduce me?" He made the question I was hoping for
"Actually Demi has a beautiful friend, her name is Marissa, I'd love to introduce the both of you." I said and Davi looked at me in surprise
"No. Not Marissa. I mean, she's not his type of woman." He said terrified that I was being serious
"I knew it! See? You're jealous. I hope now you stop being an idiot and forgive her." I said which make Madison and Demi giggling and Davi looked at me blushing
"Who's she?" Artie asked confuse
"She's Dems' best friend, the girl Davi is into, but they had a fight. Thanks for you help Arthur." I said winking with a silly face
"Oh. Everything to the idiot right there." He said pointing to Davi, "Hey since mom is finishing cook her famous strawberry pie and we've some musicians here we should go play something in the backyard. What do you guys think? Artie said
"Yeah. It'd be cool." Davi said
"Okay, but I'm not singing in front of Demi, just saying." I said
"Why not?" Demi asked
"Because I'm not singing in front of a famous singer." I said
"Please, not for the famous singer, but for your Dems." Demi said with puppy eyes
"Argh, okay. But I suck on it." I said giving up
"No, you don't." Artie said now on his feet standing his hands for help me and Demi, "Lets go, I'm just gonna take the guitars. How many do you guys wanna me to take?" He asked
"Wow, do you have that much?" Demi asked surprised
"He collect guitars, like the acoustic ones." I said and Demi smiled like a child, "4, I don't think Maddie knows how to play."
"Actually I know, but I suck on it. I prefer piano and you don't have to bring me a guitar." Maddie said
"Okay, four then. I'll be right back, Davi take the girls to the backyard, I already had set everything." Arthur said walking to his "private room" the one he let his guitars
"Okay girls, follow me." Davi said joyfully. We went to the backyard where there was some puffs set in a circle with a machined bonfire perfectly adjusted, not close, not far from us. I sit on one of the puffs and made Demi fall on my lap hugging her from behind
"I love you Demetria." I whispered in her ear. She turned to look at me and smiled
"I love you more." She said hugging me tight
"Here you go." Arthur said handing us the guitars
"Thanks dude." I said as I saw he had gave me my favorite one, a Di Giorgio Signorina n°16
"Wow, I love this guitar. It's perfect to play Catch Me." Demi said
"I know." I said winking at her
"Wait, do you know how to play my song?" She asked
"Of course dumb." I said adjusting the guitar to tuned it
"What do you wanna play first?" Davi said looking at me
"Lets just start warming with Ed Sheeran, is it okay for you guys?" I said looking to Demi and Artie and they nodded, "Okay, Lego House then." I said and started to play, but stopped, "Davi you should sing this one since your voice sounds like Ed's." I said restarting to play and he singed along. We played a couple of other songs and I was refusing to sing. When we're in our fifth or sixth song I felt my phone vibrating in my poked and I picked it to see a message from Olivia, I checked the time and saw it was already 5pm in Dallas which mean it was 8am at Australia, I opened the message which was write "Hey I'm in the bus, you can call mom. Love u xx"
"Who's it?" Demi asked and I noticed everyone had stopped play and were paying attention
"Oh, just Livvy." I said standing up, "Excuse me guys, I've to make a call." I said walking away and Demi followed me
"Is everything okay?" She asked worried
"Yes, I just have to call her mother so she can come to spend her break with us."
"Oh, okay. May I stay here or you wanna me to leave?" Demi asked shyly
"To be truth I'd love if you stayed." I said smiling, "I'm gonna call her now, okay?" I asked and demi nodded. I called Olivia's mother and it ringed twice before she pick it
"Sophie? Olivia is not here, she just leaved to school." She said confused
"I know Anne. I want to talk with you." I said
"What's it?" She asked curious
"I was wondering if I could fly Livvy to US during her break because Demi Lovato is doing a tour here and I'm going to all of them and I became friends of Demi and since I know how much of a fan she's I'd like to have her with us. Is it possible? I promise you I'm gonna pay for everything she's gonna need here." I said really fast
"I think it's okay. But she can only stay with you for two weeks." She said and a huge smile played on my lips
"Okay. Thank you very very much. I promise you I'll keep her safe." I said
"But there's a condition." She said and I got confuse
"What's it?" I asked
"Are you health? Because if she's gonna stay two fully weeks with you I don't wanna my daughter to see you purging or cutting." She asked, I understand she asked me this
"Actually is because of it I'm asking her to come. I'm celebrating my an year clear." I said proudly
"Okay. I'm happy for you. She can go." She said happily
"Thanks. I've to go now, but I'm gonna send everything she may need and I'll let you informed." I said
"Okay. Goodbye."
"Goodbye." I said and it went off. I turned to look at Demi and I hugged her really tight, " my sister is coming!" I said smiling
"I'm happy for you two." Demi said smiling. We walked back to where the others were and Demi looked at me, "If I discover the song you're asking me to sing can you sing it to me." She said and I nodded, "Okay, so I thing I already know which one it's."
"Really?" I said surprise
"Yep." She said smiling.

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