Chapter 75 - The Black Family Part Two

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Tessa's P.O.V:
Jacob reaches for the sharp knife that's on the plate next to the beef as dad hugs Gayle. He slowly slides it under the table and grips onto it tight, making his knuckles turn white.

"Jake. Put that down." Nick whispers.

"Nicklaus, son." Gayle says at the sound of his god sons voice. "It's been...Years." Gayle says as he walks towards Nick.

"Come closer to me I will rip your balls off." Nick says.

"Son-" Gayle starts but gets cut off.

"I dare you." Nick says as he stands up from his chair.

"What has gotten into you, son?" Gayle asks.

"Don't call me your son!" Nick shouts. "I never wanted you to be my godfather and...Now that I know everything, I don't want anything to do with you." He adds.

"Nicklaus-" Gayle starts but stops talking when Nick turns to Jacob.

"You said that he was out of everyone life!" Nick points at Jacob.

"He was." Micheal says. "Until padre welcomed him back with open arms." Micheal clenches his jaw.

"Why do you think i'm here." Leonardo says.

I finally look away from my lap and look up at Gayle. His brown hair is now ashy white. His dark brown eyes scan mine, making me look away from him quickly.

"We should go." I say but my words come out as a tiny whisper. "Marshall." I turn towards him.

"What wrong?" Marshall asks, his brows knitted together in confusion.

"Can we go." I say as I blink away tears. "Now...Please." I add.

"Yeah." Marshall nods. "Iris." He clears his throat.

"My jackets in the car. I'm ready." She shrugs, making Marshall nod in response.

"Let's go." Marshall says as he stands up and pulls me up with him. He wraps his arm around my should and takes Iris's hand in his.

"Rose. Wait." Gayle says.

"Karla!" Chris quickly shouts when Karla stands up and slaps Gayle across his face.

"How could you!" Karla screams as she slaps him again before she starts to hit him again and again on his face until Chris drags her back.

"What did he do!" Chris shouts in frustration.

"Ask him." She says as she reaches out for Gayle but gets pulled back by Chris.

I turn my attention towards the door way when I hear loud footsteps. Alexander walks towards the door way, dressed in a dark navy suit. My eyes go wide when I see a baseball bat in his hand.

Alexander walks in and walks past me. Everyone's shouting and screaming get mixed in with Gayle's painful scream when Alexander swings the bat into his back, making him fall down to the ground.

"Alexander!" Father yells.

"Alex! Step back!" Andrew shouts.

"Alexander! Stop!" Leronardo shouts when Alex hits him in the leg with the wooden bat, making him moan out in pain.

"Jacob!" Liam yells when Jacob jumps onto the table to get to Gayle.

Jacob kicks Gayle in the head, the knife still in his hand. Iris and I both move back when Gayle stands up and try to throw a plate at Jacob, only for it to smash against the wall behind us.

"I'm going to fucking kill you! You bastard-" Jacob holds the knife in the air. Micheal quickly jumps foward and grabs Jacobs hands.

"Jake! Let go!" Micheal shouts.

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