Chapter 142 - You Did This

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Nicklaus' P.O.V:
Olivia places my hand back down on her thigh and reaches for the first aid kit. She glances up at me when she notices me watching her every move. I hiss out in pain when she picks my hand up again. 

"Sorry." She says quickly. I stay quiet and watch her wrap the bandage around by hand, covering my stitches. "Can I ask you something?" She says. 

"Sure." I nod lightly. I watch her lick her lips nervously and expect her to ask me what ever she wanted to a few seconds ago bit instead she stays quiet. "Olivia?" I call her. "What did you want to ask me?" I say. 

"When you said you wanted to work things out....Wanted to get away with me to improve our relationship....Was that all a lie? Were you only making it up so I could get you close to my cousin?" She asks. I hold her gaze for a few seconds before I look away.

"Yes." I say. From the corner of my eye I see her look away from me before she carries on bandaging my hand. 

"And I actually believed you." She says. "I actually thought you wanted to work things out." She adds. 

"If your friends were murdered...You would have tried the same thing." I say before it goes quiet for a few seconds.

"I'm sorry Nick. If I knew...I would have told you before about my cousin." She says. I lean back and pull her close to me so she's sitting between my legs. 

"Part me of me believed that you were innocent. That you had nothing to do with Chris and Karla being gone. That you...Still love me-" I say and get cut off. 

"I do love you." She cuts in but I talk over her.

"But yet a bigger part of me believed that you were also involved in Chris and Karla being....Gone." I say. 

"I know how much Chris means to you. You were more than friends. You were brothers. I would never...Ever take him away from you."  She says. "I'm not even capable of doing what Rose did." She adds. 

"I know that now." I nod. 

"Is this whole Tessa and Marshall thing fake? Is their marriage fake?' She asks. "I heard you saying it t-" She adds and stops talking when I start.

"I can't speak about their relationship, baby. You know that. If I did I would be putting your life at-" I start and get cut off. 

"You would be putting my life at risk." She says, making me nod. 

"Exactly." I nod. It goes quiet between us for the next few minutes. I watch Olivia clean up all the mess from the plasters and bandages before she finally breaks the silence. 

"I'm staying at the hotel near the cafe you always go to." She tells me. 

"What's wrong with staying at home?" I ask. 

"I...We were...Well I signed, uhrm, the divorce papers and I....Uhr, thought-" She stumbles over her words. I place my lips against her soft ones.

"Fuck the papers." I say in between our kiss when she moves back to breath. 

"You don't want a divorce?" She asks. 

"No." I shake my head. "I want to try again, love. I don't want to lose you. I lost too much already and-" I get cut off when Olivia leans foward and places her lips against mine. 

"Okay." She nods, making me kiss her. "But promise me one thing Nick." She says as she moves back. "Please stop drinking. Today was your third car crash and it's a fucking miracle that you're still aliv-" She carries, making me cut in.

"Alright. Okay. No more drinking and driving." I say. 

"Really?" She says, clearly shocked that I agreed. 

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