Chapter 9 - Marks Call

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Marshall's P.O.V:
It still hasn't hit me yet that Tessa and I announced our 'fake' engagement to the world. I was regretting signing that contract and I guess I still kinda do. Maybe because I don't think it's good timing for me or Tessa.

I know it's not good timing for Tessa since she just got divorced last year. With all the paparazzi's attacking her I don't think this fake engagement will actully help in that kinda department. She's just gonna get attacked even more.

It's not good timing for me because Kim's been threatening me with the kids. She doesn't like Tessa, not one bit. She tells me how the girls always talk about her and she hates that.

Guess there's no going back now with the contract...

"This seem's nice." Leroy says snapping me out of my thoughts We stop infornt of a huge hotel. Tessa doesn't bother looking out the window as Paul, Leroy and I look out the window at the hotel.

"Why can't we just stay at my place!" Tessa huffs. She still has her sunglasses on even though Leroy had told her to take them off a hundered times. I'm not sure if anyone else noticed but I noticed a few tears running down her cheek.

They went pretty hard on her with the questions during the fucking interview. She wanted to clear her name. She wants everyone to stop calling her a cheater. I couldn't help but feel sorry for her when she started to cry. She's holding alot in and she's really fucking good at hiding that shit.

We left the radio station almost immediately since Tessa was about to have a breakdown. It was an hour later now and Leroy and Paul had bought us to a hotel.

She didn't talk much during the ride back from the interview, apart from when she had and argument with Leroy. Although they argue alot I can tell that Leroy cares about her like his own daughter.

"Tessa. What if Marcus shows up." Leroy says. She rolls her eyes and shake her head.

"He won't show up. Either you all can stay in the guest rooms at my place or you can stay here where paparazzi will be waiting right outside." She says getting angry. I actully don't mind staying at her place. It's better than a hotel since there won't be many paparazzi there.

"That's why we have security!" Leroy argues. I stay quiet and watch Tessa as she curses under breath and looks away from her manger.

"You know what! How about the three of you stay in the damn hotel!" She says as she turns to face Leroy. Leroy sighs and takes his glasses off as he closes his notebook.

"Tessa. Be reasonable!" He says.

"I am! Leroy, I want to stay at my own place. I want to eat at my own place. I want to sleep at my own place!" She shout as she talks with her hands. "You already sent me to Detroit and I miss my home. So tell me how that's not reasonable?" She adds.

"What if your ex husband does show up. It's just gonna cause more complications. Think about it." Paul says, stepping in.

"You know what? You all stay at this hotel. I'll get Karla to pick me up." Tessa mumbles as she grabs her belongings. Leroy stops her before she could get out.

After another few minutes of arguing, Leroy and Paul finally agree. Tessa can't hold in her excitement when we arrive in the private neighbourhood where she lives. A few kids wave at her when they notice her sitting in the car.

The car stops at a big gate and we wait for the security come out. Once they do, they greet Leroy and Tessa and let us in. The driver takes his time as he slowly drives up the driveway.

The driver drives around the huge water fountine that's infront of Tessa's mansion and parks up front. Paul and Leroy get out in sync. I climb out the car and Tessa follows after me.

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