Chapter 83 - We Know

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Tessa's P.O.V:
"Marshall. Wait!" I say as he takes a step  towards the door. He places his hand on the handle and pushes it down. "I didn't mean that...I just..." I trail off and let out a sigh when he closes the door. "You know what I mean." I say as he turn to face me. 

"And what do you mean?" Micheal asks. 

"Tessa." Marshall and I both look away from each other at the sound of my managers voice as they open the door. "Micheal. Andrew. I think its time that the two of you leave." Leroy clears his throat as he walks in. 

"And why is that?" Andrew asks. 

"Because....I need to have a word with my artist and so does Paul." Leroy says. 

"I'm here to help my sister." Micheal says as he stands up. 

"Don't make me ask twice." Leroy clenches his jaw. 

"And don't make us tell you twice." Andrew says. "We're staying here. Tessa needs our help." Andrew says. 

"She needed your help during her divorce with Marcus and when she left home at 18. You weren't there to help her then so i'm sure she can get through this without your help." Leroy says.


"Whoah! Whoah! Woah! Calm down brother." Nicklaus quickly steps infront of Andrew. Where did he even come from?

"Get out of my way." Andrew says. 

"No. Fighting is not the answer, Andrew." Nick says. 

Poor Nick. He always has to step in..

"Nicklaus. Move." Andrew says. 

"I said no." Nick says. Nick is strong but he's nothing compared to my brothers, Espically Andrew. 

"Andrew." Micheal clears his throat. 

"We have a meeting." Nick states. 

What meeting?

"About what and how come you're always involved in these meetings?" Andrew says as Nick drops his hand from his chest.

"I'm Tessa's lawyer." Nick shrugs. 

"And why in the hell does she need a lawyer?" Micheal asks. "If this is about that bastard then we're staying here." He adds.

"It's not about Gayle. I swear to you." Nick states. "Here's the key to my house. Its on rent but the last family moved out a week ago. Another family will be moving into that house in two weeks. 

You're free to stay there for however long you want." Nick adds as he takes out a single key and holds it up towards Andrew. "Take it." Nick says. 

"I think it's time we should leave." Alexander says.

"Catch." Nick mumbles and tosses the key towards Alexander who's standing in the door way. 

"Ah." Alex smiles as he catches it. "Thanks but no thanks." Alex says. "I can afford to stay at a hotel. Here you go Jacob. Have a nice night." Alex smiles as he holds the key against Jacobs chest who takes the key as he clenches the jaw. "Have a nice night everyone." Alex says as he walks away. 

"Asshole." Jacob mumbles as he watches Alexander walk away. If it wasn't for Andrew standing here and Leonardo standing behind him then Jacob would have pounced on Alexander and they would have beaten each other bloody. 

"I'll see you tomorrow Tess." Leonardo says as he taps Jacobs shoulder, gesturing for him to come with him. 

"Me too. Call me if you need me. Good night herminita." Jacob says. 

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