Chapter 147 - Greece

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Tessa's P.O.V:
I stare at the big brown envelope in my hand and with each second that goes by, the envelope starts to feel heavier in my hands. Leroy clears his throat, clearly trying to get my attention. I sit down on the edge of the sofa without looking away from the envelope once. 

"When do you plan on handing the papers to him?" Leroy asks. I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out. I lick my bottom lip nervously as I shake my head. "Tessa." Leroy calls me.

"I..." I swallow hard as I shake my head. "I can't do it." I whisper. "I can't do this to him." I add. 

"You can do it." He says, making me shake my head. 

"No. I can't." I speak up a little louder. 

"Tes-" He starts but stops talking when I rip the envelope open and take out the papers. Leroy covers his face with his hand as he watches me walks over the fire place. 

"Tessa. Think about what you're about to do." Leroy says. I ignore him as I start the fire and pick up the papers. "Tessa." He calls me. "Tessa." He says my names louder but before he can do anything, I throw the papers away in the fire. 

I squeeze my eyes shut as I push my hair back and wrap my arms around my self. I can't do this. I can't hurt him and leave him all alone. He's been so nice to me these past few weeks. He's looked after me and cared for me like a husband would. No matter how many times our mangers tell us that our wedding was just for the contract, we are both in love with eachother. We deserve to be happy. He deserves to be happy. 

Yes, he deserves to be happy but so does everyone else around us. Karla and Chris deserved to be happy. They deserved everything but they were killed because of us. Just like everyone around us might get killed because of our foolishness. Because of our selfishness. 

"No." I quickly sit up. "No, no, no, no!" I say quickly as I reach out for the burning papers. 

"Tessa!" Leroy quickly calls my name. I quickly move my hand back when it touches the flames. Leroy shuts the fire off and lets out a sigh as I watch the papers burn. "You think it's a good idea to reach into the fire!" Leroy yells. 

"I need those!" I say quickly. Leroy stands up and walks away before I hear him rummage through papers. 

"I thought you might destroy the papers." He says as he walks back towards me. I watch him pick up the brown envelope on the floor which had the first set of papers in them before he walks towards me and crutches down infront of me. "So I got spare just in case." He adds as he holds the papers out for me to take. Leroy places his finger on my jaw and forces my head up to look up at him. His dull brown eyes scan mine before he finally speaks. "Don't fuck up this time, Tessa." He whispers. 

"Let go off me." I try to move back but he digs his nails into my skin and tightens his grip.

"There was a stabbing in Great Britain. In London." He says, making my heart drop.

"What stabbing?" I ask and pretend I don't know what he's talking about.

"Oh...What stabbing?" He repeats and lets out a cold laugh. "You know..." He lets out a sigh. "At first I was confused to why he would hurt her. Why Nicklaus would hurt Rose but then...Rose woke up." He says. 

"I don't know what you're talking about, Leroy. Let go off me." I say.

"Nicklaus knows everything...It's the reason why he left, isn't it?" He says. "And you know about Karla and Chris, don't you? It's the only reason you're leaving Marshall." He says. He waits for me to speak and when I don't say anything, he chuckles coldly.  "What? Cat got your tongue?" He raises his brow. He leans closer to me as he clenches his jaw. "Fuck up again and those kids won't be alive to attend their next birthday." He says and pushes me away, making me fall back down on the carpet. 

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