Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

- Demi's POV

We walked to the outside of my house and I saw Davi in the driver sit of my father's car, we came in in the back sit since Mad had already taken the front one
"Did my father let you borrow his car?" I asked confuse
"Yes, he offered it when I said I was going to my parents'. Why?" Davi asked and I was surprise that my father himself had offered his cad
"Because my father is really jealous about this car. I'm just surprise." I said really surprised
"Well, looks like your your family loves mine." Sophie said referring to what had happened today with my mom
"I think so." I said and we both giggled
"Girls, where's our first stop?" Davi asked turning on his sit to look at us
"Do you know the city, don't you?" Demi asked and he nodded, "Well, then our first stop is at the closest Apple store. Madison has to buy a new phone."
"Okay, to the Appel store then." He said singing while putting the key in the ignition.

- Marissa's POV

During lunch Davi didn't really talk to me at all and it's really awkward between us, so after lunch I listened Davi talking with Eddie about go to his parents' house what I didn't understand at first because he's Brazilian and I thought he lived in Brazil, but then he explained it to Eddie that the family he's talking about was his internship family, the one which received and took care of him when he went to live here. After a while that he had went to his room to get changed Aris, Braeden and I went to their house. We're there for like 40 minutes when I saw Davi walking to Eddie's car, I didn't even noticed I was starring him and that he's staring back. When Demi told me about Sophie I thought she's crazy to starts like a person so fast, but then I got closer to Davi so fast as well that I thought I might would be in love or at least really into him, but I had to do a stupid joke about his cousin and screw everything up between us
"Marissa! Wake up girl!" Aris said playfully punching my arm
"What's it Aris?" I asked her annoyed
"Looks like someone is in love. Do you wanna talk about it?" She whispered so Braeden couldn't listen her, I nodded, "Braeden we're going to my room, try not to destroy the house please." She said taking my hand and walking upstairs. "Okay, now tell me everything!" She said exited while closing the door
"I don't really know for where to start." I said sighing
"What's the problem?" She asked walking to her bed to lay by my side
"Remember when I made fun of Soph during our ride home?" I said and she nodded, "Well, I shouldn't have made this, first because Davi got really mad, but most important because I didn't really knew Sophie and it's not right."
"Let me guess, he's overprotective and since she's like Demi, I mean, about the issues, he probably reacted just like you would have reacted if someone had made fun of Dems." She said, really, sometimes I can't believe she's just 16
"Yep. And now he's refusing to talk to me and I feel sick just by the way he's treating me. I can totally understand why he's acting this way, but I do like him.
"I didn't saw you talking about a guy this way since... Well, I don't even remember the last time you dated someone." She said and I nodded
"I just don't know what to do anymore. I already try to apologize a hundred times but he refuse to listen what I've to say." I said sitting on the bed to hug my legs with my head on my knees
"Hey, don't be this way Mar." She said sitting by my side caressing my back with one hand, "Did you already think about ask Sophie to help you?"
"Not really. She said she's not mad with me and that she got it's just a joke, but I think I hurt her with my words. I can't ask her for help me." I said
"Oh. Got it." She said laying back on her bed looking at the ceiling, I did the same and we stayed on that position.

- Sophie's POV

We're almost on the shopping mall where there's an Appel store, demi was playing with my hand and I was talking about randomly things with Mad while Davi was driving in a kind of autopilot mood, he was with his think face and I knew exactly what he's thinking about, Marissa Callahan.
"Guys do you mind if I made some calls?" I asked
"Nah, it's okay." Demi said
"Go ahead." Mad said and the both of them started to talk about some family jokes. I decided to call Angie before I forgot to tell her about our guests, it ringed only once before she answered
"Sophie? Is everything okay babe?" She asked in a worried voice
"Yes. I just want to let you know that I invited Demi, her father, bodyguard and younger sister to stay with us at our house, is that okay?" I asked
"Of course, I'll love to receive your guests, I mean, our guests." She said happily
"Oh and I'm flying Olivia to Cali so she's gonna stay with us as well." I said
"Okay. Now, what's it in your voice that you're so happy? It's Demi, isn't it?" She asked with a funny voice
"How do you know?" I said squeezing Demi's hand while blushing
"I'm a mother sweetie, I know my babies." She said and I giggled
"Yeah, yeah. I know. And you're right, it's Demi, we're together." I said blushing harder
"Oh Sophie, I'm so happy for you. Is Demi with you right now?" She asked
"Yes, she's by my side playing with my hand, just like Vi does." I said smiling
"Let me talk with her." Angie said, I covered the phone with my hand and turned to look at Demi
"Dems, my mom wanna talk to you." I said handing her my phone
"Angie?" Demi asked unsure
"Hi sweetie. How are you?" I could listen what she's saying because Demi was sharing the phone with me
"I'm really happy." Demi said looking in my eyes smiling, " How are you Angie?" Demi asked, she's getting used to Angie
"I'm happy as well, because I just discovered my daughter is dating a really talent and special girl." She said making Demi blush
"Thanks." Demi said shyly
"I just wanna to let you know that you'll be now more than ever welcome as a family member to our family just as your father and sister. Can I talk to Soph again?" Mom said
"Thanks and sure, just a second." She said handing the phone back to me
"Mom, what's up?" I asked
"Just to tell you, I'm really happy for you babe." She said and I couldn't help but smile
"Thanks mom. Angie, I've to go. Love you, bye." I said as I saw we're close to the mall
"Okay sweetie, love you too. Bye." She said before hang up.
"Sophie?" Demi looked at me with a worry look, why's she worry? "Who's Vi? Is she an ex girlfriend?" She asked and I giggled as well as Davi who's now paying attention
"No, Demi. Vi is Vivienne Marcheline Jolie-Pitt, Angie's youngest daughter. She's turning five next month, actually we will be there at her birthday party, no worry." I said and Davi couldn't help but burst into laugh just as Maddie and I
"Hey! How could I know?" Demi said giggling and I could see her body relaxing
"I'd never compere you with one of my exs." I said raising my eyebrow making her remember that she had compered me to Joe earlier, she looked at me and mouthed "Sorry baby." I nodded and kissed her cheek. Davi parked the car and we made our way to the front door. When we're almost in the Apple store 5 girls came walking toward us screaming Demi's name
"Go talk to you fans, I'm gonna go with Maddie." I said taking Maddie's hand and giving Demi an encouraging smile, I asked Davi to stay by her side just in case she needed a "bodyguard"
"Thanks Sophie." Maddie said looking at me
"For what baby girl." I asked confuse
"For care about me and for take care of Demi." She said smiling widely
"I'm just taking care of the ones I love Maddie." I said pocking her nose joyfully, "Now, lets buy an iPhone!" I said singing, "I'm gonna by it to you, as a gift for be an amazing girl." I said
"Thanks, but you don't have to. It's expensive." She said
"No worry, it's not a problem to my unlimited credit card." I said with a childish voice
"Oh my God, you're just like Demi." She said shaking her head while giggling, "God protect your children, because I can already see the both of you spoiling them." She said and we burst into laughs making everyone in the store look at us
"Oops, I think our laugh is just as noticeable as hers as well." I said and we laugh
"May I help you two ladies?" An woman asked us annoyed, she might works here. I didn't like the disgusting way she looked at Maddie
"Hey. Here. I wanna see your iPhones and iPads." I said in an authority tone gesturing her to look at me
"Oh, okay miss." She said this time with more respect. I saw how Mad got uncomfortable by the way the woman looked at her, with a disgusting look, so I squeezed her hand and gave her a smile. The woman let us in front of a balcony while she went to take the products I'd ordered
"Hey do you've an iPad?" I asked Madison
"Yes, I've an iPad 2." She said and I gave her a smile
"It's too old. I'll give you a new one." I said and she looked at me as if I was crazy
"Miss here it's the newest iPad and the newest iPhone." The woman said showing them to me totally ignoring Madison which made me get pissed
"So Madison what color do you wanna your iPad and iPhone to be?" I asked her ignoring the woman
"White Soph, I want them to be white." She said avoiding make eye contact with the woman
"Okay, so it's gonna be two white iPads and one white iPhone to this missy right here." I said side hugging Madison
"Okay, how do you wanna to pay for them Miss?" The woman said, I gave her my card and we payed for them. When we're almost walking out the store I saw the manager and made our way to him
"Excuse me sir." I said in a polite tone
"Yes, miss. What can I help these two beautiful ladies in front of me?" He said in a polite tone, ironically but he makes me remember Santa Claus, I gave him a smile
"I just bought some products of your store and while we're here one of your employees was being really mean with my sister-in-law and it really got on my nerves." I said trying to be as polite as possible
"I'm sorry for that. Can you please show me who was this person who was so mean with this adorable lady." He said looking at Maddie
"The one in the corner." I said looking at the corner where the woman was
"Thank you for rate our services and I'm really sorry for what happened, I promise the both of you it's not gonna happen again." He said smiling while walking toward the woman. We leave the store and Demi was still taking pictures with some fans, when one of them saw Madison
"OH MY DEAR GOD! MADISON DE LA GARZA GUYS!" The youngest girl said pointing in our direction and I could see Madison tensing by my side
"Davi! Madison is priority while we're here." I said almost screaming to be able to be listen by him, he nodded and made his and Demi's way toward us, "Madison, do you wanna go?" I asked her and she nodded afraid of the amount of crazy girls walking toward us.
"Is everything okay?" Davi asked blocking the girls way to Madison, but letting Demi by her own
"No. I wanna you to take Madison to the car. I'll take Demi." I said
"But I'm here to protect you. I can take Madison, but you're going with me." He said and I shook my head
"You're gonna do as I said. Now go. I'm not letting Demi here with these crazy kids." I said and he nodded escorting Madison to the door. I looked at Demi and she looked exhausted by the flashes on her face. "Girls, you already have enough of Demi, excuse us, but we've to go. But if you wanna a picture with a famous personality I just saw Miley walking in that store." I said pointing to the store behind them and they started to run toward the store, "Now lets go before they notice I lied." I said taking Demi's hand and walking, almost running to the door
"How are you such a good liar?" Demi asked getting in the car after me
"Well, I may not be an actress, but I'm a good jurist." I said giggling, "And you know how we'd to learn how to do it, to you know what." I said referring about our issues and she nodded, I didn't want Madison and Davi to notice what I was talking about
"What happened there?" Davi asked
"The normal routine when I'm not in LA." Demi said exhausted, he nodded looking at us by the rearview
"Maddie? Are you okay? What happened?" I asked her shanking her shoulder lightly
"I don't know. I just remember to start think about those tweets and that these girls would treat me as the people on twitter did." She said almost in a whisper
"They're not gonna do that okay? They're fans, not haters. And most important we're there for you and we'll always be." I said and I could see her relaxing
"Okay. Thanks." She said smiling at me and Demi
"Much better." I said referring to her smile, "Here you go. Your new iPhone an iPad." I said handing them to her
"What? I thought you're only buying an iPhone!" Demi said confuse looking at Maddie
"Oh. I gave it to her. It's just a gift." I said
"A gift?! A gift doesn't cost almost three thousand dollars!" Demi said almost screaming
"Chill Demetria. I gave it to her because I wanted and because I could." I said
"You're such a spoiler, aren't you?" She said this time giggling
"Kind of." I said giggling as well and Davi and Maddie joined us
"Sophie, for who is the other iPad that you bought?" Madison asked curious
"My sister Olivia. Her birthday was on April but I didn't have the chance to be with her." I said. The rest of the ride to Davi's parents' was silent. It's a 40 minutes ride, so Maddie, Demi and I felt asleep.

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