Chapter 57

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Chapter 57

Demi's POV

It's Christmas and so many things happened during those last months, I performed on X factor which sucked, well, Soph still says I was awesome, but that doesn't count. Halloween was incredibly funny, especially when Lain saw me, that's for sure was the funniest part, he got so scared, he didn't talk with me for three days afraid it'd become a zombie "again" as he'd say, Alex said I was meanie to have scared him that day. I've become closer to Amber and her family, well, my family, Alex and Ash are kind of becoming friends, they text each other sometimes, so I think they're close. I got to play a lesbian on Glee and of course Soph thought it's hilarious. X factor in general was good even though my contestants didn't win, I just got really upset with one thing, the annoying juice video, Sophie got so pissed with Simon that she haven't been talking with him since then, I was mad too, but I wish Simon and Soph would be fine by now. I got my hair blue and Maddie got her hair purple, mom got pissed at first saying it's my fault she had done this, which of course it was, but now mom is okay with it and even think it's cute. Sophie transferred her company to LA, finally, and she has been studying at UCLA which has a good national classification for law school, but I know she'd prefer to be studying at Stanford, unfortunately it's six hours from our apartment so she'd have to live on campus and none of us wanted it. I knew Sophie was rich and her company was famous, but just when she moved here I could really notice it, paps follow her every once in a while, even more than me, usually paps doesn't follow me this much when I'm in Cali, I think because I live here and here is also the city of tons of famous people, but Sophie was being practically stalked when they first discovered she had moved and since they couldn't stop following her they soon discovered she's living with me, so we thought it'd be best if we confirmed she's living with me, as a friends of course and we also had to say Alex and Lain were adopted, but we said she had adopted them alone, it hurts a bit for me to not be able to call them my kids, but it is what it is and I already knew it would be this way, so nothing much to say. The first month after Sophie had seated everything here was a big bloody mess, she wouldn't stop working because she'd say she had to get everything prepared before school started and she just eased after Artie, Davi's brother, moved from Dallas to LA to starts working for her, the kids even got a little down because we couldn't spend a lot of time with them, I had X factor, glee, book release, interviews and Sophie had her company which by the way is a lot of work, I don't know how she can do all of that, but she's amazing on what she do, just some weeks later she had seated everything down she explained me how her company works, it's not only an constriction company, it's more like a multifunctional company, her company sponsors people who have incredible project, but not the money to make it come true, she even offered me to sponsors the Lovato Treatment Scholarship, I accept of course because then I'd help a lot of people instead of just once at time, now we have over a hundred people being helped by the project, but Sophie made sure no one would discover she's sponsoring, I didn't really understand why till Angie explains to me she likes to help people, but not the attention this act gives. Davi and Mar decided to wait a little more to plan the wedding, first because they don't want to rush things and second because since Soph and I wouldn't be able to really help Marissa by now since we're both loaded with work. Alex has been studying at the same school as Maddie and she has been doing quite well and we decided to have Lain homeschooled just till he improve in his English skills.
"Demi, Demi!" I was taken back from my thoughts by Sophie shaking me
"Oh, hey baby." I said kissing her
"Sorry for wake you up, but Dianna said she wants you to help on the kitchen." She said and I nodded
"I wasn't sleeping, I was just thinking." I said and she nodded kissing my cheek and leaving the room, I think to go help with something. We've been spending Christmas with my family, I'm just really happy we didn't have to go separate ways to spend Christmas with our families, Sophie's family always do their Christmas a week before the actual date so everyone can go, which means, we were at Brazil just a week ago, I got to meet her family and some of her friends, we decided just to tell her really close friends about us. Her family accept me pretty well, they had already met Alex who spent the whole time speaking in Portuguese, it was giving on my nerves because I couldn't understand anything, anyways, when her family met Lain it's the most emotional moment I've ever seen, apparently Lain looks a lot like Soph's dad, they got pretty damn shocked when they first saw him, it's as if they were seeing a ghost, but after the first hours they got normal again, it's also cute to see how Lain was happy to looks like his grandpa, it's a shame we will never get to meet him or Soph's mother, I could feel how she got emotional when they first said Lain looked like her dad, she didn't let it out though, but it's understandable.
"Demi serious stop zoning out, your mother needs you!" Sophie said pissed
"Sorry, sorry. I'm going!" I said jumping out the bed and giving her a peck before ran to the kitchen
"Don't go running around, you'll broke your leg again!" She screamed from upstairs, "Oh my God Demi you've to take care, you'll fall running like that!" She said coming in my direction, I was already in the kitchen
"Gosh when do you get your period! I can't take you PMS-ing anymore!" I said rushing through the kitchen to help mom
"I'm not PMS-ing! And you are acting like a kid running around like that!" She said shaking her hands like an Italian. Well done Demetria
"You two stop arguing like an old couple and come here help me!" Mom said making we both blush, sometimes we just forget everyone else around us
"Sorry mom." We said together, I think it's pretty cool from mom to have asked Sophie to call her this way
"Mom I can't find Lain." Alex said coming in the kitchen
"How come you lost him again!" Sophie said getting pissed again, God help me with this woman's PMS
"Argh! I can't believe she's still PMS-ing!" Alex said making Soph get even more pissed
"See what you did? You keep saying things like this in front of her! It's your fault Demetria she doesn't respect me!" Soph said almost fuming from her ears
"My fault?" I said angrily, "Alex you stop saying your mother is PMS-ing and go find Lain!" I said and she nodded leaving the kitchen, "Madison go help Alex and ask the others to help if needed. Oh and he's probably playing with you aerial stuffs." I said and Maddie left the kitchen running making mom chuckle, "Dallas ask Rob to go buy me some Tylenol please." I said and Dallas nodded leaving the kitchen, "Mom, take a break I can finish this." I said looking at mom while taking what she have in hands
"Are you sure?" She asked concerned
"Positive, just make sure no one come in the kitchen till everything is finish please." I said putting what mom was holding in the table and massaging my temples
"Okay Dem, thank you." She said leaving the kitchen
"Now you!" I said pointing at Soph who's preparing the dessert, "Come here." I said with a serious tone
"What do you want Demetria?" She said still kinda pissed, I got closer to her and since her back was facing me she didn't notice
"Turn around." I said still in my serious tone, she turned and I rested my arms around her neck pulling her for a kiss, I kissed her taking her by surprise, but she quickly corresponded to it. It wasn't a long kiss, just a sweet and relaxing one, we kissed for a minute, maybe less and she pulled away biting my bottom lip slightly
"Headache?" She asked now with a peaceful tone, it's like she could feel what I was feeling just by shearing a kiss
"More like migraine." I said and she kissed my temples, then my nose, then my lips again. After the kiss she hugged me burring her nose on the crock of my neck and kissing my weak spot making me moan quietly
"Don't start something you can't finish." I said with a weak voice
"Oh, but I can finish, I just don't have time now." Soph said and then turned again to continue what she's doing
"Teaser!" I said going to the other side of the kitchen to get dinner prepared
"Mommy!" Lain said running into the kitchen to me, he had decided by his own that he would call me mommy and Soph mom, different from Alex who calls both of us as mom, it got a bit confuse in the beginning, but now we can distingue just by her tone
"Hey baby boy." I said picking him up in my arms, "Where's your sister?" I asked and he shook his head, I looked over at Soph for her to call for Alex so she could look after Lain because I had to finish dinner
"Alexia come here now!" She screamed through the door of the kitchen and Alex came running
"Erh don't call me like this, you know I hate be called by my full name." She said and Soph rolled her eyes
"Can you two be anymore alike?" She asked looking at me and I giggled
"What can I say? She's my daughter." I said chuckling
"Don't even start Demetria." Sophie said
"I'm daughter of the two of you. Now Lain come with me buddy, mommy have to finish cooking dinner. God protect our tummies huh buddy?" Alex said taking Lain from me
"Hey I headed it!" I said making them laugh
"Demi your Tylenol." Rob said getting into the kitchen
"Thank you so much Rob." I said hugging him in a dramatically way
"Demi stop acting you're not working!" Dallas said from behind him and we all laugh
"Alex go get you and Lain into your onesies." I said
"Mom! Do I really have to wear that?" She asked with a pout. We've been discussing this since I told her it's kind of a tradition for all the family to wear onesies on Christmas, but she had been asking me not to because she feels ashamed to wear them in front of other people, even though at home she wear them all the time which I think it's the cutest thing ever
"Please babe do as your mother says, it's gonna be fun." Soph said and Alex nodded leaving the kitchen
"I can't understand it! I've been trying to convince her for the past couple days and you ask her once and she agrees?! That's so not fair!" I said making Dallas and Rob laugh, "Since you two are finding it so funny I want to see when it was your kid." I said and Dallas grew eyes on me
"Oh my Demi! Not now please, I want to have a live before get to have kids!" She said with her hand on her chest
"Stop being so dramatic Dal. We still have a life even after the kids, just now it's better." Sophie said rolling her eyes at Dallas
"Of course you still have a life, your room is soundproof." Dallas said making Rob chuckle and Soph and I to blush. Thank you Dal to talk about my girlfriend and I's personal life in front of your boyfriend
"Serious Dallas!" I said and she put her hand on her mouth
"Oops! Sorry!" Dal said with a funny face and then left the kitchen with Rob
"We should go get prepared the rest of the family will be here soon." Sophie said after we had finished everything
"Agreed." I said taking her hand in mine and walking out the kitchen.

*Author's note*

It's short, I know, but it's all I have now, so #SorryNotSorry.

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