Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

- Sophie's POV

I was woken up by someone knocking our door nonstop. I went to the door with a sleepy face
"Thanks God you opened it!" Marissa said walking in the room straight to Demi, "Demetria wake up NOW!" Wow she's really needing to talk with Demi
"Who died Marissa?" Demi asked annoyed without open her eyes
"You two if you don't manage to answer the fans and the media." Marissa said and Demi stood up with a mater of second
"What?" Demi said and Marissa handed her phone to Demi, I got closer to see what she's seeing on it and it was a tweet of Perez "I knew Lovatics turned into lesbian for Demi, but Demi turning into lesbian for a Lovatic?!" It's with a picture, Demi opened it to see a picture of us when we're talking with Isabelle and Demi was hugging me from behind with her head on my shoulder
"Crap!" I said and started to look for my phone
"What're you doing?" Marissa asked confuse
"Getting this mess cleaned up." I said taking my phone to call Wilmer he answered at the first ring I got it on speaker
"I know, I know. What do you wanna me to do?" He said already knowing what had happened
"Wilmer." Demi said, "What're we gonna do?" She asked with sadness on her face
"I don't know Demi. Do you girls wanna me to flight over there and go to the concert?" He asked
"No, it could be really obvious." Marissa said
"Hi Marissa and I think you're right." He said
"So what are we gonna do?" Demi asked
"Log in your twitter and give me your phone Demi." I said and she did as I said and I started to tweet
"Guys I'm gonna tweet but I'll read it out load so you can help me okay?" I said and they agreed, "Completely and utterly disgusted at the absolute lack of any respect whatsoever in this world today.None. So disappointed." It's the first tweet and all of them agreed of what I'd written, "The entertainment that society has over the lives of artists today is absolutely PATHETIC." I read the second one and they agreed as well, "Artists don't owe anyone ANYTHING. We choose to be open and honest in our music with others..Yet this is how we're thanked?" I said and I thought it was enough but then Demi said she wanted to tweet one more thing
"I don't do this for money. In fact, I'd give back all the money in the world I've ever made if I could buy my privacy back." Demi said and we all agreed
"What do I've to do now?" Wilmer asked
"Retweet all of them and then tweet something like, No worry love, I know your genuine self. But don't mention Demi, people will figure out by their own." I said
"Okay give me five minutes." While we waited I went on my twitter, retweeted "Demi's" tweets and then I tweeted "Just can't describe how much upset it makes me to see the amount of bullshit people try to sell today..." And then i continued, "... And I'm even more pissed that there're actually people buying it 😒" since I had started to be friends of Demi I got a lot of followers and thanks God they're trully Lovatics, which means they retweeted what I had tweeted and for them if Demi or someone linked to her said something it's automatically the truth they'd trust, "Okay I'm done. And I retweeted Sophie's twitter as well." Wilmer said
"Thanks buddy." I said
"You welcome girls. Anytime just ask, okay?" He said
"Okay, thanks Wilmer. Bye." Demi said and we hung up the phone
"What had you tweeted?" Marissa asked me
"That I couldn't describe how much upset it makes me to see the amount of bullshit people try to sell today and that I was even more pissed that there're actually people who bought it." I said and she nodded
"Girl, you're good." She said and we giggled just then Demi's phone ringed
"Hello?" She said and then put on speaker letting her finger in front of her mouth for us to be quiet
"Hey Demi, Ryan Seacrest talking." Just as she listened who was she got a smile on her face
"Hey Ryan." She said
"Hey I saw about that bullshit Perez was tweeting, and I thought if you'd like to do a phone interview tomorrow so you could explain everything, get things clear. It's up to you." He said and we all smiled
"Sure, thank you very much Ryan. I just wanna to make things a bit clear." Demi said
"Okay then. We're gonna call you at 8 Cali's time, okay?" He asked
"It's perfect. Thank you one more time Ryan." She said
"You welcome missy. Talk to you tomorrow. Bye Demi, bye people with Demi listening on speaker." He said joyfully and we giggled
"Bye Ryan." We said together. After we talk with Ryan we decided not to act crazy anymore and we went to get diner. After diner we went straight to bed knowing he next day would a long one.

- Demi's POV

I was woken up by Sophie saying something to make me wake up
"Common Demetria! Your phone interview is in ten minutes." After she say this I got fully awoke running to the bathroom to brush my teeth, as if they could smealing my morning breath, good Demetria. I went back to our room to my phone ringing
"Hello?" I said
"Hi Demi. You're on air on On Air with Ryan Seacrest." Ryan said
"Hi Ryan. Good morning." I said
"Good morning Demi. So do you wanna explain about what people were talking about you?" He asked
"Actually yes. Guys Sophie, the girl with me on that picture is a close friend of mine and I really can't get why people are being so, sorry for the word but, I can't get why they're being so idiot. I have lots of pictures like that with Marissa, my best friend, Selena and Miley and only because now I showed up with a new friend people are judging us already. And other thing, who I date or not only says respect to myself and the person. Can't you just stop and start to be a little polite respecting people's privacy or at least stop take care of other people's lives and go get a life to your own?" I said still calm
"Thanks Demi and I know it wasn't me the one saying that thing, but I still want to apologize in name of all the media I represent for the abusive invasion in your life." Ryan said, he's such a nice guy
"Thank you Ryan." I said
"Demi before we hung up, just wanted to know what did you think about Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt defending you." Ryan said taking me and also Sophie by surprise. She's listening to the interview by her phone. She nodded to me saying I could answer about it
"Oh, I didn't even know they had did it, but anyway. They're awesome people and I already had the opportunity to talk with Angie, I mean Angelina and if I learned something with her is that we're all human beings and that people treating us different is not a normal thing, because we're like you guys who are now listening to us." I said
"Okay Demi. Thank you for your time, hope you've a good day now." Ryan said kindly
"Bye Ryan and thank you very much to had give me a space on your show." I said before hung up
"What do you think they said?" I asked Sophie referring about Angie and Brad
"Oh, she sent me a message saying she was in an interview and they asked about how's it to have her privacy got away only by do her job and she said that it's really annoying and that she's really disappointed how the media was stealing your privacy." She said and I smiled, Angie is a really nice woman.

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