Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

-Demi's POV

Max was waiting for us at the lobby of our hotel
"Why did you take so long?" Max asked with an eyebrow raised and a smirk on his face
"Not your business Max." I said joyfully and he burst into laughs
"Demi, Demi. I know you girl. You're like a daughter for me." He said walking to the front door giggling
"Okay then daddy." I said playfully
"Lets go girls." He said opening the door to the car for us. We're doing our way to Amber, I do hope she likes Soph and I'm confident she's gonna like her
"You okay baby?" I asked looking at Sophie while squeezing her hand
"Yes. Just thinking." She said nodding and resting her head on my shoulder
"Bout what?" I asked
"About Amber." She said and I looked down to her eyes
"Still nervous?" I asked her
"A bit. But I was actually thinking about what to do to make your niece likes me." She said and I giggled
"Of course she's gonna like you. Just like Maddie likes. You're awesome with kids." I said kissing the top of Sophie's head and she smiled. Max stopped the car and turned to look at us
"We're here. Do you want me to go with you?" He asked
"Yes!" Soph answered really fast and I looked at her confuse, "What? I just would feel more comfortable with someone I know over there." She said and I nodded, Max walked to the door and opened the door of the car for us. After he closed the door my nice came toward us
"Hi Demi. Hi Sophie. Hi Max." Ashlyn said
"Hi and how do you know who I am?" Sophie asked confuse
"Who doesn't?" Ash said in a duh voice
"So you know who I am?" Sophie asked still confuse
"Yes, my aunt's friend or girlfriend. I'm still not sure how to qualify you." She said motioning for us to come in the house
"So how do you know?" Sophie asked walking with me behind Ash
"Just a moment girls, before you continue let me just introduce you two." I said and they stop walk and talk, "Okay, so Sophie this is my niece Ashlyn, but you can call her Ash and Ash this is my girlfriend Sophie or Soph, you can chose." I said and they nodded to each other kindly
"So how do you know?" Sophie asked again
"I've a twitter and I have a TV with E! News on it." She said in a duh voice
"Got it." Sophie said
"Hi Demi. Hi Sophie. Hi Max." Amber said walking toward us and hugging me and Sophie
"Really I'm starting to feel like Marissa." Soph said an I giggled
"What you mean?" Amber asked
"Oh. Just that normally I'm the one knowing the name of the people linked to Demi, but here looks like everybody already know me." Soph said and they giggled
"I listened during one interview that you're a Lovatic and that you're from Brazil." Ash said and Sophie nodded, "Brazil, cool country. Not so cool Lovatics... Joke, you're really dedicate, sometimes it gets on my nerves how do you discover things before us." Ash said and I giggled
"Yes, we're kinda dedicate." Sophie said and right after a girl coming running downstairs toward me, but Ash stopped her
"Really Megan? You are really fangirling over my aunt?" Ash said with an eyebrow raised
"Sorry, too emotional right now." Megan said backing to normal
"Sorry guys this is my best friend Megan, she's kind of a Lovatic as you saw." Ash said and Sophie and I giggled
"Come here, give me a hug." I said and Megan walked closer to me to give me a hug, we hugged and then I came back to Sophie's side resting my right arm around her waist with my hand in her back pocket
"So it's true? You're really together." Megan asked curious
"Megan stop. If you start I'm gonna send you home." Ash said serious
"Oh common Ash, you were talking about it before they arrive." Megan said making Ashlyn's cheeks get flush
"Uhum!" I cleared my throat with an eyebrow raised and Ash turned to look at me, Gosh, this girl has the same brat way as me which made me giggle
"You girls are so much alike to each other. You have Demi's brat way." Sophie said and we all laughed
"Guess you're not mad with me?" Ash said looking at me
"It's okay, just please girls, try not to tell anyone else." I said and they nodded. We walked to the living room
"Hey you're from Brazil right?" Megan asked Soph and she nodded, "You guys are crazy, I mean, Brazilian Lovatics." She said and I giggled
"Thanks, I think." Sophie said and Ash and Megan giggle. Soph's phone started to ring and we looked at it to see who's calling and it's Maddie, I just hope it's nothing to do about hating
"Answer it!" I demanded and she did as I said.

- Sophie's POV

"Maddie baby? Is everything okay?" I asked with worry in my voice
"Yes, just called because mom asked me to put some CDs in Demi's room and I saw you forgot the iPad you had brought your sister here." She said and I sighed in relief
"Thanks for let me know. Baby girl can you please bring it with you to Cali?" I asked her
"Yes, no problem sis." Madison said and I smiled because she had called me sis
"Hey by the way I think you're gonna be there before us. Ask Dianna if you need Angie or Brad to take you guys at the airport and let me know so I can ask them and tell your mother everyone is invited to lunch with us at Angie's after we arrive." I said
"Okay and are you serious you wan us to wait till Demi wakes up to lunch?" Madison asked joyfully and I couldn't help but burst into laugh
"No worry I'll make sure she doesn't get our lunch into a dinner. Baby have to go. Talk to you latter and hey, tell Dallas I hope her to be different from Marissa and Demi." I said giggling remembering my talk with Marissa about Dallas not being virgin
"Oh gosh! I can't believe you're telling me this! Marissa told us about your talk today on our group on kik." Madison said giggling
"Add me on it, and sorry sis I really have to go now. I'm at Amber's with Demi and Max." I said
"Kay I'm gonna add you. bye love you. Tell Demi she has more than one sister." Madison said
"You're such a diva! Bye love you too." I said giggling and hung up
"What did she want?" Demi asked
"Tell me I had forgot Olivia's iPad over there, that she's not gonna wait you to lunch when she arrives in Cali and she asked me to tell you that you have more than one sister." I said giggling
"OMG! This kid is so dramatic!" Demi said and I burst into laugh
"Of course she's. She learned with the best." I said and everyone burst into laugh
"Do you call Madison sister?" Megan asked
"Yep. We call each other sister or sis. But mostly I call her baby girl." I said
"Aww, it's cute. You're close from her and Dallas?" Ash asked and I nodded
"More Madison, but Dal is cool too, well except when she's in her spoil mood, but Rob can handle her so it's okay." I said and demi giggled when she remembered about what Dal said at our first night in Dallas
"You're really close from Demi's family. I mean the other part." Megan said
"Kind of, well my cousin is Marissa's boyfriend who's like a sister to Demi so, I think yes." I said and they nodded. I felt my phone vibrating and I looked at it. It's a kik notification, I opened it to find myself in a group convo "Hey girls I added Soph." Madison typed, "Hi girls. Who're in here?" I asked, "Just Me, Mad, Dal and Chelle." Marissa answered, "Hi Rochelle, nice to meet you." I said and she answered fast, "Call me Chelle and nice to meet u too Soph. Hey if u brake her heart I'll brake ur face 😘" Chelle said and I couldn't help but giggle
"What are you giggling at?"Demi asked me
"Oh, just Chelle saying if I brake you heart she'll brake my face." I said and Demi got a confuse face
"How're you talking with her?" She asked
"Group convo on kik, Maddie got me in." I said
"Why I'm not in it?" She asked pissed
"I don't know." I said
"Whatever." She said sighing and Ash and Megan giggled. I got back to the group, "No worry Chelle I'd never do it." I said, "Girls Demi is asking y she's not in it." I asked, "Because it's group to conspire against her... Hahaha jk. Idk, but lets let this way, she will get pissed, it's funny" Dallas said "U're and awful sister. Hahaha, I like it" I said, "N u're an awful girlfriend, hahaha I like it" Dal said "I'm fabulous 💁, right Maddie?" I said, "Yep! Hi five sis ✋" Maddie said "✋hi five!" Dallas said, "not u idiot, I mean Soph." Madison said, "Bahahaha, hi five ✋ bbg!" I said, "What? U stole two of my sisters?!" Dallas said, "Bahahahahah! N I'm about to steal the 3rd one. Have to go, ttyl. And girls there're a lot of people missing in this group. Where're Jenna, Jayde, Bea, Aris..?" I said, "Okay bye, I'm gonna add them. xx" Maddie said and I turned my phone off
"They said you're not allowed to this group." I told Demi and she got pissed making me laugh
"Why not? Who's on it?" She asked
"Because Dallas said you couldn't and Dal, Mar, Mad, Chelle and I, but Maddie is adding Jenna, Aris, Beatrice and Jayde." I said and Demi got even more pissed
"I'm gonna kill Dallas!" She said turning red of anger and I burst into laugh taking a picture of her
"Aww, someone is mad because the older sister don't want you include!" I said in a cute voice pecking Demi's lips
"Why the picture?" Demi asked
"Dallas said you're gonna be pissed. I'll send the photo to the girls later." I said with a grin
"You're an awful girlfriend!" Demi said
"Dal said it too.. Guess she's right, so I think I'm gonna exchange rooms with Mar." I said pretending be hurt by what Demi had said
"No, no, no I was only joking!" Demi said in a begging voice and Max and I burst into laugh and the others followed us right after
"Got you!" I said still laughing
"Argh! I hate jurist, they're all liars." Demi said
"But you love me!" I said in a cute voice kissing her cheek
"True story." She said smiling at me
"Aww, you're so cute together." The girls said
"Thanks!" I said with a silly smile. We talked for a bit more. I got Ash's and Amber's numbers and then we leave back to the hotel. During the rive I got back to the group "Dal you're right she got pissed." I said and then send the picture to them, "BAHAHAHAHAHA" Dallas said "Hey, nice to meet you, you must be Soph, Demi's girlfriend. It's cool know Demi's a girlfriend, not feeling so awkward to have two mother anymore." Beatrice said, "Hey Bea, nice to meet u too.. Plz don't tell anyone just yet. And I'm a huge fan of yours. You rock girl!" I said "No worry and thanks." The others talked with me saying their nice to meet you texts and then I leaved the group again
"Baby can you please stop talk in this group to stay with me?" Demi said with puppy eyes
"Sure baby. I love you, anything for you Love." I said kissing her. After five minutes we got at the hotel.

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