Chapter 38 - First Performance Together

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Tessa's P.O.V:
"It's all bullshit, Tess!" Chris groans into the phone. 

"Let me finish!" I snap and look down at the article. "Christopher King hasn't been seen with his fiancé since the day that Tessa Black had an interview with Jimmy Kimmel-" I start to read the article but get cut off once again. 

"It's all crap. We live together for fuck sake." Chris carries on but I choose to ignore him. 

"Sources tell us that Mr King has been staying at an hotel for the past three to four weeks...Weeks?! You're really trying to tell me that there is nothing going on?" I yell into the phone. 

"Look, I don't want to talk about this." He sighs. 

"Well I do!" I huff. 

Me and my bestfriends are all over magazines today. An article came out about Karla and Chris spliting up. I didn't believe it at first until I read the part about Chris staying at a hotel for 3/4 weeks and until I saw the pictures. 

Karla's avoiding my calls and ignoring my texts. Chris was too, that's until I called his hotel phone which he picked up straight away. 

"Like I said it's bullshit." He states. 

"Christopher. It's been almost a month since I left California. You guys were barley talking then and everytime I asked why, you both would just ignore me. Now you're all over the godamn media! It's quiet obvious that it's serious and that something is wrong." I state. 

"If Karla ain't said shit, then niether am I." He says making me roll my eyes.

I look up at the door when I hear knocking. Sighing, I get up and walk towards it with my phone still next to my ear. I pull open the door to find Paul standing there, not looking very happy. 

"Oh shoot...give me one second." I say quickly.

"Tessa-" He starts but doesn't get to finsih what he wants to say when I slam the door shut. 

"Who was that?" He asks. 

"Paul." I sigh. 

"Oh." He mumbles. "Well, i'll leave you to it then. Good luck for tonight." He adds. 

"This conversation isn't finished Christopher Carter King." I say making him sigh. 

"Goodbye, T." He mumbles. 

"Bye." I sigh. "Oh and if you ignore me the next time I call then I will take the first flight back to Cali." I say quickly. 

"I won't. Bye." He says quickly. 

"Bye." I mumble and end the call. 

I grab my jacket and pull it on before I grab my bag, phone and shoes. I walk out of my room and jog down the stairs. I sit down on the last step as I watch Paul talk on the phone. 

"You ready?" He asks. 

"Yep!" I say, popping the 'P'. I pull on my converse and tie my laces as Paul calls the driver. "Where's Marshall?" I ask, standing up. 

"He's in the car." He tells me. "Where's your engagement ring?" He says quickly and stops dead in his tracks. 

"Oh crap." I say and run towards the stairs. 

"Tessa!" Paul shouts after me. 

"I'll be down in a sec!" I shout back as I run up the stairs.

I walk into my room and into my bathroom. I grab the engagement ring from the sink and slide it down my finger as I make my way back down. 

"See...Only took a sec." I say as I jog down the stairs and show Paul my ring finger. 

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