Chapter 64 - Whitney Lanie Scott

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Tessa's P.O.V:
"Oh, she just moved her hand." I smile down at Kim's daughter Whitney. "Marshall she just moved her tiny hand...Awww! She did it again, did you see that? Oh my god." I say as I walk towards him. Marshall chuckles as I stand up on the bed and rock Whitney in my arms. 

"Let me sleep, Tess." Marshall sniffs. 

"Ew, don't get me sick." I say making him laugh again. 

"Isn't a girlfriend supposed to look after her boyfriend who's got a cold?" He asks. His nose is blocked so he sounds kinda funny but cute at the same time when ever he speaks. 

"Not when the girlfriend has a meeting with the designers of Versace tomorrow." I mumble.

I'm finally getting my life back on track. I avoided the paparazzi as best as I could and I refused to do any interview's about my attack and Leroy didn't push me to do an interview, I'm guessing its so the media could follow me everywhere and ask me questions which will make me even more popular. 

All part of the contract.

As for the two men, the one that confessed to the crime was sentenced to 9 years and the dark haired one was sentenced to 12 years with no bail or probation since he did more damage.

"Aww she just smiled. Look." I say as I sit down on the bed next to Marshall. "Did you see that?" I mumble as Marshall sits up. 

"Atleast a thousand times. But I can never get enough of it." Marshall says as he moves the pink blanket away from Whitney's face. 

"She's so beautiful." I whisper. Marshall doesn't say anything as he leans back into his pillow and let's Whitney hold his finger. "Are you and Kim on good terms now?" I ask. 

To my suprise, Kim is actually talking to me. Ever since the robbery, she's been nice to me. We talk when she comes to drops the girls off. I can tell she still doesn't want me around the girls but she doesn't say anything about it.

"Yeah. I guess we are." He nods slowly. 

"Where is she now and how come Whitney is here?" I ask. 

I woke up to Whitney crying and went over to Marshall's room, Marshall was trying to stop her crying and after a few minutes of him pacing around the room with the baby in his arms, she finally fell asleep, so I left him alone with Whitney since I didn't want to wake her up.

I didn't see Kim or the girls this morning when I went downstairs to get Marshall some medicine since he has a cold. Nathan was leaving for school and said that Kim had dropped Whitney off.

I went to sleep in my own room last night since Nathan stayed the night. We're keeping mine and Marshall's relationship a secret since we don't want our mangers finding out about us. 

"Kim is gone to change Whitney's name." Marshall explains.

"Her first name?" I ask as I look down at him. 

"No, surname.." Marshall explains. "Whitney's full name is Whitney Lanie Hatter." He adds. 

"What is she changing the name to?" I ask. 

"Whitney Lanie Scott." Marshall says. "Shes probably gone to be away for a couple of days since she's got other things to handle too." Marshall sighs.

"So...does that mean the baby is staying here?" I ask. 

"Do you mind?" Marshall asks. 

"No, of course not." I shake my head. "I'm just wondering that's all." I shrug. "Does she not have anyone else? Like Whitney's father. Can't he look after Whitney?" I ask. 

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