Chapter 144 - Blood On Our Hands

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Marshall's P.O.V:
I tap my feet against the floor as I wait for Tessa to come home. She's been staying at a hotel for the last week but today's the night she said she would finally come back home. She talks to me every night on the phone. I can tell she's confused about what's going on or rather what's happened. I still don't believe Nick but I know Tessa does. 

I just hope Tessa comes home soon. We haven't talked about Karla and Chris and we haven't talked about her breakdown. Our conversation last less then two minutes. She asks about the kids and how i've been and that's it. We say goodnight and hang up. 

My head shoots up when I hear my phone ring. I stand up and walk towards the table and take out the charger and pick out my phone. I throw my head and let out a long sigh before I flip the phone open to answer the call.

"Tessa." I sigh. 

"I didn't wake you up did I?" She asks. Her voice sounds heavy. I'm guessing she's been crying again. 

"No. I was waiting for you to come home." I state. It goes quiet for a few minutes as I wait for her to speak but she doesn't. "Are you still there?" I ask and take a seat. 

"Yeah." She sighs and clears her throat. "Yes, i'm still here." She adds. 

"Are you coming home?" I ask. 

"I need a couple of more days." She tells me. I let out a sigh as I run my hand through my hair. "How are the kids?" She asks. 

Back to the same conversation we've been having every night. 

"They're great...Yeah." I shrug. "They miss you." I add. 

"I can't come see them right now. You know that." She says and lets out a small sigh. 

"I'm running out of excuses to feed them whenever they ask about you, baby. Please come home." I say. It goes quiet for a few long seconds before I hear her sob. "Tessa. Baby, please let me come see you." I say. 

"No. I need to be alone." She sniffs. 

"I can't do that." I shake my head. "Just tell me where you are and i'm coming, honey." I say as I stand up. I reach for my keys on the table.

"I can't." She says. "I can't let you come see me, Marshall. I'm sorry." She adds. I pick up the magazine with Tessa's name on it that I haven't seen. I flick through the pages until I see the article about her. I stare at the picture of her walking into the hotel. I've stayed at this place before...

Atheneum Suite Hotel.

"Okay." I say a bit too quickly and bite down on my tongue.

"I need you to stay with Jameson." She tells me, her voice weak due to all the crying. "I'm tired. I will talk to you soon." She adds. 

"Okay. I love you." I say and wait for her to say it back. She stays on the line for another twenty or so seconds before the line goes dead.


"It's suit 1047." The teenage boy tells me as the elevator comes to a stop. 

"Thanks man." I say as I pick up Jamesons baby seat and walk out of the golden elevator with Ryder right next to me. We walk down the empty hallway as Jameson babbles and laughs to himself. I turn the corner and stop by door 1047. Iris is at home with Nathan and Milo. I woke Nathan up to tell him where we're heading incase he wakes up. 

"You think mums awake?" Ryder asks. I was about to walk out with Jameson before Ryder followed me. At first I didn't let him come but he really wanted to see Tessa.

"Yeah...She should be." I mumble.

I clear my throat and knock on the door lightly. I knock again when she doesn't open the door. I get my phone out of my back pocket and just when i'm about to call her, the door swings open. Her puffy eyes land on me before she closes her eyes and leans her head against the door.

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